Our Stupid Plan

SNSD, EXO and SUJU are having a secret meeting without Luhan and Seohyun. "I swear when this thing is done, i will tear Luhan of. He don't let me meet Chennie and i even his NOONA!" Taeyeon shout. "We knew it! WE ARE FORBID TOO!!!" "Why did he do that?" "I think because he can't be with his lover so he forbid us and our lovers to lovey dovey each other." Kyuhyun said. "You boys are so selfish!" "Yoona, stop blaming us!". They keep arguing and fight for each other. Until Chen tell them what their point of this meeting they stop fighting. "Okay, so we will make them back together again!" "Jessica ah, your words sounds easy but how can we do it?" "Well... We'll..." "Let's just do it, we have no time left". Jessica get a kiss from Suho for her great (actually auful) plan. They sent EXO to get Seohyun and drag her to the park. SNSD will take care of Luhan. Baekhyun happily holds Seohyun's soft hand and drag her to the park. SNSD come to EXO dorm and get Luhan to look for Seohyun "Luhan ah, Seohyun's missing!!!" "Since when?" "Yesterday~ We can't find her! Help us!" "No" "Oh, well, i guess we have to find her alone. Hey! Someone said he saw her at the park! Let's go!". Luhan confuse between find her or not and at last, he decided to go to the park. At the park, Seohyun don't want to be alone so she grap Sehun's hand and beg him to stay with her. Sehun blush. Luhan saw it and storm out the place. 'Seo Joo Hyun, you really want to break my heart right?'
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Chapter 7: hahahahahaha , i love it update soon
SoshiLuver327 #2
Chapter 7: The wifeys rules are so funny :D i love them
Plz update soon!!
ChunjiLover #3
Chapter 7: Hahaha I love the rules update soon!!!!!
I support Yultao xD
Chapter 6: owow thier hubbiies are really strict on them
Chapter 5: wowowowo nice going SNSD, EXO, and SUJU for the plan..... but still very cute
tinhnghichbe #7
Chapter 4: awwwwwwwwww
Chapter 4: Wowowowow short temper lulu at least let your girl explain
tinhnghichbe #9
Chapter 4: bwohahahahaha Luhan got jealous so easy