Chapter 5

Tangled Hearts . Tangled Love .

"Annyeong hashimnikka! You guys are back !" You smiled at Kris and Xiumin before offering them a seat in the newly renovated ice-cream shop . You have been working there to earn some money for yourself , since it was summer and you had nothing better to do besides studying .

"Annyeong hashimnikka (Good morning) ! Yes we are back ! Look here is the monster i mentioned yesterday , do you still remember ?" Xiumin chuckled .

"Haha , yes i do !" You said .

"Annyeong hashimnikka." Kris said while rolling his eyes.

'Such a rude person.' You thought to yourself .

"Forgive him ! His forever like this ." Xiumin smiled before ordering Ice cream . "Is there any special flavoured ice cream?" Xiumin asked as he looked up at you. 

"Currently no , the shop's business has not been doing well and , we're running out of funds.." You lowered your head .

"Oh...I see , well then , i'll have a  green tea flavoured ice cream , same as yesterday ! I bet they taste even greater !" Xiumin said.

"I'll have , a vanilla ice cream , cone please ." Kris said.

"Alright , please wait for a while." You bowed to them before going to the counter to place their orders.

"Kris , what about our plans ?" Xiumin asked awkwardly .

"I'll tell you later , now let me have some peace ." Kris answered.

"Here are your orders ! Please enjoy !" You smiled before going out of the shop to advertise the shop's newly flavoured ice cream .

"Don't you pity her?" Xiumin asked.

"Why should I ? It's not like she's my sister or anything." Kris calmly replied.

"Bu-t....Nevermind ! I'll go help her !" Xiumin got out of his seat and went out of the shop . *Poke Poke* . You turned behind to see smiling Xiumin staring at you . 

"Mei nu ! May i help you with this ?" Xiumin asked as he offered to carry your tray full of ice cream.

"Whats mei nu?" You asked curiously . 

"It mean's ... Stranger !" Xiumin lied before showing off his cuteness , shouting "Free ice cream ! Free ice cream !"

Soon , girls surrounded Xiumin and not only that , some even went into the shop to place their orders , not because of Xiumin but because Kris was there . "His hot ...don't you think?!" A girl with her ponytail tied to the side asked her friend beside her . "Yes !!!! " Her friend squealed as she jumped up and down .

"Stupid girls , disturbing my only moment of peace ." Kris muttered before the ice cream which was melting on the cone . A/N: OHMYFCK , IMAGINE HIM THAT ICE CREAM AND STARING AT YOU FJEGEGESGKNEGNSENE . WOOOOH THAT Y TONGUE 

"Hey ! I still haven't asked you your name yet !" Xiumin startled you . 

"My name ?" You pointed at yourself while raising an eyebrow .

"Yeah , you ? Who else??" Xiumin chuckled .

"Oh ! I'm Lee Soomi ! But you can call me Soomi !" You smiled at him .

"Oh ! I'm Kim Min Seok ! But you can call me Xiumin !" Xiumin said , laughing away as more girls surrounded him . 

"GEGE ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?!" Tao shouted as he turned his attention to you ! "Hey mei nu !" Tao laughed childishly before running up to you .

"Wanna help ?" You asked Tao .

"Sure ! Anything for you !" Tao giggled before walking towards Xiumin as he showed off his aegyo to the girls .

"Kyaaaaa ! Do it again !" A girl squealed in delight .

"Hey !" Kai caught your attention and started smiling at you .

"Hi ! Here for some ice cream ?" You asked surprised .

"Yeah ! With my friends ! Let's introduce ourselves !" Kai said.

"Baekhyun ." Baekhyun said smiling , one hand in his pocket the other adjusting his hair .

"Sehun ." Sehun stared at you , 'No...Not prince charming , HOTTEST GOD ON EARTH .' You mumbled trying to control yourself .

"D.O!" D.O waved at you before joining Xiumin and Tao.

"Chanyeol ." Chanyeol looked at you before he started disturbing Baekhyun .

"Suho !" Suho stared at you blankly .

"Luhan ." Luhan gave you his innocent face before smiling to himself . 'God , baby face . I wanna pinch his cheeks right now .' You mumbled under your breath .

"Chen ." Chen gave you his charming smile .

"Lay ." Lay gave you a peace sign before joining Xiumin and Tao .

"KAI !" Kai shouted at you as he jumped up and down excitedly .

"Wanna go inside ? It's kinda hot out here isn't it ?" You offered them a seat next to Kris as the tables around Kris was already taken up by girls staring at Kris .

"Woah... Didn't expect so many to be in here..." You said .

"Green tea for us please !" Kai said as he stared at you admiring your beauty .

"Oh ... Okay ." You smiled and went to collect the green tea ice cream which was placed on the counter .

"Here guys !" You smiled once again before walking out of the shop .

"Soomi !!! We're out of ice cream !" Xiumin shouted , "Oh alright ! I'll get more !" You jumped up and rushed into the shop to get more .

"Oh , so her name's Soomi , it's funny why she didn't introduce herself just now .." Baekhyun said awkwardly . 

"Soomi... Areumdawoyo ...(beautiful , i think..) name.." Kai mumbled under his breath as he smiled like an idiot .

"Is Kai hyung alright ?" Sehun whispered to D.O .

"He's in love , maknae , you'll get to know the feeling once you're in love . Like me , and my food." D.O whispered back as he ruffled Sehun's hair .


"Hyung , Food doesn't suit you." Sehun said.

"Didn't i tell you? I wanna meet a girl who eats food beautifully, like a goddess." D.O smiled cheekily.

"There's no such person . Everyone eats normally ." Suho argued.

"Here look , this is how you eat food , deliciously and charmingly." D.O took a small amont of ice cream into his mouth and smiled. You saw what he had just done , 'My god , another prince charming' You mumbled to yourself as you bit your lower lip in excitement as if they were your idols and you were their fans.

"Hey , Soomi? Hello?!" Xiumin tapped your shoulder , startling you.

"Y-yeah! What's wrong ?" you asked as you raised an eyebrow .

"Nothing . I'm kinda tired right now , so i'll just go in and rest." Xiumin said as he patted you on your shoulder before going in to join the other members who were sitting down happily enjoying their ice cream.


"Tired , my arm hurts from carrying the tray for so long , and those girls were crazy out there ! You should've seen them ! They kept on pulling my hair ." Tao winced in pain .

"Gege , give me a massage?" Tao's eyes staring directly at Kris's.

"No , do it yourself , you're not handicapped." Kris said sternly.

"You know ,Kris , you should enjoy life . Do not take things too seriously or you might hurt others." Lay said calmly.

"Do you want others to hurt you more ? it's best to remain focus and serious. i feel much better hurting others than others hurting me ." Kris said in a serious tone.


By the time it was 2pm , there was very little customers left in the shop and one by one, all of them left . You went into the shop and overhead what kris had said , 'Ridiculous , if he remains like this , nobody would ever like him and ever want him.' you rolled your eyes as you threw the tray into the basin before stomping into the kitchen to take a clean towel to wipe the tables .

"SooMi! " kai called out for you .

"Yes?" You lifted up your head and saw kai directly in front of you.

"We'll be going now , but do you mind if all of us come back tomorrow to help out? Other than eating ice cream ... we ate enough...ha..ha.." Kai said in a cranky tone.

"Alright then , annyeong ! Hope you guys have a awesome day ahead ! Thanks Xiumin and Tao for helping !" You smiled and waved to the other members . All of the members went and the last one to leave was Kris . He slowly got up and left , his back facing you , you gave him an annoyed face and stuck out your tongue to show that you disliked him . After everyone had left including the customers , you started to scream , "YOU STUPID MONSTER! XIUMIN WAS RIGHT ! YOU ARE SUCH A MONSTER !" You stomped your feet with anger and continued washing the trays and spoons .

"Stupid stupid stupid " You muttered under your breath as you washed the spoons with absolute power.

*Ling Ling*

You heard the shop's bell ringing and there , you saw Kai standing , staring at you .

"Is anything wrong ?" You asked curiously .

"Nothing ! Just came here to help you out !" Kai smiled .

"You ditched them ? Didn't you?" You said jokingly , before signaling him , asking him to help you wipe the spoons and trays which were still wet .


While you were busy washing the spoons and trays still , you heard Kai scream.

"SooMi ! HIDE HIDE ! NOW ! THEY'RE COMING !" You looked at Kai and saw Tao running towards the shop.

'Crap , why are they here ?!' . You immediately dropped the spoons and trays which you were washing and ran to find a hiding spot. You looked everywhere and couldn't find a suitable place to hide until someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you . Everything was dark , pitch dark . You couldn't see a thing . You turned around and saw a pair of eyes staring at you .

*Ling Ling*

You heard noises and was trying to struggle out of that 'someones' grip , Sudenly you heard a voice . You jumped up and knocked your head . "Stop moving , they might see you . It's only me , Kai." You immediately stopped and just leaned against Kai's back . The wall that surrounded you and Kai was really incredibly tight . Everything went quiet for a moment until you heard Chanyeol saying , "They're not here ! Anyways , where's SooMi ?! She should be attending to the shop ." All the members stared at each other , their minds filled with dirty and weird thoughts of you and Kai .

Soon , you felt your eyelids growing heavier by the moment . You rested your head on Kai's shoulders , you were leaning on his chest . All the hard work paid off , but that made you really tired .

"Sleep tight , it's gonna be a long day tomorrow ." You heard Kai whisper into your ear.


'God , SooMi , for a girl , you're really heavy .' Kai mumbled .

"I can hear you idiot , put me down now !" You shouted .

"Alright , sleeping beauty ." Kai said as he chuckled .

"I have a name and why were you even carrying me ?!" You shouted .












tumblr_mb828ob4EQ1royoboo1_500.jpgHAHAHAHAHAHA I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD AT THIS 









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Updated chapter 5 ! Finally ,updating later at 5.30 P.M


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Update author-nim ! GIFS O__O"
Auburnn #2
Chapter 4: Eh suho likes coffee not bubble tea just saying . I LOVE CATS :D AND R U SRS? u not even using ph in class din't see you using o__o''
Chapter 3: XD kris spam!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!! <3
Auburnn #5
Yeah :) . Sorry if it's slow >< .... Just be patient o.o .