Kris and Tell


"I will post one embarrassing story in the school paper about you until you apologize to me, Kris."


You can't say I didn't warn Kris, who didn't know what he was getting himself into when he humiliated me in front of the entire school. I gave him every chance in the world to apologize to me, and I would have forgiven him so freaking easy because I love the guy. But he just couldn't swallow his pride and admit that what he did to me was wrong; so now I'm going to get a little bit of revenge.

One story.

Every day.

Until he cracks.

I guess there is some truth to the cliche: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


I lost mah mind~~

Why am I writing another story D:? Oh, right. Because this idea literally keeps me up at night. Kris, you have cursed me with your y broad shoulders!!! No really though, he has really great shoulders. And the image of them has festered in my mind and grown until BAM. Kris is rooted in my brain, somewhere in the decagon that is my deformed bias list; an ugly, jumbled list where no one knows where they stand. It's a bloody battle field out there.


I noticed I write a lot of Exo fics, hehe. I just get so much inspiration from them and their cuteness and their fandom, and their fandom's cuteness too. The tumblr-dwelling breed of Exotics is my personal favorite, but I like the abundant Aff-dwellers too! 


Ah, anyway, I hope you guys subscribe! I'll be writing this one a bit different from my other fics, and I keep scrapping and retyping the first chapter. I want to really establish a style for this fic, so I'm really determined to perfect it!!


Muwah! I love you Exotics!! Let's have fun together!



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Kreasy! Hurry and update, this is too awesome. I love this story passionately! It's really funny and fun to read!! Kris is just like extraordinaire! Lulu obviously is trying to say something but Kris just keeps popping up! Is this going to be a trend?! Lol, hwaiting~
The feels as I read this I don't even know OTL
It's just the way Kris acts is so real I guess and *dying* kfh st'wr
Please update all your fics soon I just love how they are written!!
Chapter 2: As I was reading this chapter and whilst I was walking to school at the same time I got to the part when Kris ed Luhan and then and there was the time u spazzed out in anger because of him. I was like WTF and like FK FK FK!!! I was groaning like some weird animal dying. I wa making weird faces making drivers look t me weirdly.
New subbie here, loving this.
So clear that Kris is very "protective" of the bet friend ;)
disillusion #4
Chapter 1: THAT WAS SO GOOD. .___. do not hate it!!!! it was woderfullll~~~ UPDATE SOON MWAAHHH~
Parkilla #5
Chapter 1: update soon~