
Random Oneshots That I Write

Before you start this fanfic, I would like to say a few things to prevent fanwars from happening. This oneshot has no relation to what is happening between dbsk. NO RELATION AT ALL. This is purely something that I write and has no inference from what is happening on reality. The character's personality is also not relevant to real life.

Please DO NOT start a fanwar. Comments regarding bashing of any members will be deleted unless it's story related.

Enjoy :)




Pairing : DB5K

Characters : Jaejoong (Main), Yunho, Changmin, Yoochun and Junsu

Plot : Jaejoong thinks back about what led to their seperation and his regrets.


Narrative's POV


Jaejoong leaned back on his couch. The news kept on flashing, creating a throbbing pain in his head. He chugged down yet another can of beer, as he attempted to drown his sorrows.

"TVXQ has broken the record of the number of album sold once again!" The reporter said in a high-pitched voice. It irked Jaejoong.

Jaejoong looked at the news.  He only felt ambivalence towards it. After having to deal with the situation for so long, his feelings were conflicted. At times like this he would begin to ponder on the possibility of a reunion of the whole group. All five members together again, Yunho, Changmin, Yoochun, Junsu and himself. He knew it was a futile dream but can't a person have a dream? There was no chance of them reuniting as one group, not ever since that day he chose to leave. That doomed their friendship.


Closing his eyes, Jaejoong recalled the events leading up to this. They were vivid in his mind. It was as though they had just happened yesterday. He regretted his past decisions, the feelings of guilt resurfacing. If he could change what had happened in the past, he would not have made the same mistake.


"Jaejoong!" Yunho had shouted out excitedly, moving to give Jaejoong a tight hug.

Jaejoong faked a smile and returned the hug. He knew all of their actions were fake. In reality, they meant nothing, but the fans seemed to buy it. They needed to show the fans that they were still getting along well, close friends who depended on each other to work as a performing group. The fans had no idea about what actually went on behind the scenes. Once the camera was out of sight, all the contact would be lost immediately and all smiles would turn into nothing. Only silence was maintained between all five of them. When they reached their dormitories, they returned to their separate rooms without even greeting each other. That was how strained their relationship was.


Thinking back, Jaejoong realized what exactly was the root of all these strained relationships. The root of all these relationships was simple. It was jealousy and greed.

The company treated the members of the group unfairly at times. It would focus on promoting the member of the group with the most number of fans. At times, Jaejoong's pay would be the most, with more number of fans. He might take on more projects than the rest: filming more advertisements and taking part in various variety programmes.The rest of the members did not earn as much. They allowed jealousy and greed to overwhelm them. Every day felt like a competition between them as they tried different means to overpower each other. They were in a race, competing against each other, no longer working together as a group. Their strong friendship had turned so much. The past them who cared for each other, who encouraged each other, who loved each other seemed to have been gone. Or was it hidden by greed and jealousy? Jaejoong didn't know anymore.



Jaejoong glanced at the picture of all five of them that lay on the table. They were all smiling and closely bonded together. His eyes trailed to Yoochun. He still had that burning passion of hatred directed at Yoochun.

He hated him for even suggesting the idea of splitting up the group, with all members going their separate ways. Yoochun had spoken up, crushing all of Jaejoong’s hopes to re-establish his relationship with the other members. He did so with just one sentence.

"Let's spilt up. This group is not going to work. Soon, the fans would realize our problems and we would eventually disband." Yoochun had announced to all five of them.

‘Disband’ was a strong word that had a lot of meaning. All of the members carried doubts about the situation and if that was really the best way to solve the problem between all of them in the group. Silence ensued. Did everything that had held them together as a group before mean nothing now?

After agreeing to give it a thought, all of the members retreated to their room.


Just when Jaejoong was about to enter his room, Yoochun stopped him and told him to enter his room instead.

Thinking of it as nothing, Jaejoong entered Yoochun's room, only to find Junsu already inside.
"What are you doing here?" Jaejoong asked out of curiosity.
"To invite you into our group, JYJ." Junsu said.


Jaejoong raised an eyebrow and heard Yoochun's chuckle. Jaejoong looked at Yoochun and he could feel shivers down his spine. Yoochun was right. He obviously gave it a thorough thought before suggesting something as drastic as disbandment of their group. The spark in Junsu's eyes gave Jaejoong the chills and he opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Let DBSK disband and we will form a new band called JYJ." Junsu said and Yoochun added, "Just the three of us."


Their words pierced Jaejoong. He looked at them with wide eyes. Shock would be an understatement to describe his feelings now.

"Yunho and Changmin...What will happen to them?" Jaejoong murmured. He found it difficult to breathe.

"Both of them are not in my concern right now. All I needed was a vocal, Junsu, a rapper, me and a visual, you." Yoochun said without a hint of remorse.


"How could you be this heartless?" Jaejoong glared at Yoochun. There was a newfound disgust as he faced Yoochun now. This was the real Yoochun all along. The past Yoochun that always cared for the unity and wellbeing of all five was gone. “Do they mean nothing to you now?” Jaejoong hissed.


Yoochun had known that Jaejoong had always wanted to be the leader. He offered the position to Jaejoong and many other incentives to joining him and Junsu, but while abandoning Yunho and Changmin. The income from their activities would be divided into three instead of five. They would earn much more money than what they do now. Jaejoong's vision had been clouded by greed and desires yet his heart and conscience was telling him to value friendship over such benefits.


He was still young back then and the answer was simple to him. His greed and desires overpowered his friendship any moment. He couldn't see nor understand the importance of friendship.


Jaejoong could still remember the hatred in both of Yunho's and Changmin's eyes when they left. The hatred always gave him nightmares and his guilt increased every time he recalled their eyes. There was something in their eyes that stated the loss of both of their friendships. This proved to be his biggest mistake.

The two of them did not contact the three of them ever since. All three of them had looked down on Changmin's and Yunho's ability. But it only took a short while for them to be back on their feet after the blow from their ex-band members and start preparing for a new album.


After all their preparations, both groups released their albums at the same time. Jaejoong picked up DBSK'S new album and plugged into it to listen. It surprised him that both of them could actually sing quite decently. However, the lyrics pierced his heart. It was clear that every single sentence was directed at the three of them. The hurt, accusations, and pain were all hidden within the lyrics. With each line sung, a part of Jaejoong broke down. He didn't knew since when did he become this weak and sensitive.


That was when he the television while drowning himself with cans of beers and witnessed both Yunho and Changmin's success.

They had broken another record in album sales. But this time, Jaejoong was glad for them. In some way, all five of them have gotten what they least that was what he thought. Jaejoong knew something in him stirred.


"What have we all been fighting for?" Jaejoong whispered to himself.

This wasn't what he wished for. He couldn't feel the satisfaction after leaving both of his ex-members despite releasing a new album. The happiness was short-lived as guilt took over Jaejoong. The guilt was eating him alive from the inside. Jaejoong wished for him to be able to change what he had done, but he knew this was not possible.


Jaejoong let his tears fall freely as he recalled the last sentence that Yunho said to him.

"Friendship isn't a game for you to get rid of it once you're bored with it. Money would last you for a moment but friendship is something that will follow you through your entire lifetime. Our friendship is like a clock, it would continue ticking if you do not harm it, but once you harm it, it would stop ticking and mark the end of our friendship. From this moment, our friendship would stop ticking." Yunho hissed.

He thought he had won everything but in fact, he had lost everything.



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MiszCJung #1
Chapter 1: OMG that was so sadddd.... This is one of the 'reason' that I don't want to even consider as a reason for their separation. But we can't say right. As just how dream and hope is essential to human, greed is also one of it. But, well. I don't blame any of them. Most of us did this in everyday life but cos we're not a famous people, this thing were not broadcasted. Alas, good luck for all the 5!! :) they are the firstest korean group that catches me and forever will be... :DD