Four 'Till No More


Reita hunts for the eight pages from SLENDER.


Reita walked slowly, leaves crunching under his feet, taking in his surroundings with his bright flashlight. The foliage was thick, the trees were dense. There was an unnaturally heavy fog, and an eerie breeze lifted his long, blonde hair. Reita shivered. He swore that he heard footsteps echoing his own. With a glance over his shoulder, he began to walk faster. 

Alas, he reached a tall, immense tree. Anxious to get out of the woods, Reita ran around the tree to the torn paper hanging upon it. Feeling dread in his stomach, he leaned over peering in horror at what the paper read.


Reita shuddered and tugged the note off the tree. As he did, he felt eyes watching him. He swiftly turned and shined his flashlight towards the shady trees. Nothing. 

With fear in his eyes, Reita continued on his depressing trek. "Get the notes and get out." he murmured. "Get the notes and leave."

Before he knew it, Reita had stumbled upon two vehicles. He cautiously shined his flashlight around the first truck. Nothing. There was no note or enemy. Forgetting about the threat of his predator, Reita began whistling a happy little tune. He strolled over to the trailer and looked around. As he did so, he caught a glimpse of something. 

This something was surprisingly dressed formally, but creepily had only a white, featureless, slate-like face. It also had 6 long tentacles protruding from it's back. Reita fearfully flicked off his flashlight and ran. But he knew he could not outrun the creature. 

Reita ran blindly along the thin dirt path with his hands outstretched in front of him. He ran until he felt the soothing touch of cool, rusted metal. It meant he wasn't dead. Yet. 

He flipped on his flashlight again and looked around. He had run straight through the trees and back onto the path, and now was standing in front of a large tunnel. Reita leaned against the tunnel, exhausted. Finally, he got up again, and entered the tunnel. He slithered along, with his back against one wall, shining the flashlight around wildly. He heard a crinkling sound and jumped with a little squeak. It was the next page. He flashed his flashlight on it and read it out loud.


This sent shivers down Reita's spine. Who left these notes? They were insanely creepy. Reita pulled the note down and popped it in his pocket. Reita tensed up. Someone was watching him. Slowly, Reita turned around. 

It was standing there. Right at the entrance of the tunnel. So tall and intimidating. So slender. "That's why it is called Slender" Reita thought. 

Then Slender moved. He began to slowly move towards Reita. Reita screeched and dashed out of the tunnel again. He switched off his flashlight again and ran for his life. 

Frantically, he made a last-second decision and veered off the path towards the right. It was a bad decision on his behalf, for he crashed directly into a tree. Above him loomed Slender. And Reita did the only think he could think of. 

He slapped Slender right in the face. 

Then he stood up and continued running, thinking about how dead he was going to be. He barreled on, until he ran out of breath, and wound up at a four-wall intersection. Glancing over his shoulder, he inspected the wall for another note. Eventually, he found it.

This one had no words. Only a quick sketch of a man in the middle of some trees. Without hesitating, Reita ripped the note off the wall and continued on, out of that area. 

He tried turning on his flashlight, but it didn't work. He banged it on his hand. Nothing. Reita sighed and tossed the useless flashlight aside in the trees.

On and on, Reita walked. He glanced over his shoulder again. He could see it. Slender was following him. He picked up his pace a bit more. Slender was getting closer. Reita's speed walking had turned into running again, and he kept to the path this time. He tried to ignore the slender man, but it kept creeping into his vision again. 

At last, Reita reached the silo. The note was right in front of him. As he reached to grab it, something touched his arm. Reita screamed and leaped away. It was Slender, towering over him. Abandoning the note, Reita took off and sprinted for his life. He could feel the monster's breath on his neck. He couldn't run any more. 

Along came a root, and goodbye went Reita, embraced by darkness.


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poor reita
Aw poor Reita-san however really well composed fic with just enough suspense to not make you jump haha
Amazing job ^^