Chapter 3



He surveyed the reflection in the bathroom mirror with slight distaste. The firm arms he had prior to the accident was gone, leaving flabby ones instead. He poked his similarly-flabby stomach.
His hair was black--- the original colour. He liked the colour of his hair, but the style...
And not to mention the state of his body. He wasn't fat--- just a little bit more chubby than he was. He was so used to watching his body figure when he was an idol, that he nearly fainted when he took of his hospital gown to look at the mirror. But he guessed for now he wasn't, so to the heck with watching his diet. He was going to enjoy while it lasts. Anyway it wasn't technically his body.
He pulled on a loose sweater and sweat pants. It was nearly 34 degree celcius outside, but the doctor disallowed his from wearing any light clothes. He crumpled up the thin white material and opened the bathroom door. Sulli took the crumpled gown and folded it neatly, causing him to grin sheepishly. The way Sulli treated him--- getting the set of clothes he would wear home, fussing over his messy hair, spoon-feeding him some porridge, and now, folding his gown neatly. He felt like a child again, but somehow he liked it. Having someone to fuss over him.
When he woke up earlier that day, mixed feelings stirred in his heart the moment he saw Sulli still asleep on the bed. He was sort of glad to not be back in his original body, but he was still worried all the same. Did he die? What's happening to his real self?
He had doubts about living a married life, with a person which he had previously regarded as a cute younger sister, nothing more. But his doubts have been cleared as Sulli took charge of his discharge. Maybe, he could get used to this. No more chores! He thought to his delight. Kyuhyun chuckled silently as he walked beside Sulli to the entrance of the hospital. The warm and moist air whooshed onto his face, and the bright early summer sun shone relentlessly, even though it was only 9am. Kyuhyun started to sweat under the thick layer of cotton, bewildered at the weather. They silently headed to Sulli's brother, who sat waiting in his car. He liked this silence. No screams, no hysterical journalists. He liked being normal.
Kyuhyun buckled his seatbelt. Sulli entered the car to the back seat and shut her door. The driver, Sulli's older brother, grinned sideways at Kyuhyun. "Feeling better?"
Kyuhyun returned the smile. "Yeah, by a lot. Her presence makes everything better."
Sulli's brother wiggled his eyebrows at Sulli through the rearview mirror, making her blush.
"Aishh... These two love birds."
"Oppa. You should marry, instead of talking about a married couple." Sulli , and he laughed mockingly as he started to drive.
"No way." he said with a straight face. Sulli rolled her eyes, but secretly smirked.
The rest of the car ride was silent, and even though the siblings seemed used to it, Kyuhyun wasn't.
"Do you mind if I turn on the radio?" he asked hopefully. Maybe if he heard something familiar, he could at least reassure himself that he was just dreaming. Though there was no accounting for dreams, but still.
Kyuhyun lifted up his arm to press on the ON button.
"Good morning, this is the 9am news-" Kyuhyun pressed NEXT.
"This gadget is a MUST-HAVE. With the latest smart technology, it can control the temperature of your floor, rooms, so you won't have to control everything manually-" he pressed NEXT again. There was a crackling sound started. A strong beat entered, followed by a deep rapping voice.
Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow, bemused.
It was somewhat similar to the music Super Junior made, but different. The electronic feel was very strong. The voice sounded kind of robotic as well. Kyuhyun cleared his throat and asked, "Do you know who sang this?"
"Oh, Seunghyun. He's the rapping sensation nowadays." Sulli's brother replied without taking his eyes off the road.
"Is he... Choi Seunghyun? Is he part of Bigbang?"
"Um... Maybe you got some science mixed up with music in that head of yours, but the only big bang I've heard of is the Big Bang Theory."
"So he's solo?"
"Yeah. He doesn't have the perfect looks, but his voice," Sulli's brother pretended to shiver. "Gives all girls the goosebumps."
Kyuhyun chuckled. At least that was still the same.
Sulli piped teasingly up from the back, "Are you a fan of his?"
"No!" Her brother replied immediately, but Kyuhyun could see a blush crawling up his cheeks.
Sulli noticed it too, and started laughing. "No wonder you wouldn't stop talking about him for the past few weeks!"
Her brother sighed exasperately, and with a glance at Kyuhyun, who was smirking at him, he sighed even louder, then turned back to look at the road.
"I'm not his fan."
"Why don't you want to admit it?" Kyuhyun asked, interested.
"It's not a matter of admitting it or not. The fact is. I. AM. NOT. HIS FAN. FULLSTOP." The knuckles on the steering wheel turned whiter by the second.
"Oppa, we're just teasing you. There's no need to get so worked up."
Her brother sighed. "Yeah. I know."
"By the way, I made umma's kimchi a few weeks ago. You should eat before you go. It's your favourite." 
"Thanks, Ri."
Sulli beamed, reaching over to ruffle her brother's hair. He smiled, but kept his eyes on the road. Kyuhyun sensed that they were keeping something secretive, but he felt that he didn't exactly have the right to know. So he kept his mouth shut.
He continued changing channels until he finally gave up on searching for a decent song  to listen to. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep.
The blond man continued walking down the hallway, unaware of the voice.
"Hyung!" this time, there was a sense of urgency. But the man continued to walk away, as if he was deaf.
The voice continued to yell, but soon, the man was consumed by the dark abyss beyond the darkening corridor.
Suddenly, Kyuhyun realised the voice was his. Blinking bemusedly, he slowly moved his legs to walk down the hallway in the same direction. Suddenly he heard something familiar.
Flashing neon lights danced ahead under a closed door. Curious, he headed for the door, completely forgetting the blond man he had been calling earlier. But the door was locked. And the song he had heard was becoming clearer. He gingerly pressed his ear to the door, listening intently.
A shadow loomed over him in the dim corridor. Kyuhyun ignored it. But he froze when he felt someone breathing down his neck, literally.
He slowly turned his head, and fell backwards on his when he saw the person's face.
He screamed as he scrambled up on his legs to bolt further into the hallway. His echoing footsteps added to his thumping frightened heart, and his gasps of air. Despite that he was venturing into a extremely dark place, he continued his frantic run. After a while, he realised he couldn't see anything at all. The corridor was so black that he couldn't even see his own fingers. The only thing he could sense was the haphazard rapid breathing sounds from everywhere around him. Sweat trickled down his pulsing temples and fear quickened his pulse. He fumbled around the wall, hoping to grab onto something; something useful, that is.
"Jagi?" A soft voice called out. Kyuhyun stilled his frantic movements.
It came from the direction where he saw the Was it a trick? But it sounded so much like...
His heart tripped over itself when the familiarity struck him.
It was her.
He turned towards her voice, eyes wide. She staggered into dark corridor, carrying a flashlight.
"Jagi," she called again, and Kyuhyun replied, saying her name with a question-like manner.
Sobs echoed in the hallway.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
She continued her heart-breaking sobs, and Kyuhyun squinted at the bright light emanating from the torch she held in her hand.
"Why, Jagi?" she asked, her voice trembling.
"Why what?"
"Why did you make me kill it?"
Confused, he went over towards her. Suddenly, a florescent light flickered overhead her, making Kyuhyun gasp.
She was there, standing in a white dress shirt and grey pants. That was his last image of her before the accident happened.
But she was covered with blood. Her white shirt was splotched with bright red stains. Her disstressed face was splattered with blood. A knife she held in her right hand glistened in the blinking light, dripping maliciously with fresh blood. Kyuhyun's blood froze.
"K-kill w-what?"
She remained silent, but she continued to stumble her way to him. He backed away, suddenly afraid of her.
"Are you... Afraid?" she whimpered. He glanced at her knife and back at her, gulping visibly.
Suddenly, she smiled. In the flickering hallway, he noticed something abnormal about her teeth.
Her inscissors were sharp, like a spear's head.
Before Kyuhyun could react, she launched herself at him, sinking her sharp inscissors into his neck.
He jotted awake. The sudden burst of light meeting his eyes made him wince. His pulse was still rapid; he could almost hear the thudding of his heart beating fiercely against his ribcage. 
Sulli hovered at the side, her face creased with worry.
"Are you okay? You were sweating and mumbling in your sleep."
Kyuhyun breathed deeply, trying to clear his mind from the image of the bloodied face that had launched at him. No, it wasn't her. She was sweet and caring. She can't be a malicious vampire. No way. No way in hell.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a nightmare." he smiled weakly.
Sulli looked uncertainly at him, but said, "We're home now. Oppa is inside eating lunch. You want some lunch?"
Kyuhyun smiled and nodded. He got out of the car with her help. His legs were still wobbly, and the image of that girl wouldn't go away.
At all.


They had decided to keep his 'amnesia' a secret from the manager, though there might instances where Kyuhyun might expose himself not being able to remember certain things. But he had to pretend he knew everything; he had to undergo training again to relearn everything if he did forget. Training wasn't exactly a paradise, so they helped him keep the secret. They even pretended ignorance in front of the doctor.
They also reminded him certain things. Like: Put on this sunglasses. Don't answer any weird questions like oppa did you dream of me, or oppa will you marry me. If they ask whether he is feeling well, just nod and smile.
And what welcomed him in the entrance were journalists, photographers, and of course, a sea of fans. Kyuhyun grew dizzy from all the sight and the noise. Several screamed his name, some shrieked "OPPA!" and the rest yelled random things he couldn't decipher.
Some SM staff were there to block the crowd, and Leeteuk had his arms around Kyuhyun's shoulders protectively. Sungmin huddled closely behind them, carrying a black baggage full of Kyuhyun's clothes and skin products. Mostly were Siwon's skin products, but he glady lent them to Kyuhyun so that Kyuhyun wouldn't look so bad that ashen pale complexion. They also made him apply sunblock on his skin even though almost his entire body was covered, except his face.
He had been admiring the young body he was in while using the bathroom. There were no obvious muscles, but the body was firm yet slim. The only thing that he was a little uncomfortable about was the colour of his skin. It was too white. He thought he looked like a ghost. And his hair. He was uncomfortable with having blond hair. One thing he had been proud of his own body was the blackness and luxurious feel of his own hair. But now, the hair he has was coarse and brittle. However, he supposed being a singer comes at a price and his hair wasn't worth as much as that. Heck, he'd even go bald if he had to.
Now the fans were going mad, while reporters were yelling questions over the noise. Leeteuk told Kyuhyun to just smile in a whisper. Kyuhyun's face cracked into a smile, a genuine one. He was amazed and pleased to see all the attention he was getting. So this was how being famous feels like. Like he was at the top of the world.
They all heaved a sigh of relief once inside the van. Hysterical screams could still be heard, and Kyuhyun was still excited.
"I can't believe I'm that popular," he exclaimed.
Sungmin rolled his eyes at Kyuhyun while Leeteuk chuckled, "Yeah, yeah."
"Still as cocky even you've lost your---" Sungmin berated, only to be cut off by Leeteuk's hand on Sungmin's mouth.
In the driver's seat, their manager asked,"Lost what?"
"Oh nothing, he just lost his phone." Leeteuk answered. Then he hissed softly, "Sungmin!"
"Aish," Sungmin glared at Kyuhyun. "This boy needs to be retaught how to be humble. He should go for training again and remember all the hardships he had went through once."
Leeteuk sighed.
"He's just been out of a critical accident, Sungmin. Do give way to him, arraseo? "
Sungmin continued glaring, but then shook his head, mumbling something about something, or someone, being hopeless. But Kyuhyun was too preoccupied with the view outside to notice Sungmin's behaviour. The glorious summer sun shone down upon Seoul in the most enchanting manner, lighting up trees along the road side a golden shade. When he was the 29-year-old Kyuhyun, his world was just an infernal oven in the summer, and a deep freezer in the winter. But the weather he had felt  just now was slightly too warm, due to the presence of so many people. But it was nothing compared to his world.
"We're here!" Leeteuk announced. Kyuhyun gazed up in awe at the tall apartment building. 
"That's my home?"
Leeteuk smiled. "It's our home. We're living together."
"Oh.. really?" Kyuhyun opened his mouth in surprise.
They headed up and entered their dorm. Donghae was in the dorm, while the others apparently had schedules. "Eunhyuk-ie~" Sungmin dropped Kyuhyun's bag on the floor, and went to bug the man who was wearing a loose tank top and baggy pants, stuffing strawberries into his big mouth. 
"Eunhyuk?" Kyuhyun echoed, puzzled. Wasn't he Donghae?
Donghae looked up and smiled at them. "Want some?" he extended a few strawberries to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun blinked momentarily and reached his hand to take them when Donghae quickly withdrew his hand away from Kyuhyun. He stuck out his tongue at Kyuhyun.
Leeteuk pushed Kyuhyun towards his room, telling them to knock it off. A very puzzled Kyuhyun was led to a room... full of wine bottles.
Leeteuk chuckled. "That's all yours, y'know. You used to tell all of us not to touch any of your," he gestured to rows of exquisite-looking wine bottles," Babies."
Kyuhyun's jaws remained open as he approached the "wall of wine". He never had enough money to buy 15 wine bottles with his monthly salary, but this---
Sungmin came into the room and flung himself on one of the bed and sighed in satisfaction. Kyuhyun's eyes widened. 
"...You're sharing the room with me?"
Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun with a raised eyebrow. 
"What does it look like then? You have two beds for yourself? Sheesh." 
Yes, "Donghae" is Eunhyuk. 
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New chapter: Chapter 8! I revamped the first few chapters so that all of them would have the same format (:


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Chapter 7: omg this ff is so fckin' good! im curious with the plot and ending, will kyuhyun in 2019 fallin' in love with wifey sulli or will hubby kyuhyun will fall in love with idol sulli? omg omg ...please update, i really love this story >.<
sambeigle #2
yay! finally updated! I like your story. I'm a a fan of sulli here in USA...Hope you keep up the good work! =)
This is actually really interesting. I'm gonna subscribe and come back and read this. :)
Chapter 2: Liking your story so far! Very creative story line! Can't wait to find out what happens next! :)
NoeRod #5
Hi there authornim you've got a new reader ^^ Hope you update soon ♥
Chapter 2: Ohhhh! Teukie! His real name is Jungsu, hun. :) Not Junsu. No wonder I was confused wondering why JYJ's Junsu was in this hahahaha! AAAAAA HANCHUL♥ And Zhoumi is a sweetheart. :3
Chapter 1: New reader! ^^/

This is really interesting and well-thought-out! Normal!Kyu was so mean to his son though. :(
Chapter 1: That was so well written... ._.
I don't even know how to describe ajwirfojwe
Reading that explanation from yahoo answers gave me goosebumps
Like now, I'm having all kinds of thoughts about other Me's in other universes ;A;
This is so cool I can't wait for more \o/
Kyu and Sulli 8O
But it sounds really good so I can't wait to read more.
I'm really anxious to know what's going on. ADJFIO