

On a warm summer day, a breeze that carries the smell of flowers and cut grass drifts quietly through an open window.
Ryeowook's eyes flutter open as the warm breeze caresses his face and yawns, lifting a hand to wipe away the accompanying tears.  He picks up his phone and looks sleepily at the screen. 7:02am, 21st of June.
Seeing message notifications, Ryeowook unlocks his phone and reads them.
There was a short text message with a video attachment from his fellow Super Junior members.
Ryeowook smiled and laughed as he watched the video. What a lovely start to the day.
But he couldn't help but notice the absence of one particular person. There was no Cho Kyuhyun.
Putting his phone to sleep, Ryeowook got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, his bottom lip jutted out in a cute pout. “Ungrateful maknae. I even make your food and you don’t show any thanks.” 
He made himself a cup of green tea before settling at the table to continue a composition he had been working on, which he had grabbed from his desk on the way out of his room.

“Good morning, Wookie-hyung.”

Ryeowook cursed to himself as he jumped and messed up the treble clef he was drawing. His eyes widened as he looked up from his composition to see a half dressed Kyuhyun standing in the doorway, his shirt draped over his shoulder.

“Kyu-Kyuhyun-ah,” Ryeowook stuttered in surprise. “Aren’t you supposed to be with the others for promotions today?”

“I got permission to stay home,” Kyuhyun said casually walking over to the table and leaning over Ryeowook to see what he was doing. “What are you working on?”

Ryeowook closed his music book and looked at his maknae. “Noth-” He lost his words as he felt soft lips press lightly on his cheek. He looked to Kyuhyun in shock.

“Happy birthday, hyung,” Kyuhyun said beaming happily. “You didn’t really think I’d forgotten, did you?”

Ryeowook gaped at the younger man. “I...I...did you...” he suddenly was having trouble finding words. “Did you stay home...for me?”

“Of course I did, babo,” Kyuhyun chirped pulling on his shirt and walking to the kitchen. “So what do you want for breakfast?”

Ryeowook scrambled to his feet, grabbed his tea and followed his maknae to the kitchen. “Uh, are you going to make it?” he asked uncertainly.

“Well I’m not going to have you cooking on your birthday,” Kyuhyun laughed. “So, yes, I’m going to make it.”

“Uh…are you…?” Ryeowook began and then decided he wouldn’t ask. “I’m going to help.”

Kyuhyun waved his hand. “Aniyo, you can’t,” he said as he looked in the fridge. “It’s your birthday.”

“That’s right, it’s my birthday and I can do whatever I want,” Ryeowook said grabbing the jar of kimchi he had made out from in front of Kyuhyun. “I want to help.”

“Do you really mean that or do you just want to help because you don’t trust me to do it by myself without messing it up?” Kyuhyun asked grabbing some pork and closing the fridge.

“I want to help,” Ryeowook assured him putting rice in the rice cooker. The truth was he was afraid Kyuhyun would do something stupid and catch the kitchen on fire but he was being honest when he said that he wanted to help.

“Well…okay, if you really want to,” Kyuhyun said not sounding entirely convinced. “I don’t know how you can like cooking so much.”

“It’s fun,” Ryeowook said cheerily as he began preparing the vegetables. “And it’s more fun when there’s someone to cook with.”

“Especially if it’s me,” Kyuhyun said grinning hopefully.

Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun deciding whether to agree or not. He giggled and turned back to his vegetables.

“Yeah, it’s ridiculous for me to think that,” Kyuhyun said looking disappointed.

Hearing the saddened tone of Kyuhyun’s voice, Ryeowook looked up and opened his mouth to say he did like cooking with him but he was interrupted.

“What are we cooking, hyung?” Kyuhyun asked, his head tilted to the side.

Ryeowook looked at the vegetables to the jar of kimchi and the pork to the rice cooker realising that he hadn’t actually thought about it. “Kimchi fried rice,” he said naming his favourite dish.

Kyuhyun clapped his hands together. “Yay! What do I do now?” He stopped, looking around for a pot.

“Use the wok,” Ryeowook said pointing to where it was hanging in the corner. “You can start by sautéing the kimchi and onion.”  

Kyuhyun continued for the next 10 minutes following Ryeowook’s instructions without saying anything.

“Kyuhyun-ah?” Ryeowook said trying to see the expression on his dongsaeng’s face. “Are you okay?”

Kyuhyun kept looking into the wok in concentration. “Mmm.”

Ryeowook frowned unsure whether he was upset that he hadn’t said he liked cooking with him. “You know, Kyuhyun-ah, I really like cooking with you.”

Kyuhyun looked up from the wok beaming. “Really?” he chimed. “More than the others?”

Ryeowook looked away shyly, not sure if Kyuhyun would use it to if he told the truth. “Yeah,” he said finally. “You listen to me and you don’t eat everything before it’s finished.”

Kyuhyun laughed returning his attention to the wok. “I’m glad you like me.”

Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun in surprise. Did I say that?

Kyuhyun suddenly looked back up, his expression also of surprise. “I mean-I didn’t mean…I just meant as-for cooking…wait, I mean to cook with,” Kyuhyun frowned shaking his head. “I mean to help you cook.”

Ryeowook began laughing as Kyuhyun desperately tried to correct himself. “It’s okay, Kyuhyun-ah,” he said. “I know what you meant.”

Kyuhyun laughed nervously, once again going back to the wok. “Hyung…can I ask you a question?” he asked, his voice hesitant.

“Sure,” Ryeowook said checking the rice and taking a sip of his tea.

There was a moment of silence before Kyuhyun finally spoke. “What do you think of me?”

Ryeowook choked and spluttered spitting his tea on his maknae.

Kyuhyun looked up from the wok and then at the damp patches on his shirt. “Hyung…” he whined.

“Oh my god, I’m sorry,” Ryeowook said grabbing a handful of paper towels and padding at Kyuhyun’s shirt.

“That’s alright, I can do it myself,” Kyuhyun said trying to take the paper towels from Ryeowook.

“No, it was my fault,” Ryeowook insisted.

Kyuhyun shook his head. “No, it wasn’t,” he argued. “If I hadn’t said anything you wouldn’t have…but, hyung…now that you don’t have anything in your mouth…will you answer my question?”

Ryeowook slowed at his dabbing, his hand resting on Kyuhyun’s chest and slowly looked up at his dongsaeng. “I-I…I don’t know,” he said looking away, hoping that Kyuhyun would let it settle with that.

“Hyung, please,” Kyuhyun said taking Ryeowook’s hand. “I want to know.”

“Kyuhyun-ah…I…” Ryeowook looked down at his feet trying to think of a way to get off the topic but he couldn’t think of anything. “I hate it how you always smirk at your elders…how you always pick on me more than the others. I don’t like the way you’re always playing Starcraft and I wish you would treat me and the others better.”

Kyuhyun frowned and opened his mouth to speak but Ryeowook held up his free hand, indicating he had not finished.

“But Kyuhyun-ah…Cho Kyuhyun-sshi…I-I think I love you.” Ryeowook made himself look up at Kyuhyun. “Saranghaeyo.”

Ryeowook noticed the tears in Kyuhyun’s eyes before they had started to brim. “Kyuhyun-ah?”

The maknae laughed looking down and wiping at his eyes. “And I thought this was supposed to be your birthday.”

“What do you-?”

“I love you too, hyung,” Kyuhyun said, his voice shaky. “I love you, Wookie-hyung. I’m sorry that I bullied you, I just was afraid you wouldn’t notice me. I promise I will spend less time playing Starcraft and I will treat the others better. I will do anything for you; I will make mountains and catch stars if you want me to. So long as I can be with you. I love you.”

Ryeowook giggled at his dongsaeng. “I think there are enough mountains and the stars look prettier in the sky.”

“All the stars in the sky couldn’t compare to you,” Kyuhyun said lifting Ryeowook’s hand and planting a kiss on it.

Ryeowook blushed. “Don’t be silly,” he said as Kyuhyun slowly pulled him closer. “The stars are unrivalled.”

“Don’t be so modest,” Kyuhyun said and then leant forward, pressing his lips gently against the elder’s and slowly massaging them with his own.

Ryeowook’s lips parted as their kiss was deepened. Kyuhyun’s hands began to explore Ryeowook’s body as he tasted the lover he had longed for.

Ryeowook’s eyes blinked open. “Mmmm,” he moaned and slowly pushed Kyuhyun away.

“What’s wrong?” Kyuhyun asked confused but his question was answered as Ryeowook turned to the stove and began tossing the food in the wok, making sizzling noises. A slight burning smell was coming from it.

“It burned,” Ryeowook said, his voice sounded devastated.

Kyuhyun came to look. “It’s not that bad,” he concluded after inspecting the contents. “We can still eat it.”

Ryeowook slowly began to laugh until he was leaning against the bench, clutching his stomach with tears flowing down his cheeks.

“What’s so funny?” Kyuhyun asked confused but a smile beginning to spread across his face. “What is it?”

Ryeowook only laughed harder, collapsing onto the floor making Kyuhyun begin to laugh.

“Wookie? Kyuhyun-ah?” someone called from the hallway. “We’re home.”

Kyuhyun laughed at his hyung who roared with laughter at the sound of the voice, making Kyuhyun even more confused.  

“Guys?” Leeteuk appeared at the doorway to find the two maknaes laughing. Ryeowook was rolling on the floor and Kyuhyun was laughing and looking puzzled at the same time. “What are you two…?”

He couldn’t finish his sentence as Ryeowook laughed, trying to pull himself up by holding onto the bench only to fall down again.

Leeteuk looked to Kyuhyun for an answer, seeing as he probably wouldn’t get one from the Eternal Maknae but Kyuhyun was no help either as he joined Ryeowook on the floor.

“Did someone give them nitrous oxide?”

Leeteuk looked around at a frowning Donghae and shrugged. “God knows.”

Ryeowook gasped for air, fanning himself. “Hello,” he said as his laughter slowly began to subside.

“What’s going on?” Leeteuk asked curiously.

Ryeowook began laughing again. “Kyuhyun-ah……we burnt…food…but we can …*inaudible*…squeak…*inaudible*…it…” Ryeowook could barely make a sentence.

Leeteuk frowned and chuckled. “What?”

Donghae shook his head at Kyuhyun who was now doubled over with laughter, seeming to have realised something.

Ryeowook took a deep breath. “We burnt the food…and Kyuhyun-ah said… “we can still…eat it”…and the…” Ryeowook paused laughing and as he tried to get out the last words. “And then…the food squeaked… “Don’t eat me!”” Ryeowook burst into laughter again.

“Seriously?” Leeteuk laughed. “That’s what this is about? Because the food squeaked?”

“Don’t eat me!” Ryeowook yelled as he continued laughing.

Donghae shook his head and left.

“It really hurts,” Ryeowook said, his arms wrapped around his stomach and tears in his eyes from the laughter.

“I’m going to sleep,” Leeteuk informed the laughing couple before turning and leaving. “Happy birthday, Wookie!”

Kyuhyun watched their leader walk off and then crawled closer to Ryeowook and wrapped his arms around him. “Happy birthday. I love you, Wookie,” he said kissing him on the cheek.

Ryeowook’s rested his head on his dongsaeng’s shoulder. “Best birthday present ever. Kyuhyun-ah, I love you too.”


The End


That's it guys! Hope you liked it and leave me lots of love =)

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Chapter 3: I love how you created such a light and fun atmosphere in this story! :D
katharine #2
Chapter 3: it was too cute ,i loved it
chiibiiluna #3
Chapter 3: This was cute :)) I like the way Kyuhyun acted shy at first. It's a rare character for him. I'm looking forward for more ^^
xnapoenya #4
Chapter 3: Well I kinda cnfused with the joke-..-
will wait
katharine #6
update it soon
hehehe08 #7
Wahh - Can't wait XD