A Love To Not Forget.

Letters And Addresses To His Love, Juliet.

"And when I shall die, take him and cut him up in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will fall in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun, that's what Julliet said in Shakespeares masterpiece. Are there any questions?" the professor said to us. We all looked up at him and for a second, I had to rub into my eyes to get a clear sight since I had fallen asleep, again during his lecture. 

"Tomorrow will be a very important assignment. Each one of you need to write down an explanation about Julliets words and it has to contain atleast seven hundred words." he told us. I let out a disatisfied groan and packed my books after the bell rang. I stood up from my chair and swung my bag over my shoulders, leaving the classroom quietly. 

Kim Ah, a friend of mine, ran up to me and nudged my shoulder softly with her bag. "How was class?" she asked me. I yawned and looked at her with sleepy eyes. "As interesting as always." I said with sarcasm. Kim Ah giggled and looked at me. 

"Hmm... It seems like you also got the lecture of Romeo and Juliet."  she remarked. I lifted up an eyebrow and looked at her confused. "Hum? You too? I thought that you already had that lecture, since you know, you're a grade higher than I am." I asked. 

Kim Ah nodded and stole my book from my hands. "Ah, silly~ Did you forget about that very important play of Julliet and Romeo that would be held here and performed by our students?" she teased. 

I hit my head right after she said that. That's right. Our university has been chosen this year as the most important of the whole city because there will be a play organised about Shakespeares masterpiece; Romeo and Julliet. Everyone from Korea would be visiting our university for that play and it would be a very good sponsor for our school. How could I forget about that? No wonder that they had been lecturing us about that a whole week. 

"Stupid me, stupid me," I muttered. 

Kim Ah once again giggled but then stuck out her hand in front of my body. She stopped walking and pushed me back with her arm. I looked at her surprised as she didn't say anything but just stared at the people in front of us. 

"What's wrong?" I asked her. Kim Ah hushed me and locked her eyes on a very slender silhouette. "Do you recognize him?" she asked me suddenly. I raised an eyebrow and looked at the front. There were lots of people and I was confused about what she meant with "him".

I shook my head and looked back at her. Her eyes were still locked on that "somebody". 

"Who?" I asked her. Kim Ah slowly lifted up her hand and pointed with her finger at a blond haired boy. He was standing a little aside from the crowd with a not so nice-looking woman from around her thirties. It looked like he was under fire by that lady. 

"No, do you?" I asked my best friend. Kim Ah slit her eyes and smirked. "Nope, it means that we have fresh bait." she told me. I rolled with my eyes and laughed. 

"When are you going to stop about boys? You are almost graduating, don't you need to be more mature?" I teased. Kim Ah didn't look at me and lifted up her finger to me. 

"Sshhhhhh~!!" she told me. I shut up and looked at that boy too. 

"Do you hear that? He's getting scolded by his manager." Kim Ah told me while she observed him very intensely. I raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "How do you know that it is his manager?" I asked her. Again she did that "Shhhh" sound that made me irritated. 

"Well, you need to stop with tha-" I said but got cut off by her. She took my hand and pulled me with her. She sped closer to the boy but not so close that they would notice us. Kim Ah hid behind a wall with me and peeked at the boy. 

I folded my arms and looked at her. "Eavesdropping isn't something nic-" I said but got cut off again. 

"Sssshhh.... Just be silent. Listen to what they say." she told me. I gave up and decided to listen to her. I leant closer over her and could catch their conversation. 

"Miss Lee, it's not my problem that it would be like this. I heard that they were going to arrive." The boy said. The lady didn't listen to him and put out her hands. 

"Don't say anything, you blew this, make sure that they are going to arrive right now, Monkey!!'' the lady told him very sternly. The boy sighed and took out his phone. 

"It's Minki! Argghh... You are really a bad manager... " the boy said and walked away with his phone, leaving the angry lady. The lady turned her back and walked into the room where the play would be held. 

I stood up and looked at Kim Ah who had turned her head towards me with a smirk. "Did you hear that?'' she asked me. I raised an eyebrow.

"That argue? Yes, I have heard that." I smiled. Kim Ah shook her head and began to grin. "No, not that. The boy is not alone. There will be more coming with those handsome look." she giggled. 

I rolled with my eyes and laughed. "Aha~...' 


Rang rang.....


I shot up my head and looked at Kim Ah. "Break is already over?" I squeaked. Kim Ah nodded and looked a little dazed. It looked like she was drooling over those boys that would be coming. "Uhu..." she drooled. 

I took my book from her hands and looked sideways. Damnit, after listening to their conversation I didn't even have time to walk over to my next class which  was at the other side of the campus. 

I groaned and waved goodbye at Kim Ah who was still in a trance. I sped through the hallways and jumped over the last steps of the stairs. My head sweated from the intense run. I was scared that I would be late. I had already missed that class so much already that they had decided, if I miss another class of them again, I would be expelled from this school. 

The straps of my bag dropped down on my arms, making it harder for me to keep my bag straight. My books in my arms were becoming a little wobbly due my extreme movements. It would only be a matter of time that they would be dropped onto the floor. 

But hope came across me again when I saw that the door wasn't closed yet where my lecture would be held. I sighed relieved and with a heavy pant, I  walked with a rapid speed to the door, until.... BBAM~!!!!

My papersheets were flying everywhere and books flew around. I fell down on my as I groaned from the pain that suddenly occurred on my forehead. I rubbed my forehead and winced. That will be a very big bump tomorrow. 

"I thought that the hallway was free, against what did I bump?" I thought to myself while I rubbed my forehead. A shadow appeared in front of me and towered over me. I looked up but didn't see much as the sunlight behind his head. 

I couldn't see his face as the shadow had covered it but due the light of sun, it gave an effect of an angel. But when he leant more down, I could see his face more properly. He had blond hair and a cute smile when he smiled awkwardly. 

"Are you alright?" he asked me. 

"Huh...?" I mumbled, still amazed by his chic appearance. He looked so elegant and handsome. 

The boy laughed sheeply and stuck out his hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming, are you alright?" he asked again. I slowly nodded and took his hand. He pulled me up and my hair behind my ear. The glasses that fell down during the bump with him, were broken. He picked it up and looked at them. 

"Err... Can you survive one day without glasses?" he asked me awkwardly while he gave back my glasses. I pouted upon seeing the broken pieces and sighed. But then I remembered that I still had that class to attend. I let down everything and ran past the boy to the door that was now closed. I put my hands onto the door and wailed. 

"No, don't be closed~!'' I whined while I craved with my nails onto the door like a dog that was yearning to go outside. I loosened my shoulders and bent down my head with a sigh. 

"Mom, dad, I'm sorry for being expelled." I whined in my head but then I remembered that the boy was still standing behind me. I turned myself around and looked at him awkwardly. 

"Err.. You didn't see that, did you?'" I asked embarrassed. The boy chuckled and bent down to collect my papers without saying anything. 

I walked over to him and recognized him. "Uh... hey, weren't you the boy back then in front of the theater room?" I asked him. The boy stood up with my papers and grinned. "Yeah, I was that boy and you probably must be one of the two girls that were eavesdropping my conversation?'' he teased. 

I folded my arms and turned my head. "I-I did not." I denied. The boy laughed and put the papers into my hand. 

"Alright, it doesn't matter. I'm Choi Minki but you can call me Ren." he told me. I nodded and stared at his hand that he had put out to introduce himself. 

"I'm you." I told him. Ren smiled and put a hand in front of his lips, like he was trying to not laugh but a laugh escaped his mouth. 

"What's so funny?" I asked him. Ren shook his head and patted my head. "No worries, you look prettier without glasses." he smiled before walking away with one book of mine in his hands. 

"Ah~... Yah, where are you going?" I asked him. Ren turned his head to me and smiled. "To buy glasses," he grinned. 




I can't believe I was actually ditching school to go buy glasses with a boy that I have only met for one second. I sighed and rubbed my shoulders that were slowly getting irritated by the heavy weight of my bag with books. My sight wasn't really clear since I wasn't wearing my glasses. I almost got run over by a car but luckily Ren was walking closely next to me. For my safety he had decided that we should hold hands during our trip to the shop. 


“Did you buy your glasses in this shop?” he asked me. I raised an eyebrow and slit my eyes to read the sign but gave up after I found out that I couldn’t read them.

“Just tell me the name.” I told him with a sigh. Ren chuckled and squeezed softly into my hand. “Daisuke glasses.” he told me. I looked at him and shook my head.

“Never heard of.” I told him. Ren laughed again and pulled my hand. My steps kept on following him while he walked in the front.

“It would be easier if you told me where you had bought your glasses.” he mumbled with a smile. I heard that and looked up. “I can’t. Those glasses were a gift.” I told him.

Ren got curious and raised an eyebrow. “From who?” he asked. I smiled and rubbed my arm when we stood still. “My aunt.” I simply said.

Ren shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “Okay, then let’s ask your au-“

“We can’t,” I interrupted him. “She died when I became twelve years old. Those glasses were her gift before she died.” I repeated.

Ren closed his mouth and didn’t say anything. A feeling of sadness ran through me. Those glasses were the last thing from her and now it’s broken, I can’t help but to feel sad.

Ren walked closer and put his hands on my arms. He softly rubbed it and looked into my eyes. “I’m sorry I broke your glasses. It wasn’t my intention to bump into you.” he apologized.

I bent down and shook my head.

“But!” he suddenly said while sticking up his finger. “I’ll get you those glasses again, I’ll find them for you.” he smiled. I smiled and turned myself around to walk back to school. “So, then let’s get back to my school!” I told him excited.

“Watch out for that –“ I heard Ren yell at me before I bumped with my head against something hard, resulting me to fall onto the ground.

“…Sign board.” Ren finished his sentence while he had a painful expression on his face.





“I really can’t believe that I hit that sign board. Argh…” I told him frustrated while I walked around at my school with two popsicle on my bump. Ren couldn’t help but to laugh the whole trip back to school. We had decided that it would be safer for me if I bought some contact lenses on my way.

“Well, this is my class. It’s time for me to attend classes again. It was nice to meet you.” I told him when we stood in front of my class. Ren smiled but didn’t let go of my hand that he was holding the whole time.

“C-can I have your cell phone number?” he asked me. I raised an eyebrow and searched my phone in my pocket. “Yes, sure.” I smiled. I took out my phone and let take my phone. He skillfully flipped through my menu screen with his finger and wrote down my number in his phone.

“Thanks.” he smiled while giving back my phone. I looked at it questioning and raised an eyebrow. “Am I not supposed to get your number too?” I asked him.

Ren smiled and patted my head. “You’ll see,” he looked at his phone and then turned back to me. “I need to go, it was nice to meet you.” he smiled.

I nodded my head and returned to my class with a confused look. “Weirdo.” I muttered.



“So how was he?” Kim Ah asked me during our walk back to my home. I lifted up my bag and looked at her questioning. “Who?” I asked her. Kim Ah rolled her eyes and nudged my shoulder. “Don’t be shy, I have seen you with that boy skipping school.” she laughed.

I nodded my head and made an “ah” sound. “That boy, well, he’s okay.” I said after thinking a long time.

“And-?” she whined.

“And what?” I asked her.

She nudged my shoulder and laughed. “Yah~! I’m your best friend, tell me at least when the hot boys are arriving.” she complained.

I laughed and thought about it. We didn’t even have talked about that. We were too focused on searching for my glasses that I forgot to get more to know about him.

“Now you talk about it, I actually don’t know much about him, I only know that his name is Ren, err.. I mean Choi Minki.” I said.

Kim Ah made an “oehh” sound and looked at me suspiciously. “You already have a cute nickname for him, do you like him?” she asked and surprised me with that question.

“No, I don’t. I mean, he is handsome but I don’t know him yet, so it’s too early for me to judge it that way.” I told her.

“Psshh… You are soo innocent.” she teased.




Peep, peep,…

“Argghhh… Who’s that so late?” Kim Ah whined while she rolled onto her sides. I rubbed in my eyes and looked at her who has already fallen asleep again in her bed. I took my phone from my nightstand and stared at the lightened up screen. My sight was a little vaguely but I saw that I had missed an incoming call. 

I pressed onto the call button again but saw that the number that had called wasn’t able to be called back. I sighed frustrated and put my phone onto the nightstand and went back to sleep.

“Who’s calling so late?” I thought and then my phone rang again. I rolled onto my side and took my phone.  I rapidly pressed the button, to avoid further aggressive responds from Kim Ah, and answered the call.


“Hello?” I asked.

“… Hey, it’s me.” A voice said. I raised an eyebrow and looked at the number.

“And you are?” I yawned.

“Ooh, did I wake you? I’m sorry for calling you so late. I’ll call again a later time then.” he said.

“No, no… I’m already awake right now, so what’s up?” I asked him.

I heard a boy chuckled before he spoke.

“It’s me, Ren. I know it’s late but if you have time now, do you want to come to the fair in this town and join me?” he asked me.

I looked up at the clock and saw that it was already 2 a.m. but I didn’t feel like sleeping. I grabbed my blankets and pulled it away.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll come.” I said.

Ren laughed and began to whisper. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want.”

I smiled and clenched the phone in between my shoulder and head while I pulled on my jeans and sweaters without making too much sounds.

“No, it’s fine. I don’t want to sleep right now, so…” I said. I combed my hair and took my purse.

“Alright, I’m standing at the ferries wheel now, so you know where to find me.” he smiled.

I laughed and closed the door and walked down the stairs. “Got that. I’m on my way.” I smiled.


There arrived, I walked over to the direction where the ferries wheel was most approachable. I saw a bench and then a boy standing there with his hands in his pockets, breathing out the cold air while his neck was wrapped with a neon coloured warm scarf. I smiled and clutched my hand onto the strap of my purse and walked over to him. Ren smiled upon seeing me arrive and walked over to me.

“You came.” he smiled.

I laughed and nodded. “Of course I would, I have already told you that I would come.”

Somehow when I saw him again, he looked more handsome then the first time I saw him. He looked so neat and sweet. A slight blush came across my face as I remembered what Kim Ah said. Why was I suddenly like this?

I held my breath when he came closer and grabbed my hand. He smiled gently while the little lights that shone in the night made him look so romantic. 

I became flustered and decided to talk. "Err... Why are you here?" I asked him. 

Ren shove his hair back and looked at me. "I got another fight with my manager when we were on our way back home, so I stepped out and ended up here." he laughed. 

I chuckled and pulled his hand. "Ah, it's not nice of you for always picking fights with your manager, and why do you have an manager?" I asked him confused. Ren smiled and shook his head. He pulled my hand and pointed at the ferries wheel that began to spin. 

"I'll explain everything when we get onto the ferries wheel. It's cold here.'' he smiled while he rubbed his arms. I nodded and walked after him to the ferries wheel. 

"Two tickets, please.." he told the worker. The worker cut off two cards for us and smiled. "Have a nice trip with your girlfriend." he smiled. I raised an eyebrow and looked at the worker. 

"Ooh, we're not dating, we're just...err...friends?" That last word got stuck in my throat, making it harder for me to speak it out.

 The worker laughed and nodded. "Alright... I see, "friends" then...'' he teased when I stuttered about that word.

Ren laughed and pulled me away from him. We waited for the little bin to arrive until we were able to step into it. 

The man closed the door and waved at us. We waved back with a smile until we sat down with our backs against the couch. 

"It's strange how they are open so early." I said. Ren smiled and scratched his head. "The first day of the fair is an all night, so they won't be closing today." he explained. 

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "How do you know? I live in this town and I didn't even know that.'' I snorted. "And isn't it strange that they call us lovers, I mean, do they say that to everybody?" I asked him. Ren smirked and looked at me. 

"I don't mind being called your lover." he simply said, that..., that was unexpected. I looked at him and couldn't help to feel flustered. The way how he said that with that smirk and that confidence, it was too much. I felt like I got swept by his charmes. 

I didn't respond and was left speechless, so I just looked out of the window. There wasn't an awkward silence but a silence that we both knew that we shouldn't rush things and spoil the moment with talking. 

"You wanted to know why I have a manager?" he asked me after the bin stood still on the highest top of the ferries wheel. There was a romantic light installed into the bin so we could see each other when we were high up in the dark sky. It had an effect of a candle that was being lightened up in the middle of our bin. I looked at him and again was amazed by his handsome looks and that innocent stare of him. 

I slowly nodded and listened to what he had to say. 

"Maybe you haven't realized it yet but I'm a idol. I'm a member of the rookie idol Nu'est. Have you ever heard of it?" he asked me. I shook my head and fumbled with my fingers. "I'm not so familiar with rookie idols. They don't last so long, so I don't really pay much attention to it." I admitted. Ren smiled and shook his head. 

"It's alright. But now you know I'm an idol, you would probably think that I have a very nice and wealthy life, but I don't." he told me. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "You don't?" 

Ren shook his head and his eyes became sad. "Ever since I joined the group Nu'est, I always get picked on and made fun of by the members. I always carry the blame whenever we do something wrong and it just makes me feel...." He was searching for the words but couldn't find it.

"Lonely..." I concluded. I knew very well what kind of feeling he was talking about. I was once lonely too before I met Kim Ah. After my aunt died, there was no one I could be close with. My parents were always working and didn't pay attention to me. I didn't even have support and got always picked on by queenkas because of my thick glasses. 

Ren nodded and looked at me. "My manager isn't a nice person either. She always makes fun of my name or sometimes don't even remember my name and just speaks to me with the name "Monkey". And sometimes, when it's too much, I fight with people and run away to get some free time, like now. I'm glad that I have met you and could spend this lonely moment with you." he smiled. His smile, that sincere smile made my heart jump. "I feel so happy and free with you." he continued. 


I smiled and butterflies flew through my stomach. I didn't know what to say. I was so surprised by his explanation that I couldn't describe how I felt with him. 

"How is your bump?" he suddenly asked. I raised my head to look at him but I didn't notice that he had bent closer to me. I shot back and bit my lip while my cheeks were flustered. They felt so warm. 

I touched my forehead and smiled shyly. "It's okay, I think." I stuttered. Ren smiled and touched my forehead. "Are you alright? You feel so hot. Are you getting a fever because of the cold?" he asked me. 

I opened my mouth but couldn't answer. Why was I like this? Why am I so flustered today?

"Aishh, and you were so little clothes too..." he said while he observed me. He took the scarf from his neck and undid it. He then went to sit next to me and wrapped my cozily in with the scarf. 

"Take this, you would feel much better." he told me while his hands were laid on my cheeks. I became more flustered when I felt his warm hands touching my skin. They were so soft and warm. 

"Ooh, someone please help me..." I thought flustered. 

Ren didn't move and just stared into my eyes. "It hasn't came across me that you are very beautiful at night." he told me. His eyes looked surprised while they wandered through my face with little motions. I couldn't help but to feel mesmerized by his innocent eyes. 

He took my face closer and bent his head a little sideways. I thought that he was going to kiss me but then he deviated to my ear. My heart was unbearable. I could feel the blood rushing through my vains with everything he does. 

"I think you're not going to like what I'm going to do next but I just can't help myself." he whispered in my ear before backing behind with head a little and then reached with his lips onto mine. His warm lips on my cold ones felt like sweet ice cream melting onto my lips.

I widened my eyes and stiffened. He was kissing me. My heart bounced up and down and for a moment, I thought that I could die from the adrenaline. That night, that kiss, that beautiful candle light that shone onto his perfect skin, made my heart feel so complete. 




A week has passed and sometimes, Ren would call me up to go on a date. Kim Ah hadn't noticed that I went out that night to meet with Ren and was still contineously asking me about those boys when they were coming. Of course I didn't respond on that since I didn't even know either. And I was still head over heels with Ren since that romantic kiss.


Romeo and Juliets play has been going very well, but I was slowly getting sick of it. It has been nagged about it so much that I began to start dreaming about it with me as Juliet and Ren as Romeo but I don't even want to think about it. Even by thinking about how it ended with them made me scared. 
Ren wouldn't leave me right?
I got shivers and dug my nose more into my scarf that I still got from Ren. After feeling the material on my skin, the moment of our kiss flashed by in front of my eyes. A smile got up onto my lips and looked like a fool. 
"Woah,, that's a creepy smile." Kim Ah exclaimed while she dropped her books on my table. I looked at her, still with a big smile and laughed. 
"I know," I simply said. 
Kim Ah looked at me suspiciously but let it pass and jumped over to an other subject. "So, how are you going to spend your one week break?" she asked me. 
I shrugged my shoulders and played with my pencil. "I'm leaving today to go to France where my uncle lives. I haven't seen him for more than five years and I'm planning to stay over there for a week." I told her. 
Kim Ah gasped and pouted. "You're leaving?" she pouted. 
I nodded and grabbed her hand. "I'll be back next week." I cheered her up but she still kept on pouting. 
"But now I will be alone at our room." she pouted. 
I laughed and squeezed her hands. "Let me help you, just buy a lot of DVDs and watch them. It will be a matter of time until I come back." 
Kim Ah sighed and nodded. "Alright, shall I bring you to the airport?" she asked me. I shook my head and packed my stuffs. 
"No, I already called a cab for it." I smiled. 
Kim Ah pouted and together, we walked through the hallways. 

Then suddenly, I got a message from Ren. I flipped on my phone and stared at the message. 

"Meet my at lunch break. I'll be standing outside." 

I smiled upon reading the message and walked out of my school to find Ren. There I could see him, leaning with his back against the wall while he looked a little sad. I skipped to him and hugged him. 

"Hmmm.... I have missed you." I said when I fell into his arms. Ren laughed and pushed me against his chest. "Me too." 

He my hair behind my ear and kissed my lips lightly. 

"So, what do you want to do now?" I asked him happily. Ren let go of me and looked down while he shove his feet a little. 

"There's something I need to tell you." he told me. I raised my eyebrow and held his hand. 

"Oh, really? What?" I asked him curiously. 

Ren sighed and looked at me sadly. "I won't be coming to the play of Romeo and Juliet anymore." he told me. 

I nodded and looked at him. "Okay, I can live with that,"

Ren sighed again and held up his hand. "I'm not finished. My company has decided to move out of town. They want to move to Busan which means, I'll be leaving to Busan and won't be able to see you anymore since I will be busy there with doing promotions and stuff." he told me. 

My smile fell and I looked at him sadly. "What? When are you... leaving?" I asked him. Ren sighed and grabbed my shoulders. "I'll be leaving today, the same time that you will leave for France." he told me. I widened my eyes as tears came into my eyes. 

"B-But, then we can't spend time anymore." I lightly cried. Ren frowned his forehead and pulled me in for a hug. 

"I'm really sorry... I'm really sorry.." he said while I laid my head onto his chest. I sobbed and lightly began to cry. "You can't leave me. I love you so much." I told him. 

Ren nodded and kissed my head. "I know. I love you too, never forget that alright?" he told me while he slowly let go of me. I clenched onto him and didn't want to let go of him. "Please, don't leave..." I muttered. 

Ren shook his head and tried to push me away. I heard a cab open his door and saw a person walking over to him to tell that he has to go. 

"I'm sooo sorry... Remember that I love you and if our love will last forever, faith will somehow bring us back together and don't forget the things that we did together. I will cherish them everyday as long as you do that too. It will be hard for us but we'll make through this. There will be someone else waiting for you to love." he smiled weakly but I could see a tear slipping down from his eyes. He took my face into his warm hands and kissed my tears away before kissing me on my lips gently. 

"But I don't want you to leave me. I only want you." I sobbed. Ren shook his head and kissed my again and then pecked my cheek. He had managed to free him for me and slowly stepped behind.  I sobbed and looked at him as he looked with a sad look back before stepping into the car. The car slowly drove away while I looked at it with teary eyes. At a moment, I could see him sitting at the window and mouthed the words "I love you" before they drove away and disappeared from my sight.

He's gone. He's gone forever.



"Ha, how has it been going?" my uncle asked me while I looked like a zombie. I just had arrived at France and was making a tour around Paris. My uncle thought it would be fun but the thing that I most likely wanted to do is cry in my bed and be alone. Since Ren left me, I felt that empty space again in my heart. It felt like it tore down the walls of my heart and let it sting into my chest. 

"Fine, very well..." I lied monotoned to my uncle. He seemed to not notice my absendminded behaviour. He just smiled brightly and dragged me to the Eiffel Tower. 

I wanted to protest to go in there but since my unlce insisted to go in, I couldn't help but to tag along. I sighed when I took the first few steps and slowly walked up to the top. 

It was very heavy for me since I wasn't used to this time zone. I was having jetlag. 

After an hour, we finally managed to go up to the top of the Eiffel tower and when I felt the wind through my skin, my heart felt for a second no pain. I forgot how beautiful the scenery above the Eiffel Tower was. Those beautiful lights in the dark night. That wind that felt soft on your skin. I couldn't describe this feeling and for the first time after the break-up with Ren, I smiled. 

I saw a plane flying by and couldn't help but to feel like a child and point at the airplane with a finger. I nudged my uncle that was supposed to stand next to me but when I only hit air with my elbow, I looked sideways. 

He wasn't there. I turned myself around and didn't see him around. I turned back to the scenery and enjoyed this moment a last time, before I will head to find my uncle. Serious, where did that old man go?

Then hands wrapped around my waist, pushing me against a body while my cheek was softly caressing the skin of another person. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked with a husky voice. 

I gasped and looked to the side where the left side of Rens face appeared. I blinked with my eyes to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. 

"R-r-ren?" I stuttered. Ren looked at me and smiled. "Nice to see you again. It's beautiful, isn't it?" he whispered while he looked at the scenery. 

I nodded and put my head against his. His body was close to mine and pushed me against the rail. He was here. 

"H-How is it possible?" I asked him. Ren chuckled and took something out from his pocket. From behind he put on in front of my eyes and then I saw nothing. It wasn't because I was blinded but because my sight wasn't really clear. I took the object that was covering my eyes and observed it. The same black silhouette that I always liked. My glasses. They were the same as the last one that broke. 

I gasped and went with my finger across the black metal. "My-my glasses...'" I whispered surprised. Ren smiled and hugged me stronger. 

"I know. What kind of person would I be if I didn't return your glasses? I told yoou that I would get them back for you, sorry that it took so long." he told me. I shook my head and turned me around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. "Thank you...' I said with tears in my eyes. Ren laughed and caressed my tears. He looked into my eyes and smiled. 

"But, what about your manager and company?" I asked him. Ren smiled and a strand of hair behind my ear. "I told them everything and I have quit with it, especially for you." he told. 

A smile lit up my face and bent closer to kiss him again. His hands the back of my body and my hair while he kissed me gently and sweet on my lips. He pulled back while he breathed onto my lips. "I love you...." he muttered. 

I smiled widely and kissed him. "I love you too."

I turned me around and leant with my back onto Rens chest. He took out his hands and intertwined his fingers with mine and wrapped them around my body. He nuzzled his head more onto my neck, stealing my warmth and whispered lovely words into my ears.

Together, we enjoyed the romantic scenery of Paris on top of the Eiffel Tower.

"I love you, my baby...."




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Chapter 1: lol i saw that you used my username
monokalisto #2
Chapter 2: It was so adorable~ They fell in love on the first day and what Ren said before their first kiss... <3
And they reunited in Paris. So romantic and beautiful >.<
Chapter 2: nice!
cutest fic TT^TT i wish i meet ren and do all those couple stuff .
Chapter 1: XD the ending was sho shweeettt~~~~~i like,no,love it :3
I lied!! I can't wait~ I'm sick and I want Ren to come and take care of me t_t
This already sounds very cute & romantic! Update soon~
Omg omg omg omg omg KYYYYYYYAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhh !!! You did it!! You REALLY did!! Oh My Gucci!! >_<
I've just read the foreword and I couldn't stop smiling the whole time. My heart really did raced at the "I can't wait to see you AGAIN."
AND how do you know I wear glasses? omg I... argh. And that picture of Ren is just... aaaah my pedonoona feels omg~
