Kim Jonghyun-Noona, You Bring Out the Real Me

Posters, Wallpapers and the likes made by me for any1!!!


A shinee photo this time for a change of pace. I wanted it to sorta be directed at me since it was the first time I realized how hot he is but I'm not older and it would be weird to put in Dongsaeng You Bring Out the Real Me or my username or my real name and then I won't be able to post it :( But anyway it is also a kind of tribute to Shin Se-kyeong even though they are the same age. I bet he treats her really well and vice versa. They are both so gorgeous I wonder what there babies would be like. I searched up his name and pictures with different emothion showed up so I took my best three picks. The one on the left show him upset and angry and maybe even jealous. The one in the right shows him sort of embarrased or kind of like "Ok fine, but this is last time K?" feeling. The one in the middle was my favorite because he is sincerely having a great laugh don't ya think?

On a side note I really hope "fans" leave the poor girl alone because she had to shut down her homepage because of all the bashing. Jonghyun not dating her sadly does not increase the chance of him dating you and he looks extremely happy with her in the phtos. You're only upsetting him and ruining their relationship.

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Chapter 7: These poster's are really cool I admire you patience lol great job!
can i asked what software do you use?
I realized i take too many hiatuses so I'll try doing at least one poster every week from now on. Thanks for all the support!
i really need ur help 4 my poster!!
I LIKE YOUR IDEA OF DOING posters. lol i like arts and editing pics,,, i like your editing....
Annyong ! I need a poster for my upcoming review story! Please help me!<br />
<br />
Characters : Super Generation<br />
Colors: Pink Blue Purple<br />
Mood: Happy<br />
Quote: SuShi Shop Review<br />
<br />
Your illusion is amazing. ^^
RainaTB #8
Henry! I love that one!