
Against All Odds


Jonghyun’s a bit groggy and dazed when he wakes up, blinking at the amount of sunlight streaming in through the closed blinds. He could hear the soft humming of Jinki in the kitchen downstairs, who was most likely cooking breakfast for the two of them. The faint memory of his dream from last night brushes against the back of his mind, but he pointedly ignores it.

 The lawyer rolls over to look at the digital clock on his dresser, eyes widening at the sight of the numbers and immediately springing up from bed to get ready for work.

He races to the bathroom and takes a quick shower, pulling his trousers on as he brushed his teeth vigorously. He sweeps his brown bangs to the side with a comb and buttons up a fresh light blue dress shirt, slipping into a black suit coat before grabbing for a matching navy blue tie.

Hs grabs for his suitcase on the floor beneath his bed, skipping the stairs by twos and coming face to face with a smiling Jinki.

“Well, well, well. Seems like Mr. Perfectionist is late for today.” the older boy chuckles, calmly flipping over whatever he was cooking in a frying pan.

Jonghyun glares at him. “Way to state the obvious, hyung.”

The lawyer moves to grab for his shoes but Jinki stops him, grabbing at his best friend’s muscled arm.

“And where do you think you’re going?”

“Aw, what the hyung? Are you honestly going to make me-“

“Sit. Eat. Now. Honestly Jonghyun, you’re a lawyer for god’s sake. The best one in town at that. You don’t have to come to work at six in the morning every day. In fact, you’re supposed to be in the office by three pm. That’s like what, five hours from now? Its only 10 am.”

“I’m busy, if you haven’t noticed.” the lawyer says through gritted teeth.

“I don’t care. Now either you eat breakfast or I’ll call the office and announce you’re sick and taking the day off.”

Immediately, Jonghyun sits down.

“Good boy.” Jinki grins, placing a hot plate in front of the younger boy and taking a seat across from him with his coffee.

The lawyer had to admit, the food was delicious (of course). He barely had any time to eat breakfast these days, even on the weekends. Eating Jinki’s homemade food again was like a stab of pleasure in the heart.

“So. What exactly happened last night that made you this late?”

Jonghyun grunts. “Bad dream.”

Jinki raises an eyebrow. “Do tell.”

The lawyer had told his best friend about seeing Minjung the other day, and he had a vague idea of where the older boy was going with this.

“So you think I dreamt of them?”

“Minjung, specifically.”  Jinki clarifies, waving a hand in the air.


“So you did dream about her?”


The older boy sets his cup down on the table. “Well that’s unusual. Usually you’d be having bad dreams about…..”

“I know, but this time it was her. Maybe it’s because I saw her yesterday, that’s why.”

“You should go talk to Taemin about this. I bet he could give you better advice than I can.”

“What makes you think that?” Jonghyun asks a little too defensively.

“Oh, come on. You act as if I hadn’t known you since diaperhood. We all know he’s someone that could actually talk some sense into you.”

“Whatever. My dreams are none of his business.”  Jonghyun says flatly, standing up from the table and placing his plate in the sink.

He makes his way to the door and squeezes on his dress shoes.

“Don’t stress yourself too much at work!” Jinki calls after him.

The office is busy as usual when the lawyer arrives at the building.

“Morning, Mr. K.” one of his coworkers greet him, and Jonghyun nods to him in turn.

He manages to make his way to his own personal workspace after a few minutes of dodging the scurrying employees.

His assistant, aka Jenna greets him with a small smile. “Good morning, sir.”

Jonghyun smiles a little in reply. “Morning.”

The lawyer barely settles down in his seat and just turns on his laptop when Jenna knocks at his door.

The lawyer frowns. “Come in.”

“Sorry to bother you Mr. K, I know you’ve just came in. But it seems like someone is here to see you.”

“You know how I don’t like people coming in here unless its Jinki hyung or Taemin.” Jonghyun narrows his eyes at her. “Otherwise, they have to get an appointment set up with me in advance. I’m too busy at the moment.”

Jenna bites the bottom of her lip anxiously. “But sir, he insists on doing so. And he says it’ll only take a minute.”

Jonghyun suppresses the urge to groan out loud. “Fine. Bring him in. Tell him he has five minutes.”

Jenna nods. “Thank you, Mr. K.”

She walks out of the room and a familiar tall figure steps inside, making Jonghyun accidentally press down on his pen a little too harshly.

“Relax, I’m just here to bring your ID card back.” Kibum laughs, placing the card in front of the lawyer’s desk.

Jonghyun didn’t even notice it was missing.

“I found it lying on the floor while I was on my way upstairs to request for a new can of acrylic paint.” the artist continues.

“Thanks.” Jonghyun replies awkwardly.

Honestly, he had no idea how to even socialize with the boy anymore. After the speech of his whole entire life yesterday in the elevator, the lawyer’s not sure if he should continue hating him or bow down to his knees in praise for his courage or something.

“Your assistant has a cool name. Jenna, I like it. Sounds so foreign and unique.” Kibum says, walking around to examine the space. “You have a very dull office, by the way.”

“You think I have time to decorate it myself?” the lawyer says bitterly, eyes landing back on the screen of his laptop.

For some reason he couldn’t meet eyes with the other.

“That’s what I’m here for.”

“How about no thanks? What, you’re going to decorate my walls with pink flowers and little ballerinas with fluffy tutus dancing on a rainbow?”

Ouch. Definitely a bad choice of words.

Jonghyun flinches as he waits for Kibum to snap at him with a witty comeback or go mode and prop a hand on his hip while nagging up until sunset.

But instead, the artist surprisingly laughs.

“Nah, I don’t think so. I actually have a design in mind for you. Something more modern and sophisticated that brings out your passion for Law and Government. And for your info, not all gays have a tendency to lean towards pink. For instance, my favorite color is aqua blue.”

Again, the lawyer is not sure how to respond.

Where was the cold, heatless bastard Kim Jonghyun? The guy that always won with the snarky comments that never failed to intimidate anyone?

He was reduced to a speechless moron.

Jonghyun couldn’t have been any more embarrassed.

He just basically insulted Kibum’s uality and had not apologized about it, having to trust on the artist’s positive and cheery attitude to break his icy mood.

“There, I gave you something else to think about other than that boring stuff you call your ‘career.’ I honestly don’t know how you survive with sitting there all day, For me, I always have to be up and moving my hands. Either drawing, sculpting, painting, whatever. Anyways, I’m blabbering.” Kibum continues, completely unaware of Jonghyun’s silent brooding and being self conscious.

“I’ll leave you to it then. Catch ya later, Mr. K.” the artist finishes with a giggle, striding out of the room with a cheery wave towards Jenna.

The lawyer just blinks after him, dumbfounded and still beyond speechless.

He didn’t even have the time to shoot a witty remark back at Kibum for calling him Mr. K. There was definitely a problem with him today.

Jonghyun groans and buries his face in his hands, hitting at his temples to try and clear his mind.

He stretches his fingers and cracks his knuckles, forcing himself to concentrate and get going with his work.

He’s only halfway done with his report when he gets distracted by the familiar sight of Kibum’s blonde hair from outside his door in the hall. The artist was carrying a big box in his hands, dashing through the cubicles with paint smeared all over his apron.

Jonghyun’s eyes linger on him for a second too long, but he catches himself and curses under his breath for leaving the door to his office open like that.

He quickly stands up and closes it shut, plopping back down on his chair and turning back to the screen.

He finally gets some work down in peace, pausing about four hours later to take a break from all his typed out reports.

He leans his head back and looks at the bare walls of his office.

Maybe Kibum was right after all.

The walls did look bland and uninviting; it needed way more color and excitement, maybe even just a dab of color compared to the boring plain white wallpaper.

The lawyer blinks and shakes his head.

Why was he thinking about that stupid artist again?

Jonghyun sighs and slaps his laptop shut, deciding that he’s had enough for the day. He needed to get away from the office, back home where he can be at peace.

He reaches out for his suitcase and walks out the door.

“I’m leaving early today, Jenna.” he says to his assistant.

She looks up at him in surprise. “Really now?”

“Er, if that’s okay with you?”

“No, no! You should go home and rest, Mr. K. It’s been a busy week, you deserve a long break.”

“Right.” Jonghyun nods, scratching the back of his neck as he heads toward the elevators.

Was it really that uncommon for him to leave work early?

Come to think of it, he was usually one of the first and last ones to arrive and come out of the building most of the time.

He’s still thinking about it as he gets into his car and drives away, rolling out of the parking lot and catching sight of him once again.

He had a backpack slung over one shoulder, his hands busy fiddling with his phone.


For a second, Jonghyun thinks about offering him a ride, but then he thinks the artist probably as his own car.

Besides, who was he to offer him a ride? Why should he care?

He passes by the artist without a second glance, making a turn on the road to change his course when he suddenly gets the urge to visit Taemin.

Maybe the younger boy would be able to get Jonghyun back to his normal self again.

The bakery’s busy as ever when the lawyer steps in, and Taemin was busy attending to a customer at a table.

The lawyer waits until he’s finished when he finally comes up to him.

“Hyung! What’s up? Finished work early?” Taemin asks, washing his hands under the sink.

“Why is everyone so surprised that I finished work early?” Jonghyun throws his hands up.

“Um, maybe because you’re a hopeless workaholic?”

“Okay, no. I’m not in the mood to be humiliated, Tae.”

“Sorry, hyung.” Taemin smiles playfully. “So anyway, what’s wrong?”


“You seem kind of…….off today.”

No .

“Glad you noticed.” the lawyer says drily.

“Did something happen lately?”

Jonghyun doesn’t exactly want to admit that Kibum is the problem, so he opts for the other person bothering him instead.

“I saw Minjung yesterday, at work.”

Taemin almost drops the cake in his hands. “She lives near here?”

“I don’t know. We didn’t really talk much.”

“What did she say?”

“Asked me how I’ve been. She says I look different. I asked her how she was doing as well.”


“She said it was hard at first, but managed with time.” Jonghyun mumbles.

“It wasn’t you fault, hyung.”

“I know. But I wish I could’ve been better to her.”

“You’re not the only one who feels that way.” Taemin laughs, and the older boy can’t help but smile.

“You weren’t-“

Jonghyun’s interrupted by the soft ding of the bell by the door, a new customer slipping inside and making Taemin look up in surprise.

“Kibum hyung?”

“Hi Tae!” the artist chirps.

But then he turns to find Jonghyun, freezing in midstep when he recognizes the lawyer.

“You two know each other?” Jonghyun manages to get out.

Taemin looks at the lawyer sheepishly, who was staring back at him in shock. He wasn’t expecting to see Kibum again, especially at this bakery.

What the hell?

A/N: Omg, guys I'm so sorry for the week and a half ish long hiatus even though I promised to update like, 6 days ago >.< I've just been so busy with school and stuff so I can't really keep my updating schedule organized (yes, I have an updating schedule believe it or not xD)

And plus I have Sunday school homework and projects and I freaking HATE it.


Freaking teachers are trying to kill us, I swear. >_>

I'm so ing glad its friday.


But yeah, moving on to about this chapter. Originally, this was supposed to be in Kibum's perspective (with a bit of Minho in it), but I decided to stick with Jonghyun and there ended up to be no Minho at all OTL

I'm so sorry for not including him in alot of scenes, I'll try  to add him in the next update. And most of you got all excited about his past in ur comments. I really hate to say this but...........there's nothing dramatic that happened with Minho in the past. He's just sort of the side character like Jinki and stuff. So sorry for the confusion on that >.<

Oh, and I also just realized that Minjung is the name of the actress that Jjong likes (as he said in Hello Baby) and I swear, the Minjung from this fic and the real actress Minjung are two seperate ppl. I didn't mean the actress Minjung, I just randomly came up with a girl korean name xD

So yeah, have a great weekend guys. Hope its full of rainbows and butterflies and whatnot.


I'll try to update soon, kay? :)

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Chapter 8: Omg im dyingggg hahahahahah
I read the entire story in just one day! What an amazing story, I like the way jjong love kibum more than taemin.. That make kibum have more confidence with their relationship.
SatanSoul111 #3
A good read.
Chapter 2: Who is the guy on the gif after G. Dragon? He is good looking :p
AudrayLiAr #5
Aw, this was so cute! I really like your idea of Kibum changing Jonghyun to better. And I like your writing in general!
So, since I think you deserve as much love as possible, I'm going to give you mine!
xMirchaan #6
Chapter 21: I just love this fanfic! I adore the way you write,it just makes me to want to read more! ( and the fanfic wasn't sooo long but there happened a lot and it was sooo interesting! THANK YOU c: )
meowwenqian #7
Chapter 21: I LOVED IT OMG
cute^^ love it!
Chapter 20: I loved this so much omg omg omg! Pls never ever delete your account TT... I want to read your stories as many times as I can TT
kimbumkeyk #10
Chapter 21: it's nice story authornim! :) the cold and the bastard jonghyun is awesome! suddenly kibummie changes everything kekeke~ laff laff!