The Ball

Two Worlds Collide


Chapter One: The Ball

“Chrissyyy!! Let me in!!! I need to talk to you right now!” Someone said knocking loud and obnoxiously on her dorm rooms door.

“Ugh!” Chrissy gets up from working on her college term paper she needed done by noon time tomorrow. “Who is it? I’m busy, you know.” She says looking through the peep hole.

The person on the other side of the door smiles widely and waves from seeing Chrissy’s eye. “Hi!!” The person says.

Chrissy knew who it was and started laughing. It had been her friend Becky. She opened the door.

Becky bolts in the room. “Girl, do I have something to tell you!” She runs over to sit on the couch tapping it motioning Chrissy to sit. “Come, come sit.” 

Chrissy sighs heavily and shuffles over to go join her friend on the couch.

 “Is this going to take long? I have a term paper for my class due tomorrow at noon and I haven’t even started typing it yet. I was going to but you interrupted me. If I don’t get it to my language professor at exactly noon…he will fail that assignment.” She says trying to catch her breath. This assignment was really stressing her out.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be out of here as soon as I finish what I want to tell you.” Becky says getting excited.

 “Well, go ahead.” Chrissy said folding her arms in front of her chest.

“Okay so! There have been these fliers all around the campus and city saying that there is this Masquerade Ball tomorrow at seven p.m. Every college student gets in for free, and you have to dress up casually. I say wear a pretty dress with some nice shoes and accessories. But anyway, you have to go!!!” Becky had said all of that so fast that it made Chrissy confused.

“Wait what? There’s a Masquerade Ball tomorrow at seven p.m.? Here?” Chrissy asked just making sure she heard Becky right.

“That’s what I said.” Becky paused. “So you’re going to this, right?”   

“I don’t know.  All of this college stuff is literally taking over my life. I don’t think I will have time to go to this…” Chrissy said. She didn’t really want to go anyway. But maybe that would change.

Becky puffs her cheeks. “Aww! Come on!!! You need to get away from this school stuff!”

“Eh.” Chrissy says touching her temples.

“Come on. You’ll have fun. And besides it’s open to the public. So who knows maybe a cute boy will come?” Becky says with a smile as she hits Chrissy jokingly.   Why was she so weird sometimes?

“I’ll think about it. I have to finish this term paper before I do anything.” Chrissy says touching her temples from the amount of pressure on her right now.

“Well, I’ll call you tomorrow after your class or after you hand in your paper and see if you changed your mind, okay?”

“I have no classes tomorrow.” Chrissy says.

“Really?! Yes!!” Becky says standing up with her arms in the air. “Good luck on your paper. Chrissy fighting!!” Becky did the fighting arm movement. “…I…shall be going now. Bye!” She ran out the door.

“That girl, I swear, she’s going to be the death of me.” Chrissy says walking back to the table where her laptop was and where the piles of papers from her rough draft had been also.

“Alright, I really need to start this paper. I will not sleep till it is perfect and finished!” Chrissy says to herself.

She was confident in herself on completing this paper tonight.  She had to write about what her future endeavors were. Why she had wanted to major in what she chose. How she had come to this decision. Does she think it is the right choice? And why she chose to study abroad in Korea.

She started writing her paper, it was now five p.m.  She was writing in a way that made her sound like she was a good writer, using all of these big words, trying to impress her professor.

Three hours had passed and she had only a page done. She needed five more. If she had a page or more for each question, it would make the time go by that much faster and easier.

It was now eleven p.m. Pages she had done? Three.

“Ugh! I can’t think straight. Why is this so hard for me? I’m usually good at writing papers like this.” She sighed and went back to work. No time for complaining.  She really had to start thinking harder now.

Two hours had passed, one a.m.

“Success!! I have finished!” She said throwing her arms in the air.  She had finished reading it over and checking for grammatical errors, spelling error and stupid mistakes. Now she just needed to print it out and sleep. She had to wake up early tomorrow to make sure she got it to her language professor on time.

*     *    *

Chrissy had been running, full speed down flights of stairs, hallways and doors. She was pushing people out of the way, just to get her paper handed to her professor in five minutes.

She eventually arrived at his room. She ran inside putting the paper on his desk.

“He-here…you…go.” She said laying a hand on his desk and the other on her opposite knee trying to catch her breath.

“Thank you, Chrissy.” The professor moves away from his computer and takes the paper looking at it quickly.  “I hope you worked hard on this. It’s half a semester grade.”

She stands up straight. “Oh, don’t you worry professor. I stayed up until one a.m. finishing this. So I hope it’s perfect.” She says smiling. 

“I hope so too.” The professor says smiling. “Well, I’ll see you Monday?”

“Yes. See you Monday. Bye!” Chrissy runs out of his class room back the same way she came down, to her dorm. Once she was inside, she plopped on the couch tired of running so much. She didn’t have to run back to her dorm. So why did she?

Her cell phone rang. “Hellooo.” She said.

“Hey! Did you hand in the paper?” It was Becky.

“Yes. Yes I did.” Chrissy answers.

“You made it perfect didn’t you?”

“Mhm!” Chrissy says.

“Over achiever. Haha. Just kidding. I would have done the same.” Becky says laughing at herself.

“So I have been thinking about that ball.” Chrissy says.

“Yes… want to go don’t you?!” Chrissy could tell Becky was getting excited.

“I do.” Chrissy answers.

“Wah!! Yes!!! Thank you! Go get yourself prettied up. I’ll be there in two hours. See you soon!!” Becky hung up the phone.

Chrissy couldn’t help but smile. She loved making Becky freak out.

She went to go take a shower, getting all of the hot, sticky sweat she had created from running everywhere, off her body.

After that, she went to her closet, which had barely any clothes in it. She looked for a casual but not to fancy dress. She found one. This dress was the perfect dress to wear. I was like a sundress but more fancy. She had loved this dress so much, it made her miss the spring and wearing it.

She put it on and admired herself in the mirror.

“Oh don’t I just look stunning?” She said to herself making her laugh.

She needed to fix her hair somehow. She went over to her bed side table filled with bobby pins and hair ties and saw this pin that had a bow on it. She pulled back the hair on the opposite side of her bangs away from her ear. It made her hair look prettier than it already was.

Now the last things she needed was some cover up, mascara and eyeliner. She didn’t really wear much makeup, but tonight was special. Boys would be coming from all around the city. She put little amounts of make up on. Since it was a Masquerade party she needed to hide her face some how.

She had heard a loud knock on her door.

“Coming!” She yelled as she ran down a short hallway opening the door.

“Well, don’t you look, hot!” Becky said walking in her dorm.

“Thanks? Haha. But, I don’t have a mask.”

“Girl, I got you covered.” Becky hands her a mask that had a peacock feather hanging off the side of it. The mask was sparkly, it made Chrissy feel like a princess.

“Ready?” Becky said.

“Yes. Let’s go.”

“Let’s go…meet some boys!!! I mean, dance.” Becky said walking out of the dorm with Chrissy laughing behind her.

*     *     *

The ball had been located in the big gymnasium that the college had. Students had been walking in one by one, since they were a part of the college so they were free. On the other side there was a line of city people paying five dollars to enter.

“I feel so special just having to walk in and not pay.” Chrissy said holding onto Becky’s arm.

“Yeah. I know right.” Becky said.

The two girls entered the gym and saw a group of their friends and went to join them.

Food had been on tables which the students and other attendees could snack from all night long. The school had teachers re-filling any food that was getting eaten up.

“Who wants to party?!!!”  The DJ said.

Roars of “We do!” filled the gym.

“I can’t hear you! I said who wants to PARTY!!!” The DJ asked again but in a louder tone.

The roars from everyone in the gym had been even louder. “WE DO!!!” 

“Let’s get this party STARTED!!!!” The DJ began to play a song that had a really good beat to it which made everyone in the gym start to bounce up and down waving their hands in the air. Everyone had screamed at certain parts of the song saying the lyrics.

Since they were in Korea and Korea is known for its hundreds of groups with songs that have a beat which made everyone love, that’s all the DJ had played, K-pop songs.

Hours had passed Chrissy, Becky and their group of friends hadn’t stopped dancing. They were having so much fun. They never wanted to stop dancing. This was the life of a college student. During the weekdays it’s all about school. But when it’s a Friday night and the weekend…it’s all about partying till you can’t stand any more. 

“Hey.” Chrissy said to her friends. “HEY!” She had to practically scream to them because the music was so loud.

“What?” They answered.

“I’m going to get a drink. You guys want any?” She asks them.

“No.” They all answered.

“Okay. I’ll be right back.” She says.

Chrissy walks over to the table where the drinks are being served. She reaches her arm out to pick up a cup with ice tea in it. She gulps it down in a few seconds. She turns around to go put the cup in a garbage bin at the end of the table.

As she begins to walk back to her group of friends this boy collides into her from his crazy dancing knocking her over onto the ground.

The boy had a white tuxedo on with a black tie. His body was big. He was built. You could tell that he works out because he had bicep muscles. It showed when he moved his arm a certain way. The weird thing about this boy, was his thighs were strangely large. It was a bit scary. He had a mask on that was plain white it covered the top of his forehead until the bottom of his nose. 

“Oh. Oh my gosh! I’m sorry.” The boy says. “I didn’t mean to bump into you. Here let me help you.” He reaches out his hand. Chrissy had to decide whether to be nice to this boy for knocking her down or to yell at him. She decided to be nice.

She took his hand. He pulls her up. “Thanks.” She stood up flattening her dress out and fixing her mask which surprisingly hadn’t fallen off. “It’s my fault for not watching where I was going.”

“No it’s my fault.” The boy said. “Are you sure you’re okay?” 

“Yes. I’m fine.” She says looking at him. “Thank you, again.” She walks away.  

“Wait!” He says.

*     *     *

The ball had ended and everyone was heading back to their dorms or their houses.

The boy had really felt bad about knocking her down and he wanted to make up for it. He looked around outside hoping to see her making her way back to her dorm.

She had left. No where to be found. 


Chapter one. 

What do you think? :)) 

I like it lol. Becky won't be in this story that much. She is just a character that has tiny parts here and there. This story is mostly about Eli and Chrissy. 

Elissy. :D 

Lol enjoy. 

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itpaty #1
how I love this fanfic! please update soon?! thank you ^^
I. Love. You. Becky. <3
I love this....please Update soon...kekeke
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay<333 Oh mah goodness. I love you so much.<br />
YumNumMmm #6
Becky. I love you so hard.<br />
Elissy hwaiting!! <3
YukiMary #8
Ah.... Why?! NOOO!!! Hoho XDD<br />
<br />
Update soon~~ ^^ Y
-dies- Beckyyyy~~~ <3