
Seungyoung Got Married!

"Unnie, wear this white dress!" Seohyun said as she pushed a dress to Sooyoung's face.

"Seohyun, chill! It's just a.. uhm.. date?"

"Yah! It's your first official date for WGM and I had the same feelings as you okay!"

"Seo, I don't have to wear something so dressy like you, we're going to the park that's all!"

"Unnie.. Wear something nice please? Leave Seungri oppa an impression!"

"If you want me to wear something dressy, then go date Seungri then!"

"Aww unnie's jealous.. Don't worry unnie, I only like Yonghwa, keke."

"Yeah, you and your yonghwa world.."

Tiffany came in just in time to stop the crazy conversationl.

"Sooyoung ah! Quickly change, Seungri called your phone to say that he's coming in 20 minutes~!"

"Alright.. Let me choose it okay?"

Sooyoung took out a pair of shorts and white inner shirt with a tied up blue outer shirt.

"This okay Seo? It's suitable for the park."

"Unnie!! Change into this!" Seohyun argued as she pointed to the dress. Tiffany just shook her head and pulled Seohyun out as SooYoung changed.


[BigBang dorm]

Seungri re-read the letter again and again to make sure that he got the information right.


Hello Seungri sshi! As a husband, you have to take good care of your wife and most importantly, let her be happy! So you are to bring her out to somewhere for your first date! You are to provide the food and make sure she's touched! Your first black room interview would also start really soon. The WGM crew is looking at you all the time arrasso?! Anyway, you must decide a couple name with your wife and make each other husband-wife names to call each other!

We hope that you two will get closer soon! ^^ Annyeong~!

Sincerely, WGM CREW!

SeungRi chose a checkered shirt and khaki knee length shorts to meet SooYoung to show her his boy-ish side. Ommo, I'm so nervous..

SeungRi dialled in SooYoung's number slowly, obviously nervous.

"Yeobosaeyo Sooyoung sshi?" He said into the phone.

"SeungRi sshi? Ah, Tiffany here, SooYoung's busy at the moment."

"Oh.. Please help me to tell her that I'm coming in 20 minutes, kamsahamnida!"

"Arrasso, annyeong!" Tiffany put down the phone.

SeungRi ran into kitchen to get the picnic food he had prepared. (Specifically, WITH GDRAGON. he at cooking. /:)

"Annyeong hyungs!"

"Annyeong, good luck! We're watching you. And we're begging you, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING TRUE ABOUT US."

"Arrasso hyung, I won't worry-"

"YOU WORRY US ALL THE TIME!" Top shouted from the sofa lazily.

"Arrasso arrasso, rest well, I won't let you all worry, I'm going to be 21 soon so don't treat me like some baby!"

"Aish, you're running late okay, bye!"

"ANNYEONG!" He shouted as he hopped into his manager's car.

"Hyung, to SNSD's dorm please!"

"Arrasso.. By the way, I can't fetch you home tonight, top and gd has some stuff on so you two have to take the taxi okay?"

"Wae? aish arrasso.."

"Oh yeah, SNSD's Taeyeon and Seohyun left this scrapbook for you at YG. They want you to read it before you meet your wife because it's going to be of good use."

"Jinjja? Okay!" Seungri flipped open the book and there were tons of information on SooYoung.

"Aish, I know all these already.." Seungri muttered as he turned into the next page and read it diligently, making it a point to remember.

His manager could only shake his head. This boy.. Always filled with information of her, keke. He's really serious this time, to think he was the player.

SeungRi read through the pages and it told him that SooYoung would be jealous if he gets really close to a girl and she likes romantic stuffs..

He continued to read through to make sure what she liked and what she didn't like in a guy. Just then, the car came into a halt outside the dorm as SooYoung stood there waving at him from outside.

SeungRi could only bend down and fluster. OMMO SHE'S SO CUTE! <3 Saranghaeyo.. Wifey Sooyoung keke~! Aish SeungRi, be more man!! that's what she likes! keke.

SeungRi opened the door for SooYoung and sat beside her.

"Annyeong SeungRi sshi!"

"Annyeong SooYoung sshi, skip the formalities arrasso? keke."

"keke Okayy.. Oppa?"


"Anyway, did you get some mission card?"

"Ne, it's here." He took it from the pocket of the car and read with her. Suddenly, their heads hit lightly against each other.

"Aigoo.." She winced as she massaged the temple of her head.

"Omo are you okay? Is it pain? Sorry.."

"hehe, it's okay oppa.." She blushed as he massaged her head.


"Wow, he's going to be a good husband." TaeYeong commented.

"Aigoo SooYoung's really lucky!" Sunny said.

"Yeah, SeungRi treats this really seriously." DaeSung said as everyone had the :O face.

"Jinjja?! Wow we didn't know SeungRi sshi is really serious about this marriage!" The emcee said as she played with her locks.

"Aish, it's SNSD's Sooyoung that's why.." Uee said, scowling in her heart. Am I that bad compared to Sooyoung sshi? I'm tall too! SeungRi, why can't you treat noona specially, and not that kind of good friends?

[At the park]

"SooYoung sshi,let's choose the spot nearer to the sea?"

"Okay, let me help you with that." She helped him hold the food basket as he lay out the mat, he fell onto it accidentally.

"Aigoo Aiggo keke." He lay with his arms outstretched. Sooyoung just giggled and lay the food down, taking out the food.

She plucked out a grape as SeungRi closed his eyes and lay there, enjoying the breeze. It had been a long time since he had this peace. He opened his eyes when he felt SooYoung's breath just at his neck. She had lay beside him and popped a grape into his mouth.

"Is it nice?" She asked him.

"Ne, better than normal grapes!" He said, making SooYoung blush heavily.

"Aish you.. Aigoo.." She could only say these words.

"SooYoung sshi, to remember this day.. Erm, I got a present for you.." He said as he took his bag and opened it, and out came a necklace dangling in his hands.

"Oh my, it's really nice.. Kamsahamnida husband, keke! Can you help me wear it?" She sat up and he put the necklace around her neck, making an inaudible cheer for himself into the camera.

"Oh yeah, let's make a name for ourselves. You know, couple name!" SeungRi said as they started to munch on the cupcakes.

"Mmm, this cupcake is nice.. Ah, Ga In unnie and Jo Kwon sshi are called the adam couple and Nichkhun oppa and Victoria unnie, khuntoria.. So we should make a combination of our name?"

"Arrasso.. Hmm.. SeungRi and SooYoung.. S couple!"

"Aish I said name, oppa!"

"Ne, aigesimida.. SeungRi Sooyoung.."

SeungRi turned and face SooYoung.



They both said at the same time and burst out laughing together.

"SeungYoung couple!" They said into the camera as they did aegyo and heart sign while burst out laughing again.

"AHHAHAHAH! Aigoo.." SeungRi collapsed onto the mat due to excessive laughing.

"Yah! SeungRi, stop being a kid, keke!"

"Aigesimida.. Anyway, we have to make names for each other."

"Wae? Couple names?"


"Aigoo.. Really WGM, what reality do you all want?" SooYoung lay beside SeungRi again.

"Baby~" SeungRi called SooYoung.

"Wae?! Yah Lee SeungRi! what do I call you?"

"Baby too!"


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laxyssi #2
Chapter 8: Until now, i never find seungyoung fanfic. And they're a crack pairing i thought. Nice ff. Keep writing
Chapter 1: i just lmfao @ the brother in law part heehee nice work author-nim ^^
Chapter 8: Oh god thisis so good. love the neding! :)D
This was suuuper cute! Too bad you had to cut the story short. Anyway, I like KyuYoung too so I'll be reading your other fics! xD
akxshi #6
cute!>_<love this pairing! but if it's kyuyoung fanfic will be better kekeke XDD /slap
it's too cute >,<
dukongie #8
Found this fic and when I read SeungYoung, I wanted to give a try and it was a cute fic ^_^ But it was too short :( <br />
Haha, it's okay as long as it has a happy ending.
I just found this fanfic of yours, I got curious because its a rare pairing, SeungYoong, I both love YG's Seungri and SNSD's Sooyoung.. I finished reading it and it's good :D... thanks for this "rare" pairing...hope you got more inspiration to make some more of this :D