Kyuhyun,his laptop,Hyukjae and a pet

Kyuhyun,his laptop,Hyukjae and a pet

The art of writing drabbles: Kyuhyun,his laptop,Hyukjae and a pet



Kyuhyun has always known that Hyukjae can influence him. The older man has the power to convince him of doing anything he wants,though, Hyukjae doesn't have a clue that he has got this power.

How's Hyukjae able to do it is a question that Kyuhyun ponders about,but,even though Kyuhyun's undeniably smart (smarter than his hyungs), he admits that his ponderings have producted fruitless results. He's never sure if they're Hyukjae's smiles or his eyes when they twinkle with unshed tears or his cheeks when they show that shade of red that intensifies as Kyuhyun continues to stare at him.

In occasions like this one that's occured, Kyuhyun wonders that maybe the three are all Kyuhyun's weaknesses. And Hyukjae's power on him is so strong. Kyuhyun knows that he doesn't want Kyuhyun to get angry,so Kyuhyun doesn't.

It's not like he can,anyway.




'Are you sick?', Ryeowook inquires,attempting to put a hand on Kyuyhun's forehead to check if the maknae has a fever,but failing as Kyuhyun shoves him before Ryeowook can touch him.

'I'm fine!'

'No,you're not.', Sungmin argues and Donghae next to him, supports his statement by nodding vigorously.

'I said,I'm fine!'

'Kids', Leeteuk walks in Sungmin and Kyuhyun's room, 'What's going on?'

'Kyuhyun here', Ryeowook points at the maknae who looks dangerously as if ready to bite that finger,'We think he has fever or something.', when Leeteuk shoots him his leader's explain that look, he quickly adds, 'Kyuhyun's laptop gets a virus, can't be used, it's Hyukjae's fault and he doesn't get angry.'

Great summary, Kyuhyun thinks,rolling his eyes. He knows more questions about his health are coming when he notices Leeteuk's stare at him.

'Hyung', he begins,desiring to cut the conversation there because it's just ridiculous. Why can't the others believe that having his laptop with a virus isn't a big problem? (It is because Hyukjae's making an adorable kitten/kickedpuppy-like expression and his face has that fascinating red coloration and... Oh.Man.) The point is,he doesn't want to start a World War Three. All's fine. Really, 'I'm totally fine and I'm not mad. Okay?', he can't help but throw a glance at that kitten/kickedpuppy guy behind Donghae when he's finished talking and..Oh.Man. Hyukjae's caught him glancing and he smiles apologetically with those twinkling eyes and flushed face and Kyuhyun thinks . He's screwed.

'Are you sure?', Kyuhyun hears Leeteuk ask to him and he has to force himself to rotate his head to his hyung because that was meant to be a glance,Kyuhyun,you stupid .

'Yeah,I am.'

'And what are you going to do now?', words are said with nothing embeded in them,but there's this eyebrow of the leader that it's arching. Kyuhyun shrugs at him,looking straight ahead.

'What does it mean?'

Kyuhyun looks back at Leeteuk, 'Maybe I'm going to buy a new one.'

'Without taking revenge on Hyukkie here?', Donghae meddles in,his thumb pointing at Hyukjae who fidgets nervously. 

Kyuhyun blinks,asking himself if he's ready to take care of a pet. He's going to buy a pet and name it Hyukjae. And then he will compare the two, Hyukjae and Hyukjae, and he'll judge who between them has the cutest face. Hyukjae will win, he's sure about that.

Stopping his mind to elaborate weirder stuff, Kyuhyun answers Donghae with a small 'no.'

That's the last thing he said because a second later, Leeteuk is covering his mouth and says, 'Hush. I don't know if someone or something's possessed you. What's sure is that you're sick,Kyuhyun.' and tells to the four to prepare Kyuhyun's bed,a cup of tea and-- '. Are you also going insane! Don't bite me!'

Kyuhyun and Leeteuk start a glare-fight that ends up with Leeteuk crossing his arms on his chest and, 'You',he says,' are going to rest because obviously you're not feeling good--'

'I said that I'm fine!'

'--Hyukjae will take care of you.'

Hearing the last part, Kyuhyun pauses. Kitten/kicked puppy Hyukjae,with still twinkling eyes and red cheeks,that smiles at Kyuhyun doesn't sound bad.

'What's with that grin,Kyuhyun?'

It sounds disgustingly wonderful and Kyuhyun suddenly feels sickenly sick.

'You're giggling.... You're scaring,stop that.'




'I'm sorry.'

'It's okay hyung.'

'You do understand that I kind of broke your laptop. No Starcraft tonight?'

'Yes,I do.'



'I think they're right. You're sick.'

'I'm not. I just feel kind today.'

'You kind?'

'Watch your mouth,hyung or...'


'Nothing,nothing,nothing...C'mere, I want to use your lap as my pillow.'






'You broke my laptop,hyung.'

'You brat.'





'Let's buy a cute pet!'




'You're so sick.'

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michikokasiumi #1
Chapter 1: awwww... just read it again n make me wonder what kind of pet hyukjse will b if the owner is: Cho Kyuhyun >u<
Chapter 1: bwahahaha...cute kyuuu~
and i love this part, so much : "Kyuhyun blinks,asking himself if he's ready to take care of a pet. He's going to buy a pet and name it Hyukjae. And then he will compare the two, Hyukjae and Hyukjae, and he'll judge who between them has the cutest face. Hyukjae will win, he's sure about that." sooo...WHICH hyukjae will win??? XDDD you're so helpless kyu :P
kyu's biting teuk's?? bwahahaha... XD
oh and i love how you make hyuk didn't fully give up to do everything kyu told him to because he broke kyu's laptop. hyuk's still reject and nagging, and that's cute~ it won't be this nice if hyuk fully give up, hehe...
readingpost #3
Chapter 1: No that's not stupid that is super cute!!!! I have a soft spot for cute!Kyu. and.. obviously Hyukjae. :3
Chapter 1: LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Kyu is so... I don't know what word use, I mean when he was giggling and Leeteuk said he is scary it was amazingly funny!! Now I'm full awake and ready for read the three books I need for tomorrow, thank you!!! this fic is nice!!! I fell in love with KyuHyuk again >.<
Chapter 1: kyu your definitely sick.. lovesick and there is no cure for that you just accept and live longer to survive the road of love ^^
zkraahmad #6
Chapter 1: love sick kyu kekekeke
michikokasiumi #7
Chapter 1: hellow there... I hope u dont mind me reading ur kyuhyuk once more... I realy need distraction from what i've been reading just now... TnT
For aaaaaall couple in SJ, I reeeealy not fond of 'certain' very famous couple hxhxhxhx... T-T
us story is so refreshing TuT
thank kyu... I'll read many kyuhyuk fics again til i feel better TuT
EunHaeShipper #8
Chapter 1: soooo cute <33333
kyu, you are sooo in love with Hyuk xD
leehyosonn #9
Chapter 1: Yes! Kyu..u are sick..u are LOVESICK!