My Love


Key is a diva, no one is as diva-ish as he is. He isn't happy when leaving his old school where his friends are, and he isn't happy going to the new school. He already hates someone, that person is Kim Jonghyun. The playboy and badass of the school!

Key: His real name is Kibum, but he goes by Key. He is a diva, a huge one, he left his old school for a new one.

Jonghyun: The playboy and badass bully of the school, no one has ever defied him. He thinks he has the right to do whatever he wants, and he usual gets away with it.


Sneak Peek:

"This is Kim Kibum" I sighed and whispered in his ear my nickname. "Excuse me, this is Key"

The door crashed open. A short muscular doggy boy walked in and pushed past me. I grabbed his wrist and turned him around, the whole class gasped even the teacher. "Aren't you going to apologize?"

The guy eyed me and smirked. "Sorry gay boy" He pulled himself free and walked to his seat.

"It's ok doggy, would you like a treat for being so nice" I dug into my pocket and took out my gum, I threw a piece at him. It hit is chest and landed on the floor. He eyed it. "Don't dogs clean stuff off from the floor?"



Poster from Kiss Me Graphics!



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Chapter 2: 1) SHINee bias : Key .
2) Fav. Jongkey Moment: Jongkey Moment #84 - You're my everything .
Type that in Youtube's Seach bar & you'll know what I mean .
Chapter 2: I really love this please update soon<3
DivaQuinzel #3
Chapter 1: Key~ <3
He's my Diva Rolemodel X3

Please update soon, i loves it~
Chapter 1: Taeminnie~~ This story is going well I new it was worth the wait!<3
laytopinsulaydude #5
Chapter 1: Minho~
Chapter 1: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D Love it! My bias keeps changing but it started out as Key :) Always Key :D SIGH~ Then Onew :) He's just such an awesome singer...and so pretty ;) haha
Cant wait for this! It sounds so good!
1st subscriber! Smillleeee noww~ can't wait!