
All the little things


Every Wednesday it’ll be Yesung’s slow day.  Maybe because it’s the middle of the week and people are tired of life in general… but that is of no importance.  And since he gets significantly less customers on Wednesdays, Yesung closes shop a little earlier.  He’d scoop a whiny Kibum into his arms, give him a milkshake he made himself and bring him to the car.  By then Kibum would be less vocal, much more concentrated on the milkshake that was possibly bigger than his face.  And being the greedy little monster that he was, Kibum would probably finish the thing in the time that it took for Yesung to drive home. 

Yesung would only chuckle as Kibum slurped up the remnants, dregs of the drink splattered around Kibum’s mouth.  He’d park the car, reach into his bag and bring out a tissue.  Kibum would growl and complain as Yesung playfully wiped his mouth, “Umma!” and Yesung would only laugh heartily.  Then he’d carry Kibum up to their apartment, balancing the boy in one arm with the other occupied with groceries he’d pick up on the way home.  The sun would usually still be out and Yesung would be planning some lovely dinner to greet Kyuhyun with – after all, Wednesday was the only weekday that he finished early enough to cook something rather grand. 

Meanwhile, Kyuhyun at work would literally count down the seconds until he could get home.  He knew Wednesdays were Yesung’s slow days, the days that he finished early, and hated that it was always a perfectly good afternoon and he’d be stuck in the office.  He always had to spend precious hours cooped up in his workplace whilst he could have been holding his son and lover in his arms. 

As the seconds would tick by, Kyuhyun would get more and more agitated.  This most certainly would not go unnoticed by his best-friend--secretary Sungmin.  And the man actually loved to taunt Kyuhyun all day on Wednesdays.  You see, Kyuhyun was a nice boss and often let Sungmin have breaks as long as the work was done so Sungmin liked to visit his boyfriend – who just so happened to be the friendly chef, Kim Ryeowook. 

Sungmin would bring back a coffee or two, teasing Kyuhyun with a sly smile as he told Kyuhyun everything.  And with painful detail he’d recall what Yesung was wearing, what he was doing, how he greeted him.  He just loved that he could make the usually even Kyuhyun a flaring mess.  After all, Kyuhyun wouldn’t have seen Yesung’s “bright, pretty, warm, bubbly smile” (as Sungmin liked to describe it because it got Kyuhyun really riled up) since the morning and Sungmin could bask in its glory just a short amount of time ago. 

“You, Lee Sungmin… Are a demon in disguise and if you weren’t my best friend I would murder you.” Or it would be some sort of variation of the threat.  Sungmin would only laugh right in Kyuhyun’s face, taunt him a little more before leaving a coffee on Kyuhyun’s desk.  It would always have Kyuhyun’s name written on the side, always the same flat white made by Yesung himself and always have a small stick note on the side with a message from Yesung.

‘Hwaiting! xx, your Yesung. P.S. I love you, Kyuhyun-ah.’ It would always be the same message, or something very similar, and it would never fail to cheer Kyuhyun out of his Wednesday slump.   It was something small… Ridiculously tiny actually but Sungmin would have to admit that he’d never seen his best friend smile so brightly.  It was barely two sentences, probably only one and half actually, but it got Kyuhyun humming to himself, reading through documents without snapping like a stiff elastic band. 

Ever since entering the work place, Sungmin could whole heartedly say that Kyuhyun was a generally unhappy person.  He had an even countenance but underneath the surface he was just brooding, only getting through the day because of his son and ex-wife.  And then after the divorce it just got worse because whilst he may not have loved her, he definitely missed her.  Sungmin honestly thought he would never see the teasing, taunting, laughing, cute Kyuhyun he had gotten to know in high school. 

But then a man named Kim Yesung waltzed into Kyuhyun’s sadness and Sungmin started to see the smiles, see the joy and life in Kyuhyun’s eyes. And, because he sincerely means it, Sungmin expresses his gratitude to Yesung in the form of a simple ‘thank you’.  Yesung always fixed him the same puzzled look because Sungmin never specified what he was thanking him for and would say it at the most random of times.  (Also, the fact that Yesung was the one to introduce him to his current boyfriend, Ryeowook, who just happened to be the best thing that happened to him, had absolutely nothing to do with his gratitude… really!  Well, maybe just a little,but it was mostly because of Kyuhyun!)

It was that small gesture of coffee and little words that got Kyuhyun through the gruelling hours of sorting through papers, signing this and that, meeting people here and there.  He’d finish everything with undeniable perfection and as soon as the clock struck eight, he’d be out the door quicker than Sungmin could bid him goodnight.  It was rather comical actually, the way the usually collected Kyuhyun just zipped out of the office, but if Yesung meant as much as Kyuhyun portrayed him to, then it shouldn’t really come as a surprise.

Every Wednesday, Kyuhyun would come back, close to nine and just wrap his little family in his arms, no matter what they were doing.  Of course, Kibum complained to kingdom come because his Appa was big and strong and practically squeezed the life out of him and his Umma.  It would take some slapping, sometimes some well aimed kicks too, from Yesung before Kyuhyun let his lover and son out of his vice-like hold.  Yesung would whack him over the head, “Took you long enough, dinner’s getting cold, you big oaf.”  The scolding was never taken to heart because the tell tale smile on Yesung’s lips was just too bright.

They’d eat the wonderful dinner Yesung slaved over, have happy family banter and share kisses when Kibum was trying to burn holes in his vegetables – looks like he got that from his father.  Dinner would always last longer because Yesung always cooked more and Kyuhyun would just drown himself in the atmosphere and get thoroughly distracted.   Sometimes he’d only snap out of it when Yesung started poking his cheek and pinching it… resulting in a fit of giggles from both his lover and child (because Kyuhyun looked really funny when he has that blank, spaced out look in his eyes).

And whilst Kibum might be looking, Yesung can’t ever help but kiss Kyuhyun on the cheek for being so cute.  Kibum would pretend to gag before asking with the biggest puppy dog eyes if he could have one too. Of course, Yesung would be more than happy to comply, after wiping Kibum’s face clean of sauce that is.  Then, the regular father-son argument over who Umma loves more would ensue and Yesung would only be able to laugh at just how childish both of them were.  He’d kiss them both, kissing Kyuhyun on the lips because they’re lovers, and tell them he loved them both and not to fight.  He also kind of liked to remind Kyuhyun that he was more than twenty years older than his son and should act like it – instead of behaving like a petulant pre-schooler with Yesung as his favourite stuffed animal.

And Wednesday is the short day for Yesung and the longest day for Kyuhyun, but with words of encouragement and smiles in the morning and night, Kyuhyun wouldn’t want it any other way (but he would still like to be let off work a little earlier).


Word Count: 1.3K

(that's all for tonight folks ^.^)

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402 streak #1
Chapter 4: Rereading, still wishing that you'll be back, someday
Chapter 4: Nothing can beat domestic fluffiness!
Love it to bits, my fave genre of Kyusung story
Liza_Blessedx2 #3
Chapter 4: So fluffy and have Friday Saturday and Sunday chapters would make it just Perfect.
Chapter 4: thursday plans are so precious~ cuties
Chapter 2: so soft uwu, especially with how Kibum is overprotective of his umma omg
402 streak #6
Chapter 4: it's cuteeeee, I wish that you're still here and post the rest T^T
402 streak #7
Chapter 2: OMG, it's really beautiful, I love your writing style... <33
402 streak #8
Chapter 1: it's sooooooo fluffy >_____< b
>///< so adorable!!
Chapter 4: This is probably about one of the most adorable things that I have ever read~ I wish that you would have finished it however!