Running Glass


Walking on sand so elegantly soft that it felt like velvet beneath her feet, Nara approached the calm quiet sea. The water was so peaceful that it resembled a large shining sheet of glass, and so inviting that it was almost beckoning the beautiful girl to come closer and have a much better look.
Covering the twinkling of stars in the sky was a thick looming fog; eerie, yet somehow breathtakingly beautiful.

Above that fog hung a massive moon. Its luminous glow made it appear like a light bulb hanging perfectly in the night sky.
Even with this strong moon glow, the dark sky was so black that no matter now long Nara looked, there seemed to be no end to it. Lost into eternity.

She dipped her bare feet into the cool water, making small ripples around her delicate toes. She could almost taste the salty smell of the sea that was lingering in the air.
As Nara gradually got deeper into the water, enjoying the lukewarm temperature, a strong wave that seemed to come from nowhere wrapped itself around the young girl's frame, hitting her with such force that it felt like a slap in the face.
The strength of the water was like one hundred arms grabbing and pulling her beneath the surface. Nara swirled and danced under the sinful waters, not knowing which way to the surface.

Her face ripped open on sharp rocks as easily as they could tear through wet paper. Desperately trying to breathe, Nara chocked on the deadly water which quickly flooded her lungs.

Minutes after, the battle was over.
It was quite clear who won as the still corpse floated peacefully in its watery death bed. The glow from the moon shone down on the water, making a golden blanket for the sea's new visitor, while leaves so red, as if coated in Nara's blood, played and spun in the chilly autumn night breeze.


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