Don't Want To Be Alone

15 Days



Lee Donghae, one of the member from the most popular group in Korea. Being a romantic person he is, and there’s so many people already said that Donghae is a prince from Manga comic, and we all agree with this. But we also knew, that not only being mature at time, SOMETIMES, or sadly, ALL THE TIME, he could be an immature kid, the super duper ridiculous innocent cute y fish. And that super duper ridiculous and blahblahblah fish is belong to the Bejeweled monkey from the same group, Lee Hyukjae.




For all the people who are fans from Donghae, thay already knew about his habits. Should I list that?

First, ‘he always forgot to bring his wallet’ ----but don’t worry, there’s a monkey who kind enough to give his money to him.

Second, ‘he cannot drive well, all of the members who had an experience with him, never want to experience it again’----but again, there’s a monkey who kindly risking his life to be his driver wherever he go, even went to Mokpo as well.

Third, ‘he always being childish around of the members, play a pranks on them----mostly, Hyukjae’ ---- but again and again, Hyukjae’s already used to his lovers pranks, and he actually love that, even sometimes, he found it annoying.

And fourth, ‘he doesn’t like to be alone, eat alone, sleep alone, play alone, or doing something alone’ and this time, his precious monkey, nowhere to be seen.




Dorms already empty when Donghae’s woke up from his beauty sleep, what he remember is, he thought he heard Hyukjae whispered ‘morning’ to him, peck his lip, and got up from bed and never returned, but being a lazy fish he is, he’s just continuing his sleep without being bothered.

And now, here he is, alone in the dorm until lunch time, and patiently wait for his monkey to came home, but until fifteen minute waiting, his Hyukkie’s didn’t appear at the dorm just like before.

“UGH where’s Hyukkie? It’s lunch time, and I need him here! He should know that I don’t like to eat alone!!! Ugh” Pouts Donghae in his room. Checking his phone over and over again, waiting for a certain monkey to at least reply his message or better if that monkey called him.

Donghae’s got no schedule for today, after the drama filming ended, he got a week for rest before continuing  the schedule with SJ M. he’s at the dorm alone, and this is his third day from his resting days. And since yesterday and two days before, whenever it come to lunch time, his precious baby monkey always came home and had a lunch with him. But now, where is he?


To : MyHyukkie<3

From : Hyukkie’sBaby

Hyukkie.. where are you? I’ve texted you like million times but why you’re not replying?

What are you doing? Is strong heart filming isn’t ended??? I miss you….

Come home soon please…. I hate being alone… I want to eat lunch with you…. Hyukkie…. :(




“Why you’re not replying? Are you having lunch with Teuki hyung? …or badly, with some.. gi—girls?” Donghae choked at his own words.

How come I thought something like that?

Hyukkie’s never cheated on me! Pabo Hae!

You’re such a fail boyfriend!

Hyuk will never do that to me!

 “Hyukkie’s not replying yet…. Maybe he’s still busy? But I’m lonely and hungry…I missed him” Donghae laid on his chest, buried his  face in the pillow and began to sobs quietly. There’s nobody in the dorm who can accompany him to eat lunch, and he’s missing his monkey so badly.


His cellphone begin to ringing and ‘ Teuki hyung’s ’ name appeared on the screen.

“Yeah hyung? I thought you’re Hyukkie…” he said sadly, hoping that the called is from his Hyukkie.

“Yah yah yah! Why you sound so desperate?”

“Hyukkie’s not coming home yet… he even not replying my text nor my call.. where’s he hyung? Isn’t he with you now?”

“Huh? Isn’t he told you that he’s going to his mother’s house since he has no schedule?”

“What?! He’s not telling me anything hyung!!! And how do you know that?!” Donghae immediately got up from his bed, surprised.

“Aish.. he told you Hae. When you’re still asleep. And he told me that he’s going home at night, and he also asked me to accompany you to eat lunch since he cant be there for you. So… are you already eaten?”

“Pabopabopabo me! Aish!!! And HYUNG!!! Why Hyukkie’s not replying any of my text or answered my phone?!”

“Yah yah.. calm down will ya? I dunno… maybe his cellphone is in a silent mode? Oh and answer me Hae.. have you eaten lunch? Im sorry I cant go home now, my schedule isn’t ended yet. Is that okay?”

“Mmmmnooo I haven’t eaten yet. Waiting for Hyukkie though. No probs hyung, you don’t have to came here, I want to go somewhere. Bye hyung!”

“What? Hae? Hae!!------“ and he hung up his phone.

Teuki hyung wont allowed me to go out if he know I want to go to Hyukkie’s house…..alone. Luckily his house isn’t far enough.

With that, Donghae begin to prepare himself and going to his Hyukkie’s and his mother in law’s house.






“Yeah yeah, wait a minute!” Said a voiced from inside, the voice of his lovely umma-----mother in law.

The door creak opened and the lady got a surprised by a tight hug from a particular fish.

“UMMA!!!!!!!!” shouted Donghae loudly made the lady covered his ear immediately. “AIGOO DONGHAE-YA.. why are you shouting??? And why are you here???’ Hyukjae’s mum asked confusedly while return the hug.

“I was just missing you, and feel like to visiting you. How’s your condition? Is it good?” Donghae grinned cheekily and begin to enter the house with Hyukjae’s mum.

“oh I’m totally fine with my son and son-in-law visiting me today and don’t be lying to this old lady Donghae-ah, you’re just missing you’re Hyukjae right?”


“Ho---how’d you kno---know that?” Donghae stuttered, blushing with Hyukjae’s mum teasing voices.

“Oh come on Donghae… you’re being Hyukjae’s fiancée and being my son-in-law not for only a minute! Don’t ever try to lie to me, kay? And Hyukjae’s in his room. Sleeping maybe?”

“Umma… don—don’t make me blushing! And I’ll go upstairs, bye umma” Donghae hides his blushing face while procced his way to Hyukjae’s room upstairs.

“Oh and Have you eaten yet? Teuki called me, said that you’re going to come over and didn’t eat anything yet”

“Aish…. Teuki hyung…. And no umma, I haven’t eat yet. I’ll eat with Hyukkie later… or eat Hyukkie plumps lips instead since he left me without morning kiss and not replying any of my text.. so, bye umma! I’ll just eat dinner later” Donghae’s smirking, make the lady chuckled over his own son-in-law’s behavior.




Donghae’s pov


I walked to a certain door upstairs. With a monkey name tag hanging in the middle, everyones already knew who is the owner of this room. My beautiful bejeweled monkey, Lee Hyukjae.

I opened the door slowly and feel relieved when I see somebody whom I search for all day long still sleeping soundly under the monkey’s cover. His sleep looks so comfortable though.

I  looked at him who still sleeping soundly. Searching for his phone-----which I found it under the bed---- and check over it.

Hmmmm… there’s so many text from me… 15? 20? 20 unread messages from me.. 5 miscall from me too.. and one messages from Hyoyeon.


I opened it, and read it. Luckily I knew his password. I read it through the text, hmmm… quite long.

And it’s not important at all. But why she had to text MY monkey?! Ugh… I feel jealousy crept in my mind. Even it’s just asking about some dance moves, she doesn’t ned to text him ryt?!?!?!?

I looked again to a familiar figure that I loved it so much. Muscular body… strong arm… milky white skin… and don’t forget the plumps lips either! Ugh.. I feel wanna ravish it..

I slowly approached the sleeping body and began to sit on the stomach. After thinking awhile, I decided to play a prank on him…. A bit. Since I missed him, craving for him, jealous over Hyo and bit mad coz he left me alone at the dorm!

Don’t you remember that the author already told you that I like to play a pranks on Hyukkie? Now is the right time… I grinned widely ad began my plan.

I opened his gallery phone and after some time searching in his music file, finally I got what I need.

While ago.. Hyukkie’s recorded my voice when I’m.. I’m--- loudly coz of our activities. *blushed* so I’m going to a bit, in his sleep.

I played the recorded and soon my could be heard loudly in the room. I put it right beside Hyukkie’s ear and soon the recorded begin to disturbing his sleep and he start to talk in his sleep.

“Aaaahh Hae.. you’re…you’re is so…. y…”

And I began to chuckled. After a while, he began to moving his body in discomfort. I knew he has a hard on. He always get a whenever he heard my moans, even in his sleep. *blushed again*

Okay, actually I planned to make him and left him just like he left me alone at the dorm. But when I’m going to stand from his stomach, there’s a strong muscular arms hug my waist tightly.

“Uhm..where are you going baby? Aren’t you supposed to solve my problem down there?”

I stunned at the sudden voices and moves.


“uh.. hi Hyukkie.. you’re awake? Im not doing anything Hyukkie.. it’s not my fault that you’re got a hard on.. and since when you’re awake??? You naughty monkey.. aish.. oh and---and It’s already dinner time.. let’s go downstairs. I--- i heard umma called us for dinner” I said blabbering and stuttering while trying to get off from his stomach.

“Not so fast baby.. im already awake since you entered this room, and this hard on.. should I say, its your moan’s fault? You naughty fish disturbing my beautiful sleep with your y moan… and I didn’t hear anything about umma called us for dinner though” and he…. Smirked.


“uhmm.. then I should go to the bathroom now, I wanna pee.. let me go Hyukkie” I tried to released his hand from my waist but how much I tried, Hyukkie’s still stronger than me.

“You can go to the bathroom later baby, with me… on round two. Okay?”

“Mmmnoooooooo… don’t want to. I was just prank on you Hyukkieeeee” I hit his chest lightly, pouting madly coz I’m always lost if I played pranked on him.  He cupped my cheeks while he get up from his sleeping position and lean forward to peck my lips.

“Of course you have to baby. Thankyou for your prank then…now I can get my daily dose of your y lips, body, and…. *uhuk*” he grinned widely, smirking. And im being like a fish as always, blushing blushing and blushing for the nth time.

“Oh! baby.. I’m sorry if I’m leaving you alone in the dorm. I don’t want to disturbing your resting day…”

“But you don’t have to silent your phone and not replying my texts nor answered my phone!!! Even there’s Hyoyeon messages too?!?!? how dare you!!” my eyes begin to teary, and I start to sobs softly. Kept hitting his chest lightly over and over again while he wipe my tears.

“Don’t cry baby.. im sorry neh?” he lean his forehead to mine and began kiss all over my face. My eyes, the tip of my nose, cheeks, lips… even nibbled my ears too. I just giggled over his action and threw a faint smile, remembering ‘he left me alone before’.

“You left me…”

“Im sorry neh?”

“But you left me, didn’t eat lunch wif me, even silent your phone plus there’s Hyo messages. You know I don’t like her cling around you ryt???”

“Neh.. I know.. I didn’t even read her messages and im sure you’re already deleted it ryt?”

I just nodded and buried my face in his chest,


“Na ah, I wont. Promise!” he links his pinky finger to mine and flashes his gummy smile to me.

“stop crying baby.. I wont leave you alone ever again, kay?” I smiled my toothless smile widely and hug him tight. Suddenly, he turn me around so now im below him. And he start kissing my face, make me giggled.

“And now.. time for me to dinner…” he smirks while my neck. While I just being a shy fish this time, blushing while obeyed like a cute puppy with his owner. When suddenly…

“YAH HYUKJAE-YA! HAVE YOU DONE RAVISHING MY CUTE BABY HAE? APPA ALREADY CAME HOME, SO LET’S EAT DINNER TOGETHER, NOW!  And bring baby Hae too, and I want him with perfect condition! If I see him limped, I’ll grill you” umma shouted from outside make Hyukjae groaned and cursed mentally.


Hyukjae shouted as well, leaving a loud chuckled from umma, even appa too! outside the room. Ugh I felt soooo embarrased.

“Baby.. we continue this later okay? Umma will kill me if we’re not going down now” I just nodded as a reply and cling on to his neck.

“Lift me Hyukkie~ and you must keep your promise neh!” I said sternly, pouting deeper.

“Don’t pouting baby, or I’ll do you now. And yeah I promise my cutie baby Hae, I wont never ever leave you alone again, kay?”

“Ups! Okay~ hihihi”

“Good boy------since Im craving for you baby, and I missed you a lot too, can I have more than two rounds?” *puppy eyes*

“WH----WHAT?! HYUKKIE!!!!!!”






another lame update.... ;A;

i really have to work hard for this fics... gaaah.. so torturing.. but when i finished one chapter, it feels really good :D


THANKYOU FOR COMMENTS AND SUBS!!!!!!!!! i know my fics isnt good at all.. but i'll try my best! ^^

Enjoy! :)

ps : i'll reply your comment after this, thankyouuuuu *smooch



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Chapter 15: So cute ^^
Chapter 15: wow, this is so cute<33 I like all of it and mostly the scene when donghae ignored hyukjae just bcs of stupid fanfics that's not even real xD it's so donghae awww he's so cute I want a cuddle!!!! thanks for sharing~
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 15: love itttttttttttttttttttttttt <3
no hae , hyukkie never do that cheating thingy . trust me :')
Chapter 15: hi, new reader her~
this story is just awesome!! it's 0:32 at the morning (so?) and right now i'm crying because hae's dream. it's just.. ;AAAAAA;

thanks for this story
hima_kawaii #5
Chapter 15: aye aye aye kekekekekeke finally completed but *sigh* i'm gonna miss cutie cutie pie hae here...... aigoo~

thank you for this story neh~ :D big hug for you....
Chapter 15: happy bday to yuor mum dear.
Chapter 15: why my comments are getting bleeped -.-

first bleep____ bit*h
second and third bleep ____ H*rny
Chapter 15: Omg..while reading this I was like :omg.. omg.. please don't break our couple apart please no... amd at the end I was like :kyaaaa thank God ! <3
sweet story !

and omg you scared me. you totally got my heart beat faster and i almost cried OMG what is this. Hyuk is leaving Hae bcs he's in a relationship with someone WHO'S THT ____ omg im very emotional

and tht part:
excuse me while i hang myself because this contains too much Eunhae feels and i just OMG I CANT.

and then suddenly BAMMMMM
Hae is _____
hahahaha thts so funny and y at the same time. cute hae is cute but _____ hae is so irresistible

im sorry i write so much hahaha and thnks for the wonderful story author-nim! (>^ ▽^)> you deserve a group hug~