
Everything you do is super duper cute [ One-shot ]


Word count: 1 661






Other people have seen angels,

But I have seen you,

And you are enough.

❤ ♡ ❤








“Do you think that Mr. Long legs will love me, Yeollie?” Baekhyun asked, not looking at his friend who’s leaning on the side of the bed, playing Mario Cart.

Chanyeol got distracted at the mention of Mr. Long legs, Baekhyun’s crush, and let his Mario loose it’s track. He just shrugged, he didn’t utter a word, maybe something bad will come out of his mouth if he did.

“Chanyeol, how about you? Did you fall for someone already?” The elder asked. He asked this before, Chanyeol always say ‘yes’, Baekhyun will pout, and it’s really cute.

So he answered the same thing again, Chanyeol looked at his best friend’s face and saw it pout. The taller grinned, making his left eye twitch involuntarily.

“My Sunshine is really cute, you see…” Chanyeol said and turned to put his playstation on its respectful place before his mother could scold him about being untidy.

“You always say that Chanyeol…” Baekhyun said and sighed, writing something in his little notebook. Chanyeol asked about the little notebook, his bestfriend never let him read anything in it, he tried to pest him for months till he just gave up.

The two heard a loud thunder, and it’s the queu for the rain to fall harshly on the roof.

“You’re going to sleep here right?” The taller guy asked, seating on the bed, placing Baekhyun’s head on his lap.

Everytime the rain falls hard (even not so hard), they will pass the night in Baekhyun’s or Chanyeol’s house. Sometimes, it’s just a fake reason just to have Baekhyun beside Chanyeol.

“Yup.” The elder smiled, “Want to go to sleep?”

Chanyeol nodded with a smile, he placed his bestfriend’s head on the pillow and he laid beside him, pulling the covers up to their chin.

“Goodnight Baekkie~”

“Goodnight Yeollie, sweet dreams.” Baekhyun said with a rather, sweet like honey smile and closed his eyes.

“You too,” My sunshine.



The sun filtered through the lime colored curtains, making Chanyeol wake up from his sweet slumber. He looked down and saw Baekhyun’s face sleeping peacefully, snuggled up in his arms. Well, he don’t have any idea how his arms ended being wrapped around his bestfriend’s petite body. He could careless anyway.

“Channie?” The shorter guy yawned and rubbed his eyes, inching away. Chanyeol pouted mentally.

“Good morning, Baekkie! I smell eomma cooking breakfast already. Let’s go down now neh? Im hungry!”

The elder chuckled and sits up, “Toothbrush. Your breath is awful.”

“Mean.” The taller guy stood up and ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth, his bestfriend followed and used the spare toothbrush standing in the glass.



Baekhyun sighed, he never really like the fact that Chanyeol is in love. In love with somebody else. Not him.

“Baekhyun hyung, what’s with the long face?” Kyungsoo asked, his eyes looked up from his book.

“He likes somebody else..”

“You complained about that hundred times or so..” the younger guy rolled his eyes and trained back his eyes at the book.

“It’s just that, the one he likes is cute. How bout me? Im so far away to the looks of the one he likes.” He pouted.

Kyungsoo wants to laugh, really hard, but he just gulped it in for his life’s sake. “You? Not cute? Oh for the love of gods! You’re freaking cute!”

“But not to Cha—I mean, him.”

“Oh come on hyung! You don’t even know who he likes and you’re acting like a sissy there!”

“Shut up!”

And so the younger did as what his hyung said and gets back to reading his book.

“Baekkie! Finally! Ive been looking for you!” Chanyeol said and settled beside his friend.

“Oh, look, I have to go! I need to meet up with Joonmyun hyung! Bye!” the elder said and runs out of the canteen.

“Joon—Who?” the taller guy asked, suddenly getting curious of this, Joon guy.

Kyungsoo smirked behind his book, a lie building up in his genious brain, it will really work. He thought. “Joonmyun hyung, a HANDSOME senior student,” the younger started, emphasizing the word handsome, “who teaches something that has to do with singing and song writing to his juniors, if they want slash need. Oh! And he’s Baekhyun hyung’s CRUSH.” He said, emphasizing the word crush, just to complete his lie.

Chanyeol’s face fell, “What?” he asked though he heard everything. It’s just, unbelievable.



Chanyeol and Kyungsoo waited for Baekhyun by the school’s gate. The taller didn’t failed to see his bestfriend because of his height. He smiled, then he saw someone beside Baekhyun, his smile faded.

Kyungsoo grinned.

“Hey guys!” Baekhyun waved his hands high. “This is Joonmyun sunbae.” He smiled at the guy beside him.

“It’s nice to meet you Baekhyun’s friends…” Joonmyun smiled nicely.

“This is Kyungsoo, and this is Chanyeol.” Baekhyun introduced, “Chany—“

“Baekkie, let’s go home…” the taller guy pulled his bestfriend by his wrist, “it’s nice to meet you sunbaenim.”

Baekhyun waved at his sunbae and Kyungsoo before cathching up with Chanyeol’s pace. “Yah! I can walk, let go of me!’

Chanyeol didn’t listen. He’s filled up with his own thoughts that he didn’t even notice that small droplets of rain is hitting his skin. Baekhyun pulled the taller guy under the waiting shed.

“Aigoo… Yeollie, you’re so wet.” The shorter guy pulled his hanky and dried his bestfriend’s face. “Chanyeol-ah, why are you suddenly being like this?”

“Because I lik—“ he hesitated for a moment, “Because Im feeling a bit dizzy.” He just said, though it’s far away from what he’s supposed to say.  “You didn’t even tell me you have a crush—“ Baekhyun mentally panicked, “on Joonmyun hyung…”

“Uhmm… actually—“

“No need to be shy, he’s handsome so I wont blame you.” Chanyeol smiled, “I need to go. Bye.” He ruffled his bestfriend’s hair and left.



Chanyeol didn’t speak much after that scene in the waiting shed, Baekhyun is completely normal thought he’s also completely worried about his friend. Kyungsoo, is the one who only knows what’s behind the giant even Chanyeol wont say it. He’s not that stupid.

“Chanyeol hyung, if I were you, I’d confess already.”

“What’s the point? His crush is Joon—“

“He don’t love him pabo. Just give it a try!”

“Why? Did you try it to Jongin already?”

“Wait, how did he—“

“You like him!”


“Yeah right.”

“Baekhyun hyung!” Kyungsoo called loudly, “I have something to say to you! Chan—“


“Don’t worry he’s not here.” The younger guy said and rolled his eyes.


Baekhyun popped out of nowhere and settled beside Chanyeol.

“Baekhyun hyung, Chanyeol wants to sa—“

“Im your hy—“

“—y to you.”

“What is it?” the elder asked.

Chanyeol glared at Kyungsoo, “It’s not—“

“He actually wants to say it’s important so you guys may go now and have a private space alright?” the younger guy smiled and strutted away.

The taller guy sighed and pulled Baekhyun to God-knows-where. They stopped inside the basketball court, where no one can see them easily.

“Are you mad at me for acting weird the last time?”

“No… I can never do that.”


“Well, not literally mad…” Baekhyun’s feet shuffled, and it’s really cute in Chanyeol’s eyes. “Who’s the one you like?” the elder suddenly asked.

“Well, I… uhh… it’s…” the taller guy sighed, “ItsByunBaekhyun!”

“Wait— who? Can you slow down?” Baekhyun’s eyes widened, he heard his name. HIS. Or maybe he’s just hallucinating.

“Its you, Byeon Baekhyun.” Or not. “Happy now?!”

The said guys’s cheeks turned red like cherries in a matter of seconds. Cute.


“Because he’s really cute, and nice and all!”

Baekhyun’s cheeks turned brighter than cherries.

Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun’s face up by his chin and placed his lips on top of the other’s. It’s his biggest wish. He got more braver when Baekhyun didn't push him, so he started moving his lips and the shorter guy’s lips moved in sync with his.

Maybe, just maybe, they could stay like this for a little longer.

Chanyeol finally pulled away, a grin plastered on his face, making his left eye twitch involuntarily. “Ilik— no, I love you Baekkie~”

“I love you too Channie!” Baekhyun said, rather, adorably, and it’s plain cute in Chanyeol’s eyes. He cant help but to describe this guy CUTE. If he could just squish and hug him all day, he’ll surely do it.

“So, can I call you my boyfriend now?”

The shorter guy nodded (adorably), “mmhm!” Then he did hug Baekhyun tightly. “Channie! I cant breathe!” he said while chuckling.

“Sorry!” the taller guy finally let go and scratched his nape. “You’re just so cute and I cant help it!”

“What if Im not cute? Will you still love me?”

“Yes. Because youre the best person in the world!” Chanyeol said and smiled brightly.



“We must title your story: Bestfriends turn to lovers!” Kyungsoo said with a grin after he heard that the bestfriends finally confessed.


“Your story is packed! There’s the cute part, the drama part and a happy ending!”

“Cut it off Kyungsoo!” Baekhyun said, throwing a jellybean over his friend, “Do you want me to call Jongin?”

“What? Why is he suddenly being mentioned here?”

“Don’t act all innocent here Soo. We know that you have this fling—“

“SHUT UP HYUNG!” Kyungsoo bursted, his face is tinge with light pink.

“Don’t you want a story too?” the elder teased.

“Oh, oh! We’ll title it: Accidentally in love!” Chanyeol suggested while laughing.

The younger’s face turned from pink to light red, “Oh for the love of gods… Why am I friends with you guys again?” he stared at the couple who’s feeding jellybean to each other. “Urgh.” He feels like puking.

“KYUNGSOO HYUNG!” a guy shouted. It’s just, Jongin.

Kyungsoo almost face planted on the table, “God, why me? WHY?!” he mumbled.




And they lived happily ever after! (except Kyungsoo who’s still in denial stage)






Worked my the whole hour >w>

anyways, comments are loved!

Do share it if you have BaekYeol lovers friends X)) /shamelessly saying

pardon me XD


Have a dose of BaekYeol a day and be infected with Happy Virus and be diagnosed with BaekYeol infection.






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Chapter 2: This is sooooo cute! I also have read ur other story and it's sooo cute also! Love them! ^^
Chapter 1: hahahaha this is soooo cuteee xD
Chapter 1: Seriously...this is so cute /just like how chanyeol finds baekhyun cute in this story/ ^•~
Chapter 1: awws this was just supa dupa sweet! >//<
Chapter 2: Off to the cookies
Chapter 1: omgg xD <3
Chapter 2: I want KaiSoo ver too >< aigoooo I wuv fluffaaaayyyyyy <3
kausalluveunhae #8
Chapter 1: sooooooooooo cute.....XD my fav coup[le from EXO hehex