


Inspired by my actual Biotech class and how our teacher is going to buy if GloFish because we just finished learning about modified genetics. This one is pretty short, but it was a request for something very fluffy so I tried my hardest to make it total fluff. Enjoy? ~Admin Kelc

You rested your face against your balled up hands, elbows propped up on the table. A little pout graced your lips as you eyes moved back and forth, following the little fish that were swimming in the tank in front of you. 

"What are you doing?"

You stopped following the fish and looked up to find a pair of eyes staring back at you through the tank. 

"Looking at the fish," you told Chunji and went back to watching your new pets. 

Chunji smiled and moved to sit next to you, pressing his leg against yours when he sat down. 

"When did you get these?" he asked, looking at the small green, pink, and yellow fish swim around in their new tank.

"Yesterday," you said simply.

"Why did you get fish?" Chunji inquired, causing you to take your eyes off the fish for once and look at him.

"Because they're cool," you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh of course! How could I ask such a ridiculous question?" Chunji smiled as he dramatically threw himself back in his chair. 

A laugh escaped your lips as you watched your boyfriend play along with your childish banter.

"Okay, to tell the truth, I actually bought these because we were learning about them in Biotech," you confessed. 

"Biotech?" Chunji tilted his head to the side in confusion.

You nodded your head, "Okay, wait here."

Chunji knitted his eyebrows together as he watched you stand up from your chair and walk over to the light switch. When you flicked off the lights, darkness filled the room, the only source of light coming from the tank light. But what shocked Chunji were the little fish that seemed to glow neon colors. 

"Whoa," Chunji breathed and he moved his face closer to the tank to get a better look at the fish.

You smiled as you took your seat next to Chunji, admiring your fish as well.

"How do they do that?" Chunji asked as he stared at the tank, in a complete trance.

"They're genetically modified to glow different colors," you explained, "It doesn't hurt them at all. They're actually used in cancer research too."

"Wow, that's amazing," Chunji breathed.

"I told you they were cool," you playfully pouted at him.

Chunji laughed at your childishness and wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your shoulder, "Yes, you did. And now I believe you."

The two of you sat in silence, neither of you saying a word.

"You know what's funny?" Chunji asked.

"What?" you looked at him and gave him a curious look.

"Most couples would be going out to the movies or dinner on Friday nights, but here we are, sitting in your apartment with the lights off, staring at fish," Chunji laughed. 

You laughed lightly with him, "Well, we're not like most couples."

"This is true," Chunji nodded.

"You see those two fish?" you asked him suddenly, pointing at a green and yellow fish that were swimming side by side and causing Chunji to bring his attention back to the fish in the tank.

"Yeah, what about them?"

"Ever since I placed them in the tank, I have never seen them apart. Every time I look at the tank, they are always side by side, swimming together. Do you think they're best friends?" you asked Chunji innocently. 

"Maybe. Or maybe they're in a relationship," Chunji responded with a smile. 

"Hmmm maybe," you mused the thought.

"Maybe they love each other, just like we love each other," Chunji whispered.

You closed your eyes and a blissful smile formed on your lips as Chunji gave you a soft kiss on the cheek. 

"I think you're right," you smiled and turned towards Chunji, wrapping your arms around his neck, "I think they do love each other."

The two of smiled at each other before Chunji leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours, giving you a kiss in the glow of the tank. 

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Chapter 1: It's so sweet... I love it ^-^
honeybee #2
I feel like buying those fishes and kissing Chunji good night.
Chapter 1: Awww this is so sweet :')

Great story ~~
So sweet >< I love so much ^_^
Chapter 1: This is ... just pure fluff. It's so sweet and warm. <3
Chapter 1: so sweet. I'm not a person of fluffy scenarios, but this one was kind of diferent fluff. I like it :D
Chapter 1: this is why i love reading fluff. it's flattering ♥
Chapter 1: this is just pure fluffy ness that i enjoyed reading >:3