Donghae / You - Gayo Daejun

Super Junior / You [One Shot]

Plot: You and Donghae are well known in the K-pop world and when the two of you are paired up for a dance stage for Gayo Daejun, you find that Donghae can’t keep his hands to himself. 


“Are you nervous at all?” Your friend asks you while she does your hair backstage at Gayo Deajun. 

“Not really,” you lie. Truthfully you were extremely nervous because your dance routine wasn’t that conservative and you were going to be dancing with Donghae of Super Junior who just so happens to be one of the guys you fancy. Never in a million years did you think you were going to be dancing on stage with him in such a revealing outfit. Your dress barely covers your which means every inch of your legs are exposed. You can’t imagine how you’re going to keep yourself together when dancing with Donghae. Especially when dancing in front of a ton of people who know the two of you from your groups. 

Before you and your friend could discuss it anymore, the doors open and in walk Donghae with your choreographer. You bite your lips together hard when you see him. He’s wearing a black shirt that reveals his biceps and his black hair is partially covering his eyes. He looks so amazing that you find it hard to find the right words to say. 

“Are you about ready?” Your choreographer asks walking over to you with Donghae. 

“Yeah, I am,” you say and get to your feet, feeling your heart pounding against your hips. You pray Donghae can’t hear it. 

The three of you make your way backstage and the entire time you’re walking in front of Donghae, you sway your hips from side to side. It’s hard to stop yourself from making him want you. You’d love for his lips to caress your skin but you’re not sure that’d ever happen just because he’s incredibly hard to read. You can’t tell if he’s interested in you because he has the same facial expression every time you see him, which drives you crazy. You’d give anything to spend one night with him, but would he want the same?

Pushing your feelings aside, you stand with him backstage and go over a few moves with your choreographer before she walks away and leaves you two alone, ready to go on stage. “Are you nervous at all?” Donghae asks as he stretches. 

“A little.” You shrug. “Are you?”

“A little.” He smiles at you. You hear the announcer call your names and you glance at Donghae who smirks at you. Taking a deep breath, you stand behind the curtain and wait for it to reveal the two of you. 

In no time the two of you are on stage together with the crowd going wild. You look over at Donghae who smirks at you yet again and the two of you start dancing to the music. You stand in the middle of the stage and Donghae dances over to you, standing behind you. Turning around you shove him off you then start walking away, but he grabs your hand and pulls you against him. You let a moan escape your lips when you feel every inch of him against your leg in your tight black dress. He was a little more rough than during rehearsal, but you didn’t mind. 

As part of the routine, you shove him away and walk down to the other end of the stage and start dancing, bending over, shaking your a little so it would catch his attention. You catch his eye and see him smirk and his lips while walking back over to you. You pull him over by his jacket, get extremely close to his lips so you can feel his breath on your skin, then push him away again. The two of you start dancing again and every time he had to come into contact with you, you knew he wasn’t doing it for the sake of the performance; he was doing it because hewanted to touch you and feel your on his hips or your breath on his skin. And you had to admit that you enjoyed watching him want you. 

After the performance everyone cheers until the next idols come out on stage. Quickly you run back stage and head to your dressing room to cool down after your routine. You’re so right now that you don’t think you can be around Donghae any longer. You need water, a towel, and alone time. 

But hands grab your waist and pull you into a room that wasn’t yours then quickly shut the door. When you spin around to see who it is, you feel yourself get even more wet. “So it wasn’t just me?” Donghae asks as he starts taking off his jacket as his dark eyes stare into yours. 

“Definitely not,” you say breathlessly as you start to strip as well, begging for his lips on yours. As you step out of your dress, Donghae grabs you and presses his lips hard against yours, causing you to moan. His hands don’t take long to find your underwear and they pull them down while he pins you against the wall. 

You step out of your underwear and start tugging on Donghae’s boxers. In no time the two of you are bare and hungry for each other. Donghae slips his tongue into your mouth as he lifts one leg up to his hip and presses himself against you. “Donghae, please,” you beg him, wanting him to be inside you so badly. 

He smirks and pushes himself into you so painfully slow that you push your hips down against his length so he fills you up. The two of you moan in unison and you throw your head back against the wall, not caring if it leaves a mark. You loved how you could take all of him and loved it when he moaned. Donghae starts kissing your neck as you run your fingers through his messy black hair, occasionally tugging on it when he hit a certain spot inside you. 

You rock your hips against his and breathe his name every time he into you hard and deep. He gets pleasure out of this because he captures your lips with his and kisses you so passionately you almost forget how to breathe. Tangling your fingers in his hair, you pull him closer to you so he can’t pull away from this intoxicating kiss. He moans into your mouth when your tongue parts his lips and you feel shivers run down your spine. 

Once you feel like your lungs are going to burst from lack of oxygen, you pull away from the kiss and start kissing his neck. Not caring you’ll probably have burns on your back from your skin rubbing against the wall, you continue to rock your hips against his, making sure he goes as deep as he can. “____,” Donghae moans as he grabs onto your hips and starts going faster and faster.

Gasping, you rest your head on his shoulder and grab onto his arms, feeling yourself getting warmer which means you’re right on the edge. “Keep going,” you tell him as you squeeze your eyes shut. Donghae happily obliges and keeps his pace until your hits you. 

As soon as you moan out his name, he does the same as he cums. He finds your lips again and starts kissing you while you two ride out your s together. Once the two of you calm down from your blissful es, he keeps you pinned against the wall with his sweaty body. You stare into his eyes as your breathing starts to go back to normal. 

He smiles and kisses you softly, his lips barely touching yours. You put your hand on his cheek and kiss him back with a smile. “I have to admit that I really like that dance routine,” he says as he runs his fingers down your sides. 

You laugh, which makes you feel him still inside you and you blush. “I do, too. I just wish we could perform it more often.” You brush his hair out of his face. 

“Well if we do this to make up for it, I think it’ll be fine.” He laughs and looks over your body. 

“I think it will, too.” You smirk and pull him in for another kiss.

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*nosebleed. w-wow...