Can I Have My Second Chance?

Can I Dream High AGAIN??
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In BH's dream

BH: Who are you and Why are you here? Are you SW? Who are you?

??: I was here from beginning and will be here forever.

BH: Who are you?

??: I think you know that answer very well. You never forgot me. You just wanted to hide from the fact that you still have me inside your heart.

BH: Who is it?

??: I said you know it BETTER THAN ANYBODY ELSE!!

Back in reality

BH: AAAHHH! (wakes up from the dream)

BH: What was that about? Was I too drunk that I was having a weird dream?

JG: (opening BH's door) Are you okay BH?

BH: Yeah... I'm fine.. Sorry for waking you up.

JG: I will stay here until you go to sleep.

BH: You don't have to..... Just go to your room. It's too early in the morning.

JG: No, I'm going to stay here. So you go back to sleep.

JG tucked BH with her blankets and touched her forehead to see if she had any fever. BH went to sleep quite quickly.

JG: (whispering) good night..... my princess.......


Next morning

BH: Good Morning JG:)

JG: Oh hey! (cooking)

BH: I'm leaving first! People will suspect if we go together. also those students do not live in the dorms live near our house.

JG: Wait! Take this! (handing a toast)

BH: Thanks! 'Wonder why I don't feel sick today...'

JG: I will see you at school!

BH: Okay!

BH left

JG: I hope her Aneroxia is getting better.....


8:30 At School Assembly

BH: Starting today, we will be starting our mid-term exam review sessions. There won't be any quizes or tests during the next two weeks but we will go over what we have learned. This week will be about written exam. The teachers will be here until 8:00 p.m. So if you have any questions, you can come to the class room before 8:00 pm. Understand?

Students: Yes Ma'am!

BH: Dismissed!

Students went to their lockers to get their text books and writing utensils.

In BH's class

BH: Today we will review about basic genres of music. There are seven main genres: Rock music, Classic, Jazz, Blues, Rythm and blues, Hiphop, and Pop. Rock music started in...........

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 34: Love ur story so muuch ♥♥
Chapter 34: Nice fic!!! Congratz, btw!!!
Congrats on random feature! :)
congrats c:
lovelyme23 #6
friedtuna #7
congrats on getting featured :)
AairAPPLE #9
Congrats. ^^
Congrats on being featured! xx