T-Minus 7...6....

The Dark Side of Our World


One week.

Seven Days.

That was how long Kyungsoo had to confront Kris before he left for China with the other EXO-M members. That was how long Kyungsoo had to find evidence that Kris was cheating on Tao.

And so far, nothing.

After everyone returned from their night of drinking, and Kyungsoo retired for a nap, everyone was too normal. Kyungsoo couldn’t find a single opening during dinner. There was no hint that anyone messed with Kris; no clue that Kris was getting it from anyone other than Tao. And it frustrated Kyungsoo because he knew the phone call was real, and knew that Tao was currently the center of a brewing rumor.

After a couple long hours, the M members caught another ride back to their hotel, leaving the K boys to their house. It wasn’t any better for Kyungsoo.

“Babe, tell me why you’ve been acting all weird! You didn’t join us when we got back, and you’ve been avoiding everyone all evening.” Kai said as he cornered Kyungsoo. “And don’t try to lie to me, either. I’ll know!”

Kyungsoo did everything he could to shake off his younger lover, but Kai was adamant in hearing things out. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind, okay?!”

Kai pouted. He knew that Kyungsoo could be stressed out. He was the motherly one, and it was always an added weight on his shoulders. But the fact that Kai could easily see the tension in Kyungsoo’s body was worrying. “Hyung, I just want to help...”

At that, Kyungsoo sighed and fell onto his bed. He felt a little guilty for yelling at Kai. “It’s nothing, really. I just need to think some things over, okay, Jongin?” Kyungsoo pulled the covers over himself, silently deeming the conversation over.


Yesung returned to the living room couch and sipped on his second cup of tea of the evening. Kyuhyun was still out. It bugged him. Even calling Kyuhyun failed.

What. The. Frick.

By now, Kyuhyun should have been home. Yesung even called their manager to ask about Kyuhyun’s whereabouts, and said manager was confused as to why Kyuhyun wasn’t home yet.

“Damnit where is that brat!” Yesung kicked the table as he vocalized his frustrations. His thoughts were still on Kyungoo. No matter what Yesung did, he couldn’t forget the desperate look in his junior’s eyes or the words he exchanged with his fellow group mates.

It was almost 11 when Kyuhyun stepped inside.

“Where the hell were you?!” Yesung asked with an uncharacteristic amount of thunder in his voice. “Do you know how long I’ve been needing to talk to you? Do you even-”

Kyuhyun jumped up and turned to see a very angry man stalking towards him. “I’m sorry, Hyung! I really am. I just had to handle something at the company and it took a lot longer than I thought because Luhan was nowhere to be found and we-”

Yesung cut Kyuhyun off. “What was that about Luhan?”

“He...uh...he...was supposed to do something and he didn’t show up and I was supposed to work with him and...” Kyuhyun went on with his vague story about how Luhan ditched a schedule.

Yesung cut Kyuhyun off again when a lightbulb went off in his own head. “Is that why he might be on a temporary probation?”

“How did-”

“So it’s true?!”

“Quiet! No one is supposed to know, and it isn’t even official. It might not even be his fault so shush for now, okay?” Kyuhyun walked passed Yesung up to his room. Yesung followed and closed the door behind him. “Uh, get out please?”

“I have something else I need to talk to you about. It’s about Kyungsoo.”


Kyungsoo woke up to the sound of rustling papers and creaking wood. His eyes fluttered open as they adjusted to the morning light streaming through the blinds. After rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and letting his senses return to him, he focused on the sound and saw Kai rocking back and forth at his desk.

“Kai, why are you up so early?”

“Working on something. Make me breakfast, will you?”

“Brat...” But Kyungsoo got up anyway. He changed into day clothes and, taking his phone with him, carefully made his way downstairs to the kitchen. Kyungsoo quickly put something together and set out a couple of plates for himself and Kai. Kyungsoo heard his phone buzz and grabbed it before it slid off the countertop. He was surprised he had so many messages. He backtracked and saw that Yesung had been trying to get in touch with him. There was another number he didn’t recognize, but he figured he would find out who it was soon enough.

From: Yesung
Kyuhyun came back late-ish and wanted me to tell you to call him asap. You have his number, right? I gave him yours just incase. He said he would text you when he’s done showering and looking over a script he has for his broadcast thingy.

From: Yesung
By the way, is everything okay with Luhan? I heard he was having some trouble.

From: ???
It’s Kyuhyun. What’s wrong with the lot of you guys? Yesung won't tell me everything cause he wants me to hear it from you. Call me.

From: ???
Brat! The hell? Answer your phone! Call me! Something!!!

From: ???
Just call me tomorrow, got it? We need to talk about things. I’m busy from 6-2, but I’ll try to keep myself free otherwise. I’ll have my phone with me but no guarantees I can answer right away if I’m on set.

From: Yesung
Oh...I didn’t think I should tell you but after sleeping on it I figured that maybe it’s best you know. There are more rumors than just the Tao being removed. We can talk about it more later cause I heard stuff from Eunhyuk and Donghae yesterday after coming home. Make sure you call Kyuhyun!!

From: Jongin :heart:
food rdy yet?

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at the last message. He exited his phone’s inbox and sent a quick message to Kai to come down and eat. He read over his seniors’ messages before sending one to Kyuhyun.

To: Kyuhyun
Sorry for the late reply, Hyung. I went to sleep early. It’s kind of hard to explain over a text. When is a good time to call you?

Kyungsoo sat down at his own plate and shoved his phone into his shorts. Kai swung into the kitchen as the smell of home cooked food filled his lungs. Kyungsoo was certain he saw the younger boy salivate a little bit. He dismissed the thought when he felt a vibration run down his leg.

From: Kyuhyun
2:30ish. I’ll go straight to my place after work since I don’t have any schedules after this recording. If I don’t answer just keep bugging me. Or Yesung. In fact, bug Yesung and tell him to make me answer my phone.

Kyungsoo kept reading the texts over and over as if the words changed each time his eyes passed over them. He unconsciously shoved food into in mouth as he re-read each message.

Kai noticed Kyungsoo’s slightly odd behavior and inquired about it. “Kyungsoo Hyung, what’s so important that you can’t even look at me while we’re eating together?”

Kyungsoo perked up and tucked the phone away. “Sorry, just needed to talk to Kyuhyun Hyung about something.” Before Kai could question it, Kyungsoo added his own question. “Is anything wrong with Luhan? I heard he was having some sort of problem.”

It was subtle, but Kai hesitated before answering. “It’s nothing. He said he was just stressing about something the other day.” Kai prayed Kyungsoo wouldn’t notice the moment where he paused to think of something. He got lucky. That, or Kyungsoo did notice but decided not to pursue the matter. He was too busy sending another text under the table.

To: Kyuhyun
Do you think we could meet somewhere, Hyung? I don’t want anyone to overhear me at the dorm. There’s a cafe on the other side of the city that no one really goes to. Super private. I’ll text you the address if that’s okay with you.

The two finished eating in silence as the other K members trailed in. Kyungsoo thought ahead and made extra food for everyone. “Clean up after yourselves. I’m going out.” Kyungsoo put his dishes in the sink and left the others to split the work. He had yet to hear back from Kyuhyun, but regardless of his answer, Kyungsoo did not want discuss the matter when everyone else was around.

When the door closed, Kai immediately looked at Suho and Sehun. “What’s wrong with Kyungsoo? He’s been weird since yesterday!”

“Maybe he hasn’t come to terms with M leaving in a week.” Baekhyun said between bites. “You know how much he dotes on them despite being younger than everyone but Tao.”

“Maybe it was something Yesung said.” Chanyeol dumped his empty plate in the sink. He reached to turn on the faucet when Suho stopped him. “What?”

Everyone looked at Chanyeol like he dropped a bomb. Suho was the only one to speak up, but it was clear he vocalized everyone’s thoughts. “What was Yesung doing here? And why were he and Kyungsoo talking when no one was around?”

“I was around...”

“Well, what did they talk about?” Sehun asked from his seat. “Did they say anything?”

Chanyeol shrugged. He noted that he left the two alone and only bothered them when Kai called. “Yesung left and then Kyungsoo stayed in his room until you all came back.”

The little bit of news caught everyone off guard. What were Kyungsoo and Yesung talking about? Why was Kyungsoo even talking to Yesung to begin with?

“I’m going after him.” Kai got up and threw on a jacket before running out the door.


Kyuhyun read Kyungsoo’s message and knew his junior was right - the sort of topic was not something that should be eavesdropped on.

To: Kyungsoo
Yeah. Sure a cafe is the best place, tho? Someone might know us and hear something.

Kyuhyun immediately felt his phone vibrate, but it would have to wait until the next break to be read. Ever since Yesung confronted him the night before, Kyuhyun wanted to clarify things with Kyungsoo. No, he felt he needed to. Kyuhyun already heard rumors regarding some of the EXO members, and the Luhan incident was not helping.

The truth was that Luhan had merely missed - forgotten? was doubly booked? - a meeting he had made with his manager and some of the Super Junior members regarding a stage he was being considered for. It seemed like it was getting blown out of proportion, so Kyuhyun felt it necessary to clear things up.

It took a couple hours of filming before Kyuhyun got a long enough break to read the new text.

From: Kyungsoo
Where do you want to meet then?

Kyuhyun sighed, and accepted the consequences of what would follow.

To: Kyungsoo
My dorm. It’s probably the safest place to talk. I’ll call you and pick you up from wherever you are on my way home.

He sent a second message to Yesung right after.

To: Yesung
Kyungsoo is coming over. I want you with us when we talk. Clear the dorm out or something, will you?

He hit the send button just before being called back for one final take.


Kai was good at attracting attention. If you threw him in the middle of nowhere, even the birds would land just to watch him aimlessly wander around.

But if you told Kai that he had to go find someone? Game over.

Sure, Kyungsoo was on the better looking side of people his age, but he did have a pretty average height and build and he decided to wear normal clothes so he blended it with everyone around him. Kai constantly lost track of the large-eyed vocalist and thanked lady luck every time he found him again.

The one good thing about losing Kyungsoo was that he was certain Kyungsoo had no idea he was being followed. Kai kept his distance and made a note of every street he passed as each corner Kyungsoo ducked around.

Where is he going? Kai asked himself over and over. They were well into the middle of the busiest intersections and Kai was surprised no one had stopped either of them.

Suddenly, Kyungsoo stopped in the middle of the block and pulled out his phone. Kai inched his way over but there was no way he could see what was on the phone without giving himself away. It has to be Kyuhyun again.

Kai picked up his pace as Kyungsoo took off towards the main street. But we were just there... Kai shook the thought out of his mind and pursued Kyungsoo.

Once again, Kyungsoo suddenly stopped in his tracks. He looked up and down the street for something. Kai patiently waited behind a food stall for something to happen. He saw a large black van he recognized far too well slow down in front of Kyungsoo. The older male sighed and opened the car door. A hand reached out and ruffled Kyungsoo’s hair. Kai could see Kyungsoo get a bit frustrated, but he hopped in nonetheless as a senior he recognized all to well moved aside.

Damnit, Kyuhyun...


Yesung hated being dragged into situations, but it seemed like he was going to be driven to hell and back. He wasn’t totally averse to helping his juniors. It was just not on his to-do list. Not this kind of help, at least. Yesung had planned on staying clear of anything that could possibly related to EXO and their drama, but it seemed like Kyungsoo had other plans.

As per Kyuhyun’s request, Yesung managed to clear the dorm out. It was convenient that many members had their own plans already, but it was a pain getting Leeteuk and Shindong to leave. They both had a day off and did not want to be kicked out of their own home. Eunhyuk promised to take them out to something Yesung couldn’t care less about. Eunhyuk had an idea why Yesung needed the place empty, and he decided Yesung and Kyuhyun could just owe him one. Donghae was the only person other than Yesung who was left. Given the circumstances, Yesung figured it was okay.

Quarter to 3, Kyuhyun walked in the door with a sheepish Kyungsoo trailing him. “Is everyone-”

“Just Donghae. Don’t worry,” Yesung assured as Kyuhyun’s face turned almost bitter, “he’s who I heard the Luhan thing from.”

“Luhan thing?” Kyungsoo perked up at the sound of his brother’s name. “What happened with Luhan? Is he the one who Kris is cheating on Tao with?!”

Yesung shook his head, but Kyuhyun stared at the younger boy incredulously. “Kris and Tao what? Start over, Shorty.”

Kyungsoo proceeded to retell his story to Kyuhyun. He nodded at all the right times and remained silent as Kyungsoo’s emotions ebbed and flowed between rage and serenity. Donghae soon joined them at Yesung’s request, and he too listened to Kyungsoo’s problem.

“...I can’t idly sit by knowing Kris was doing something behind Tao’s back. He said such hurtful things, and clearly Tao isn’t the only one who is hurting because of this. Someone else is a victim. The significant other of whoever Kris was screwing probably doesn’t know, either.”

The three Super Junior seniors asked Kyungsoo clarifying questions to make sure they understood things properly.

“You’re sure it’s someone from EXO? And Tao definitely wasn’t the one Kris was...you know...? It wasn’t a sick joke, right? Does Kris know you know?”

Kyungsoo’s responses were short and curt. “Yes, yes, not a joke, and no.” Kyungsoo curled into a ball, tucking his head into his knees as he tried to stifle the oncoming tears.. “Hyung,” He said to no one in particular, “I...I...”

Kyuhyun wrapped an arm across Kyungsoo’s shoulders. “It’s okay. We’ll figure something out.”

“But they’re going to China soon! I don’t have much time. And with the Tao rumors...and whatever it is that happened with Luhan...I just don’t know anymore!”

“How many days until they leave?” Donghae asked.

Kyungsoo looked up at the dancer. “Including today, six. I’m so close to being able to confront Kris, but I just need something more solid as proof that he’s a scum bag. And I want to know where all these rumors are coming from because Tao’s too soft to have to deal with them.”

For the next couple of hours, Donghae, Yesung, Kyuhyun, and Kyungsoo discussed everything about EXO they could. Every rumor, every event, every possible thing that had any connection to EXO.

Kyuhyun immediately addressed the Luhan issue. “As far as I’m concerned, he merely has a warning. It’s being looked into since he is claiming he was booked for something else.”

“We didn’t have any schedules, though. Not on the day in question.” Kyungsoo noted. “Luhan isn’t one to forget something important like that. Why did he blow it off?”

Everyone shrugged. “Well, no point pushing that matter. It will get dealt with in due time. Keep an eye on Luhan though, okay?”

Kyungsoo nodded. “But what I really want to figure out is the Kris issue and the Tao rumors. How did they even start?”

Yesung was the first to speak up. “You’re the one I heard the “Tao is getting replaced” story from, and I haven’t heard anything like that from anyone else in the company before. Who did you hear it from? Was it another member? An executive?”

“Uh...” Kyungsoo paused for a moment. “that’s the weirdest part.”

“How so?”

“I heard it from Kris.”
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Daebak~ this was so intense~ tho the end is jfdhjgkl;;; T^T
Chapter 4: Wow... I really can't say much more because that isn't fair.