Love Potion



Tao has a dream boy, his name is Lay... Tao likes to see him while he is studying at the library... and... that’s it! They never talk (Tao is too shy). One day two weird students tell him about a love potion. Tao is ready to give this potion to Lay, but everything changes when the wrong person drinks it… 

Hey there… so this is based on a manga, if you guys have ever read it… well… don’t say how it ends!!! Don’t you dare!!! J plus… is not the same… muajajajjaja! enjoy beautful ones! LOVE YOU!







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suddon #1
plz continue *sobs
Japanda #2
Chapter 11: i think thAT there was no love potion in the first place....Kris is really in love with tao and now Tao change and like Kris too
lilypower33 #3
Chapter 11: ahahahaha love the jelly part! and I wonder without the potion if he would love him...hmmmm...
ShaZam #4
Chapter 11: Aww.. Tao loves Kris.
Let's just hope the potion is defective and Kris actually does like Tao.
Minsuck #5
Chapter 10: Huh, that jihoo ____(?), my Poor baby Lay has to get better ;3;, where's the taoriiiis~
lilypower33 #6
Chapter 10: :3 love the story~
lilypower33 #7
Chapter 9: UPDATE SOON~ XD
Chapter 9: Hmmmm someone kindhearted,funny,shy...I think it sounds like Tao.