


Kyungsoo never appreciated anything. Ever. He was spoiled, whatever he wanted, he would get it. And they were usually costly. But it wasn't exactly a matter to his parents; because well they were one of the richest people in Seoul. His dad inherited a very large amount of money from his parents and was a well known entrepreneur. And his mother was well, a very successful businesswoman. So money wasn't a problem to them. Now, most rich people, they would just ignore their children. Yes, they would shower them with gifts but they didn't 'love' them. This wasn't his parents. They loved him, yes he was spoiled but they loved him. Thing was, he didn't appreciate it.

But one day, a new maid is hired and she and her son, Jongin, move into the mansion. And everything changes. 




so um, this is my first time writing a fanfic, ahaha. Honestly, I'm not a really a fan of exo but I love kaisoo. very much. WHY ARE THEY SO PERFECT ;A;


haha so anyways, I'll post the first chapter soon. (I hope)


btw Jongin is 12 and Kyungsoo is 14. And it's moving up until how they are now, just stating that to avoid confusion ><

I'm having my exams, so I won't be updating for a while (I"M SO SORRY!)


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zasstar #1
Chapter 1: oh my god so cold kyungsoo! this is interesting!
can't wait for the next one.
Chapter 1: let me love you too, alright author-nim? XD hey! YOUR WRITING SKILLS IS DAMN AWESOME. update after exams over eventhough piqah want you to update sooner. xD
Chapter 1: can you update please???? im asking you as a reader ;))) please~~~
Chapter 1: kaisoo as kids :)))))!!!! daebak!!!
Chapter 1: omygod i wanna see how things will go between them. ; u ;
Waiting for chapter one :')
lol i guess u are baby right?
And yessss no one can't resist perfection of this couple lol XD
kaisoo! They are so adorable and the most natural otp imo