




T h B e g i n n n g



The fame,voice,dancing,and power. A new girl group will be born in SM Entertainment soon. Six young and talented female trainees will be apart of the SM Family.  All the constant dancing and singing.

Six lucky girls will be ready to walk on that stage and perform what they have been practicing for.









➶T h e  L e a d e r: M a i n R a p p e r.


➶ M a i n  V o c a l i s t.

M a i n D a n c e r.

➶L e a d V o c a l s , L e a d D a n c e r.

V i s u a l , S u b - V o c a l s.

➶L e a d R a p p e r , L e a d D a n c e r.


D e s c r i p t i o n: The girl version of Exo. The powerful and tomboyish girl group.None of the members are the aegyo type. These girls have the best vocals and dances.Also, majority of the girls have been training since they were 12.


D e b u t S o n g / S o n g l i s t:

Nu-XO- Party(XXO)

Nu-XO-Electric Shock.

___-------_Information Bank___________

Number of Members:6

Fanbase Name: EXotuction

Fanbase Color: ___________


Nu-XO:Party XXO-The Single.




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