
Two Worlds Collide


Chapter Three: Daydreams

Chrissy was in her dorm room writing down what she had learned from yesterday’s language class. How could she have learned anything when she spent the whole class spacing and reminiscing about that boy she had knocked into.

Was it really her fault? Or his? She wonders about that for a while re-thinking every step she had taken, if she could remember all of them.  Everything happened so fast it was like a blur to her. It was in the past, she had to get over it, and that surprisingly handsome boy, with a smooth face and a smile that could kill.

“Ugh!!” She shakes her head trying to get out of her daydreaming state, again.  She needed to work on her three paged paper due tomorrow at the beginning of class.  But she had to stop day dreaming first. 

She had been way ahead of everyone else in the class, learning Korean.  So writing this paper was piece of cake for her.

She finished the paper in about three hours.  Again, she had made it perfect, that’s what she thought anyway. What would her professor think? Would he fail her just because he thought she didn’t learn anything from spacing during class?

She shakes her head, not worrying about little things like this.  It was late and she needed her beauty sleep. She goes to change into her Kigurumi and falls asleep. 

*     *     *

Chrissy couldn’t sleep last night. She kept tossing and turning. But why? She had dreamt, of him. She knew nothing about this boy, where he came from, how old he was, if he was single, why she suddenly couldn’t stop thinking about him all the time. For some reason these thoughts she had, kept her up all night. 

She was wide awake now, just lying in her bed.  She had looked at her clock it was 10 a.m.  She had two hours to get ready and leave for class, more than enough time. She gets up, picks out clothes for the day and hops in the shower. Maybe a nice, warm, hot shower would take her mind off all of this.

After she finished she went to the café to get some breakfast.  There had been a line of people waiting for food. She took her phone out, it was 11 a.m.  She had an hour to either wait in line, or go the vending machine to get food. 

She decided to go to the vending machine.  All they had was junk food that had labels in hangul, but she understood them all. She put money in and got herself some not-so unhealthy chips.  She was going to need a drink so she walked over to the other vending machine with the beverages and got herself water.

Once she had gotten the water bottle she looked around to see if any of her friends had been in the café, she had to study hard but she eventually found the back of her friend Becky’s head. She walks over to her table and pulls the chair out to sit with her.  

Becky looks at her with a weird look. “Chrissy? What’s wrong?”

“What?” She looks up from trying to open her bag of chips. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.” She struggles to open the bag. She pulls and pulls but all it does is burst open, the chips fly everywhere. Chrissy rolls her eyes puts her elbows on the table and touches her temples.

“Something is wrong.” Becky gets up pulls a chair from another table and goes to sit next to her. “You’re lying. Tell me, what’s the matter?”

“You know the ball Friday night? And how I asked you if you wanted anything to drink.” Chrissy says looking at her.

“Mhm.” Becky answers.

“Well, as I was finishing my drink I tossed it in the garbage and made my way back to you guys. But as I was doing that this boy who was dancing crazy collided with me and I fell to the ground.” She looks away again.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this! You could have been really hurt! Are you okay?!” Becky said looking at Chrissy’s skin that was visible for any bruises and scraps.

“I’m fine!” Chrissy says pulling away from Becky.

“We’ll then what’s upsetting you?”

“The boy. I can’t get him out of my head. And I don’t even know him. Where he’s from? How old he is? If he has a girlfriend….not that I want to be his girlfriend, but you know…” Chrissy said looking away feeling embarrassed from saying that.

Becky looks at her with an evil grin and a tilted head.

“No. Don’t even say it. I don’t like him.” Chrissy said drinking the water that hadn’t exploded everywhere.

“I wasn’t going to.” Becky says offering her some of her food.

“Well that look you had…” Chrissy was cut off.

“Girl, I was playing around.” Becky laughs. “I think after your class, you and I should go take a walk around the city. You need to take a breather.” Becky says getting up to throw her trash away.

Chrissy’s eyes grow large. “My class!!” She looks at her watch, she has five minutes to get there. “I-I gotta go! I’ll…talk to you later.” She runs off to her class.

“I’ll call you!!!”  Becky yells before Chrissy leaves the café.

Chrissy runs to her room pushing people out of the way.  They all yelled at her for being so rude but she didn’t care she needed to get to class. She went down hallways through doors, running past teachers in the hallway yelling at her to stop running, she didn’t listen. Once she got into the hallway of her class she slowed her pace into a walk catching her breath. 

She entered her class and handed the three paged paper to her teacher. She goes up stairs to sit in her chair, breathing heavily from running.  Her class was only an hour today and was the last class that she had for this week.

The professor began teaching, he was talking in English. The students had to translate what he was saying back to him in Korean. He was shocked as to how many students knew what he was saying, this wasn’t regular. Most were confused and couldn’t answer him back. He smiled from seeing all of his students answering him.

He looks at the clock and see’s that there is five minutes left. He stops teaching. “Class, I am very impressed with all of you. You did an outstanding job today. As a reward, you will have no homework. Today you showed me that you paid attention so, no homework is my reward to you all. Great job today. Enjoy the rest of your day.” He goes back to sit at his desk.

The bell rings and everyone makes their way out of the class. Chrissy was proud of herself, that she paid attention in class. She really did need a break, and she had wanted to explore the city, so she would.

*    *     *

Chrissy and her best friend Becky were walking down the streets of Seoul, looking at all the neon lights shining everywhere from the food stores, clothing stores and the lively citizens walking around just enjoying the calm weather.  They had decided to walk over to this little old lady selling food and try some. They after all were in Korea so they had to eat Korean food.

The old lady was selling fried shrimp. Covered in bread crumbs, but they were fresh so once you put it in your mouth it melted. The warmness of the food made the girls feel that much warmer. 

They continued to other food servers, they came to this one man who was selling a certain kind of fruity drink. This made the girls both smile since they were dehydrated. They both says hello to the man and bow. He explains to them what is in the drink and how it is healthy for you. The girls start to get parched and both reach for a sample. As Chrissy reaches for hers she comes across this other hand who was also reaching for a drink. The hands touch lightly.

“Oh. I’m sorr-” This deep voice suddenly stops.

Chrissy looks up and see’s this boy. She nearly chokes on her drink. She hits Becky on the back of the head.

“Yah! What? That really hurt!” She turns around and looks at Chrissy who is holding the cup in front of her face as if she was going to take a sip, but she was frozen in place.

“Have I seen you before?” The boy asks looking at Chrissy. “You look really familiar…”

Chrissy couldn’t answer. She knew it was him. She wasn’t moving one bit.  

The boy had his hair gelled up coming away from his forehead with the rest of his hair shaved. He was wearing a light jacket with a gray-ish scarf, jeans and some Nike’s. 

Becky nudges her. “You going to answer, the boy?”

Chrissy doesn’t move.

“Uhm, it looks like she’s…not in the talking mood right now. Sorry.” Becky says answering for her.

“Are you her translator?” This scrawny boy with brunette hair says. He smiles. This makes Becky almost stare but she refuses.

“N-no, she’s just…” Becky hits her behind the head the same way Chrissy had hit her.

“Ow!! Why’d you do that!!” Chrissy says suddenly out of her state she was in.

“He asked you a question. But you and your day dreaming took over.” Becky says looking back at the two boys. “Answer him.” She points to the one who had asked the question.  

Chrissy looks at him quickly then turns to Becky and whispers in her ear. “Th-that’s him!!”

“Him who-” Becky pauses and realizes what Chrissy had said. “OH HIM!” She nearly screams the boys had to cover their ears. “Aish. Sorry.”

“What was I supposed to answer??” Chrissy said confused as usual.

The handsome boy scoffs. “I asked if I have seen you before, because you look really familiar.”

“I-I don’t think you have.” Chrissy said hesitantly.

The scrawny boy leans over to his friend’s ear and whispers something. The handsome boys eye light up. He looks back at him. “Right! That’s her!”

“Okay. I’m super confused right now. Someone please explain!” Becky says crossing her arms demanding an explanation.

“Your friend, I bumped into her at the ball.” The handsome boy says.

Chrissy spits out her drink and coughs.

“So I have seen you before.” The boy walks closer to her. “Please. Let me treat you to something. I feel horrible.”

“Uh…I have to-”

“She’ll go!” Becky interrupts answering for her.

The scrawny boy laughs a high pitched laugh, making Becky smile and turn away.

“Okay great! How about we meet back here tomorrow at this same time? I will treat you to what ever you like. Sound good?” The handsome boy asks.

“I-I don’t even know your name?” Chrissy says.

“Elison Kim. But call me Eli.” He smiles at her, making her blush.

“And I’m Kevin!” He says looking at Becky, like he was telling only that to her.

“Yah!” Eli hits the back of Kevin’s head.

“Oww! Hyung why so mean!” Kevin rubbs the back of his head. Becky giggles.

“Your names?” Eli asks.

“She’s Chrissy.” Becky points towards Chrissy.

“And that’s Becky.” Chrissy points towards Becky.

The girls were nervous. The boys could tell.

“Haha. Okay Chrissy, I’ll see you here tomorrow at the same time. Bye.” Eli says waving and walking away.

“B-Bye.” Chrissy was hunched over just smiling.

“Kevin? Are you coming?” Eli says stopping from walking and looking at him. He was just standing there starring at Becky.

He shakes his head. “Uh, yeah. Bye girls!” He smiles, waves and catches up to Eli.  Becky chuckles. “Bye!” She says waving at him.

The girls turn and stare at each other for a few seconds. “THEY ARE SO CUTE! OH MY GOD!” They say in unison. 

“That boy was totally grilling you!” Chrissy says talking about Kevin.

“N-no he wasn’t.” Becky denies it. “That boy was totally grilling YOU!”

“You think so?” Chrissy says.

“Are you kidding me? It’s so obvious!” Becky looks at her watch. “Oh gosh. We need to get back to the dorm. It’s late. And you have a date tomorrow.” Becky says hitting Chrissy then running away from getting tackled.

The girls make it back to the dorm and both try to sleep as much as they can, but it’s kind of hard to when they just went through the same thing. They tried to get as much sleep as they could. Tomorrow was important for Chrissy. She needed her beauty sleep.


^^ Teehee~ 

I am so much better at writing fics about OTHER ppl than fics about me and someone else. I like this fic. It's good...better than my other ones. >< 




Please READ AND COMMENT my other fics as well. ^^

Two World's Collide

Love...B2ST Style

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itpaty #1
how I love this fanfic! please update soon?! thank you ^^
I. Love. You. Becky. <3
I love this....please Update soon...kekeke
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay<333 Oh mah goodness. I love you so much.<br />
YumNumMmm #6
Becky. I love you so hard.<br />
Elissy hwaiting!! <3
YukiMary #8
Ah.... Why?! NOOO!!! Hoho XDD<br />
<br />
Update soon~~ ^^ Y
-dies- Beckyyyy~~~ <3