From Home to School

How I fell in love


Hyunseung POV

“Son” he started off

“I’m sorry but we are moving”

“What?” I asked blankly

“I said we are moving out of America” he said sternly (I don’t know what’s my obsession with America)

“Why? Why do we have to move? “Weren’t we good here?”

“Yes however my boss wants me to move to the main headquarters of the company” he said with a slight smile on his face

I sighed knowing that he always wanted to work at the headquarters even though I thought it was just the same deal. Even knowing how he feels I still want to stay here, the place that I’ve grown up in, even though my school wasn’t that great I still liked-actually scrape that I found it annoying and boring. However I decided to go along with him even if I didn’t want to.

“Okay where are we going?”

“Seoul, Korea”

“Oh cool what school am I going?” I asked surprizing myself and my father and mother. I never really cared but I still did all the work and came to school but I didn’t really fit in with anyone. All the girls tried to get me to date them and the guys tried to get me into a one night stand but of course I never told my parents that.

“My darling boy” why did my mom have to say that? “Your new school is Seoul academy of music and arts”

I was beginning to like the sound of being in Korea. The school that I’ll be attending is one of my interests, seeing as dancing is the only thing that could ever interest me. Dancing is more than just an interest but my life; it’s something that has been attached to me, something I can’t let go of.

“Hyunseung” I looked up to meet a pair of worried eyes

“Hyunseung I know that you’ll like that school, however you’ll be living in dorm rooms and you’ll have a roommate” he paused for a second “with this in mind are you still willing to go to that Academy?”

I thought for a moment I never really liked having to share a dorm before let alone a room before. Hech I never liked sharing a room with my little sister or anyone else. Maybe it won’t be so hard to give it try at least once

“Yes” I said bravely

“Okay now that that’s sorted we’ll be leaving next week so be prepared” my father said as he and my mother stood up to leave.

I wonder would it be bad to share a room with a guy, would it really be alright?

End of POV  


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