



Oh, my MyungMyung, this request by everlastinginspirit is perfect for you. I was literally cracking up to myself when we received this in our submission box. Hope you all enjoy! ~Admin Kelc

"Yes, can I help you?" you asked to your boyfriend who was trying to inconspicuously peer over your shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Myungsoo asked as he stood next to you, pressing his entire side against yours.

"I'm baking a cake for a party at my office tomorrow," you sighed.

Myungsoo had been acting this way for the past week. Whenever Myungsoo was out at practices, performances, or schedules, he would never fail to call you to ask you how your day was going or text you about random things. And when he would come home, he would never leave your side.  

At first you thought it was adorable. But lately, you started to get suspicious and a little annoyed. He just wouldn't seem to leave you alone. Don't misunderstand,  you loved Myungsoo, with all your heart. But you couldn't help but think that he was started to get overly attached to you, almost like he was obsessed. 

Myungsoo continued to watch you as you mix the cake batter with a whisk. 

You jumped a little when you felt two arms snake their way around your waist.

"Myungsoo, stop," you said softly, trying to wiggle your way out of his firm hold.

You turned your head to see Myungsoo stubbornly shaking his head and burying his face into your neck.

'This boy,' you thought as you sighed.

You somehow managed to pour the batter into the pan and place it in the oven with Myungsoo hanging onto you for dear life.

After you closed the oven, you turned around in Myungsoo's arms and looked up at him, "We need to talk."

Before he could respond, you escaped from his hold and pulled him by the arm into the living room of your apartment. You sat him down on the couch and stood in front of him with your hands on your hips.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Myungsoo asked with wide eyes, heartbreak laced in his voice.

Your eyes widened and you shook your head quickly, "No! Where did that come from?!"

"Isn't that the line that everyone uses when they break up?" Myungsoo mumbled looking down at his lap, "'We need to talk'?"

You let out a sigh and sat down next to your boyfriend, taking his hand into your, "That is not what I wanted to talk about."

"Then what did you want to talk about?"

"I just noticed that you're acting a little," you bit your lip as you tried to find the right words, "strange around me lately."

Myungsoo looked up at you in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You've just been," you closed your eyes and decided to just tell him truth, "very clingy!" 

"Me? Clingy?" Myungsoo let out a loud laugh, "How so?"

"You text me every second of everyday," you started.

"You don't like my texts?" Myungsoo raised an eyebrow.

"No! I love when you text me! But when you get home, you, just, stick to me like glue," you explained.

"I do?" Myungsoo pouted as he tried to think of times that refused to let you out of his sight.

"Yeah, you do," you smiled and let out a little laugh as you took his face between your hands, "Don't get me wrong, I love you. I really do. But it seems like you're developing an obsession with me."

"I am not!" he exclaimed in denial.

"Yes, you are!" you argued back, "Even the members say that all you talk about is me!"

"That's just because I love you!" 

"You love your parents too! Do you talk about them all the time?" you asked, giving him a knowing look.

Myungsoo let out a little huff and looked down at the ground, "That's different."

You allowed a laugh escape from your lips and you stood up off the couch and moved over to sit on Myungsoo's lap, causing him to wrap his arms around your waist instinctively.

"You're so adorable," you smiled and placed a light peck on the tip of his nose, "but I think you have a problem."

"What are you talking about now?" he rolled his eyes.

"I hate to break it to you, Myung, but you become obsessed with a lot of things," you told him slowly.

"What? Name one," he challenged.

"The color black," you said automatically.

"No, that does not count. I explained myself on Ranking King. Try again," he shook his head stubbornly. 

"Okay, then, photography," you tried again. 

"That doesn't count either," he shook his head.

"What do you mean, 'That doesn't count'?!" you yelled.

Myungsoo laughed at your frustration, "Photography is not an obsession that I have. You know that if I wasn't an idol that I would be a photographer." 

You sent him a small glare, "Fine. Udon noodles."

Myungsoo opened his mouth to argue example, but closed it when you gave him a look, "Okay, I'll give you that one. But I'm not obsessed with you! I just really, really adore you."

You giggled when he pressed a kiss to your cheek, "I really, really adore you too," you smiled. 

You both laughed as you as wrapped you arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. Just as your lips were about to meet, you heard a beep come from the kitchen, signalling that your cake needed to be taken out of the oven.

"Oh! Cake's done!" you announced and jumped off of Myungsoo's lap.

"No!" you yelled and pointed at him as he moved to stand up off the couch, "If you're not obsessed with me, you'll stay here while I take the cake out of the oven."

You continued to point at him as you walked backwards, Myungsoo staring at you as you left. A few moments after you disappeared into the kitchen, Myungsoo bit his lip and looked around.

"Forget it," he said to himself as he stood up off the couch.

"______-ah, I give up, I'm obsessed with you!" he yelled as he walked into the kitchen, smiling when he heard your laugh.  

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a-gongjoo #1
Chapter 1: Cutie i want a clingy myung ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: soo cuteeee :3
Chapter 1: soo cuteeee :3
Chapter 1: cute story XDXD
Chapter 1: Ohhhhh lol cute!!!
Adorable obsessed L~
Maybe I won't mine it its him lol
Chapter 1: LMAO.
But it might turn out pretty...dang bad...
Chapter 1: What a cute story^^
Chapter 1: Omo! I loved it.
i especially loved the ending!
flabbycow #9
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh omg!!!
So cuteeee~~~^^