Such A Beautiful Lie


Narrator: Kai

Other Main: Kyungsoo

Two-three shot (idk yet)


Other Characters: They come in as they do.... Idk if they are going to be any though



He said he would be with me forever.
I quote,
"I will stay by your side,
            no matter the situation.
Whether Night or Day
            Good or Bad, 
Life or Death,
            you can always look to me because
I love you and
            our hearts are one."
Well…. all hearts are broken.
(in Kai's Narration)


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aigoo aster aster aster
iAmWeAre #2
Chapter 3: Oh ma life so sad TTATT so wonderfully written~ <3
iAmWeAre #3
Chapter 2: This story is so cool!! Ohohoho suho ah did it hurt? XD please update soon!! ><
Chapter 2: Why are there no comments yet?
The story is awesomeee.
Cliffhangerrrr! :[
Please update this story soon author-nim!
I'll be waitinggg :]