
Wake Up Call



▨ Design 

What's hot:

  • Simple Designs. Less is more.

What's not:

  • Over the top designs.
  • Includes too much information.




▨ Font Size 

What's hot:

  • Does not over power the whole picture

What's not:

  • Too big. Makes it aslogan instead of a poster.
  • Too small. To the point that you can't read anything.




▨ Font Style 

What's hot:

  • Uses one same font style for the whole poster.
  • Uses up to 2 fonts: one for the title and the another different one for the author and shop/graphic editor infos.

What's not:

  • Uses different font styles for each and every word, or worse, each letter.





▨ Character/s Pictures 

What's hot:

  • Includes only the main characters

What's not:

  • Includes all characters which makes it a class picture.





▨ When using a poster 

What's hot:

  • Adds interest. Depends on how good it looks.

What's not:

  • You don't want your story to be remembered because of your editing skills and not your writing skills, right? Imagine if your have that most beautiful poster ever made yet your story as hell.






▶ Having a poster is just an option.

▶ Make sure the characteristics of the characters in the story compliments the features/appearance of the person you put in your poster. You can't use a cute girl if her character is a gangster or tomboy. You can't use a y man if his character is a shy nerd boy.

▶ Choosing the picture you will use for your OCs, especially of you're going to use an ullzang - remember, not everyone here are Koreans on has Korean-blood. What would westerns, tanned, blacks, and other asians would feel if you used (again) and ullzang picture? Some are sensitive. They might feel like you're being a racist. I suggest using the idol/s' picture/s alone.

▶ If you're here not because you want to read or become an author, or story reviewer, and just become a graphic editor, well sorry. This is not the site for you. You can go google graphic designing sites on google.

▶ If your poster is not-that-good, who will read the story? Wake up. Just remove it.








This chapter was not made for you to feel bad.
This was made for you to improve.





Special quote:

“The universe is made of stories, not atoms.”

– Muriel Rukeyser




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Chapter 11: Thank you so much for this chapter! The list is extremely useful :)
subscribing because this is so helpful. B'|
thank you so much!
Chapter 11: bookmarking this chapter because omg the list of words is just sho bootiful.
thank you for posting these. they're really helpful and make me look back on my work to fix some of those problems i'm having. ^^
Chapter 9: i just went on and i think i'm addicted
Chapter 9: damn that new site looks beautiful.
Chapter 9: FFO? Oh, I see EXO stuffs there. What. Make it on here. e_e.

...I'm going to post hp and sherlock fanfics there eue
Chapter 5: Chapter 5. YES! But there're of course some good ones out there.. I have to dig them. LOL. Because there're not a lot of good asian fics site anymore. Soompi.. is dying. It's getting quieter and quieter. And yes, Mary Sue OCs.. I hate them. LOL. Too perfect to be realistic. :P