


            The house was askew, reflecting the family's emotions.

            "Has Krystal called back yet?" I desperately asked my husband. He simply shook his head in despair.

            "This is all my fault," I mumbled to myself. I could feel my heart sink inside of my chest. I sat down roughly and allowed the chair to embrace my

limp figure. With a sigh I brought the phone to my ear and re-dialed once again. I was sent straight to the voicemail. Her phone was now off and a new

form of worry gripped onto my heart.


            I slumped in my seat, scrunched into a ball. I desperately wished that I could sleep, however my mind refused to rest. My long, straight hair

cascaded over my shoulder and invaded my face. I soon became lost in my thoughts


            I woke up to a smash. My eyes sprung open and fear boiled up inside of me. Please don't come in here I thought to myself in a panic. My fears

were substantiated when my door crashed open. My mom stomped into my room consumed by a drunken rage. I backed myself up against the wall

and braced myself for what was about to come.


            With a violent tremble I returned to reality, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I would forever be haunted by these memories. They were

the one thing running away could not save me from. 

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Chapter 8: Haha it seemed creepy the conversation with momma jung & the guy. i wonder whats next
winterapril #2
Interesting story.
May I subscribe this story?
When I have time to read each chapter, I will add more comments ^^