



A quick oneshot that was requested by Anonymous. Admin Li and I are trying to get as many requests done as we can, so please bare with us. I will try to get another story posted ASAP (It might be the next installment of The Once Upon A Times Tales seeing that I only have two members left). So, for now, enjoy this Chanyeol oneshot! ~Admin Kelc

"Aw, come on!"

"Will you just drop it?"

"No, I will never drop this, never ever ever ever!"

You sighed, setting down a small container of paint next to the painting that you were working on for your one of your Art classes. 

"Min Ah, I'm serious," you said to your best friend.

"And ______, I'm serious too!" she whined, sitting on stool next to yours, "Just please, tell me who you like, I know you like someone!"

You shook your head, "Do you really have to know if I like someone?"

"Of course!" she yelled, "I'm you best friend!"

"Okay, okay, calm down. I'll tell you, okay?" you shushed her.

You took a deep breath and collected your thoughts as Min Ah anxiously sat at the edge of her seat, waiting for your answer.

"Just tell me already!" she exclaimed.

"Okay!" you yelled back at her but then dropped your voice down to a whisper, "I like Chanyeol."


Chanyeol whistled to himself as he walked down the hall towards the art room. He knew that you were working in there after school and decided that he would be a good friend and keep you company. He was just about to enter the classroom when he heard you talking to Min Ah. 

"What?! Are you serious?! Since when?!" Min Ah screamed.

"Keep it down, will you?" you scolded her.

Peeking into the classroom, Chanyeol saw you trying to get Min Ah to sit back on her stool, both of your backs facing him. 

"Well?" Min Ah asked in anticipation.

"I don't know," you mumbled, looking down at you lap as your cheeks started to turn red.

"Well, you guys have been friends for a while," Min Ah mused, "I can understand why you like him."

'Wait, ______ likes someone? Is she going out with someone?' Chanyeol leaned closer to hear the two of you better. 

You laughed softly to yourself, "Yeah, we have, ever since third grade."

"So are you going to tell him?"

"No way!" you shook you head furiously, "Chanyeol is too important to me to risk our friendship on something that might not even work." 

"Me?!" Chanyeol unconsciously yelled in surprise and quickly slapped his hands over his mouth.

You and Min Ah whirled around and your eyes widened when you saw Chanyeol standing in the doorway.

"Hehe hey girls," he said nervously, stepping into the classroom.

You trained your eyes to the floor as Chanyeol made his way over to you and your friend.

Min Ah glanced between you and Chanyeol, feeling the awkward tension in the air, "Well, ______, I think that I'm going to get going. Good luck on your project! Bye Chanyeol!" she yelled as she headed towards the door.

You sent Min Ah a glared when she sent you a quick wink before disappearing out of the door.

When she left, the silence between you and Chanyeol was so thick that you could probably cut it with a knife. 

'Can I just crawl into a hole and stay there forever?' you thought to yourself, biting your lip and wishing that you could just disappear. 

Chanyeol coughed before breaking the silence, "So, um, you like me?" he let out a short laugh in an attempt to lighten the situation.

"Oh my gosh," you groaned as you buried your face into your hands.

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked worriedly as he nervously glanced around. 

"'What's wrong?!' Are you serious?!" you yelled as you stood up, "How would you feel if you were me and the person you liked overheard you telling your friend that you like them?!"

"Well you don't need to be embarrassed!" he told you, trying to calm you down.

"And why not?!"

"Because your crush likes you too!" 

You jaw dropped and you stared at Chanyeol with wide eyes as he bit his bottom lip and gave you a shy smile.

"R-Really?" you stuttered.

Chanyeol nodded and gave you one of his signature smiles.

You tried to suppress your smile as you looked down at your feet. Well, that went better than you thought it would. 

"So ... what now?" you asked, glancing up at Chanyeol through your eyelashes. 

"Well," Chanyeol scuffed his shoe on the ground, "would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"I think you already know the answer to that one," you laughed as you sat back down on your stool and turned towards the painting you were working on, hoping that Chanyeol wouldn't notice that your face was flushed a deep red. 

You yelped when you felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist. Looking to you right, you came face to face with Chanyeol who was bending over to give you a backhug while looking at your painting, a content smile on his face.

"Oh, don't mind me," he smiled and turned his head back to your canvas while resting his chin on your shoulder.  

You shook your head as you took your paintbrush into your hand and started working on your painting. 

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110 streak #1
Chapter 1: It's really funnt that Chanyeol kind of eavesdropped or something, that's really manly Yeol but this is cute!!
jopm93 #2
Chapter 1: this is just toooo freakin cute ahahah~
Chapter 1: ​Õoooº°˚ ˚°º :OÕo my dear Lord...this is so cute, I'm blushing all alone in here XD!
-xttran #4
Chapter 1: Why cant my love story be like this? :3
Lovely one shot btw^^
Chapter 1: OMG too cute.
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl T_T

i just cant-
Chapter 1: Omonaaaaa , so sweettttttttt . :3
Chapter 1: This was short but cute. :3
Chapter 1: Oh my God! So cute!!!