Could it be....

Another love story

Recap of  Turn of events:

“I love you Gui, and I’ll promise you that I won’t ever let you get hurt again. Will you be my girlfriend?” Calvin asked with sincerely. “It doesn’t matter if I’ll get hurt. All I know is that no matter what happened, I won’t let you get hurt. I’ll protect you from all the harm for now on.”

“Calvin…” Instead of replying, Guigui hugged him. Her tears were falling uncontrollably down her cheeks. It was the first time someone had confessed to her, and she was so touched by his gentle words. Calvin gladly hugged her back. It was the first time that Guigui had felt so happy, she felt loved, and almost blinded with her emotions bubbling inside.

As the two were in each other’s arms, enjoying the moment, Aaron who happened to stop by the classroom to get his textbook, overheard everything as he saw the two inside. Inside his emotions are boiling up at different places. He's mad at Calvin for taking the credit of saving Guigui. But why would he be mad? He doesn’t even like that clumsy, troublesome girl. If he doesn't like her, why is he feeling so upset over Calvin confessing to her? Why is he worried? Why does he even care?

"Calvin I’m telling you! Even if you're my brother, you have no right of lying to Guigui! She doesn't deserve your lies!" Aaron shouted.

"And who are you to say that? You're the one that yelled at her, made her hurt, and almost killed her!  If I’m correct, you don’t even like her! so who are you to judge me? Plus, You guys were fighting the whole time, I liked her so I confessed to her. Is it any of YOUR business? And were you stalking and spying on us the whole time?!”Calvin nearly exploded with anger.

“You won’t like it if I told her the truth, would you?” Aaron blackmailed.

“YOU WOULDN’T DARE-“Calvin started.

“You think I wouldn’t? I HAVE A MILLION WAYS TO TELL HER! And when she knows, she won’t even want to look at you ever again.”

“YOU!” Calvin swung his fist at Aaron’s face, but he dodged and replied one of his own, but unlike Calvin’s shot, his found its target. Soon Calvin’s lip was bleeding.

“STOP!” a voice called out.


“STOP!” a voice called out.“GUIGUI? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” both Aaron and Calvin exclaimed. “I was walking home with Hebe when I heard you guys arguing at the backyard. I was wondering what happened, and when I came in Aaron you were charging at your own brother! How could you?” Guigui yelled.

“He deserved it. He lied to an innocent girl…..” Aaron started but was interrupted.

Guigui went up to Aaron and slapped him across the face.

"How dare you hurt my boyfriend, and especially when he's your own brother?" She yelled.

“Guigui, it wasn’t completely his fault-” Calvin explained.

“You’re too nice. Don’t waste your time talking to his kind of person, those cold, heartless people that hurts their own siblings?! Come on Calvin, let’s go.”

As Guigui dragged Calvin away, Aaron stood rooted to the ground. He couldn’t believe that Guigui chose Calvin instead of him. She had really hated him, just like he wished. But why isn’t he happy? Why doesn’t he feel glad at the fact that she’s finally leaving him alone? Why is his heart aching at the fact that she’s with Calvin right now, comforting him? Her slap felt like a million daggers straight at his heart, piercing through his skin, slicing him apart.

-The front of the school—

Hebe’s POV:

What’s taking Guigui so long! I have to go to my piano lesson today in ten minutes! I’m going to be late! Desperate, she pulled out her pink Motorola and phoned Guigui,

“Gui where are you? Sorry but I have to go to my piano lesson today. Call ya later!” She finished all in one breath and ran to the direction of her tutor’s house.

-In the school-

Guigui came to a sudden stop and Calvin along, bumped into her.

“Calvin Chen Yi Ru! Did you have any idea how worried I was? For a moment I thought he’s going to kill you! I thought I was never going to see you again.” Guigui scolded him.

Calvin burst into laughter as he saw Guigui’s expression. She is so cute.

“What’s so funny?” She pouted sharply.

“Haha, Gui, you’re so cute, You could have seen that expression on your face!” Calvin smiled.

“Laugh all you want! HMPH, next time I’ll just leave you there to be punched by Aaron!”

“Hao la, please don’t be mad at me. Pretty please?” He begged her with his puppy dog face.

“Fine. But you’ll have to promise me one thing. Now that we’re together,” She blushed. “You cannot flirt with any other girl than me.”

“ Alright. Don’t worry. I’m all yours.” Calvin playfully whispered in her ear.

“Aiyoo, shut up already!” Guigui’s face turned red. Her heart thumped hard as Calvin pulled her into his arms. Weirdly, she doesn’t feel happy in his arms. Now all she could think of is Aaron, standing alone in the cold. And for some reason, her heart is aching for warmth. Even with Calvin’s arms around her, she felt numb and emotionless.

---After school, Yan’s mansion. ------------

“Aaron. Didn’t I tell you to get some beef noodles for dinner?” Jiro asked.

Aaron simply went upstairs and slammed the door shut, ignoring his question.

“WEI! AARON! What’s his problem?” He asked Calvin whose grinning like an idiot. “And what happened to you?”

“Cuz baby tonight, DJ made us falling in love again-“Calvin sang. “Sorry what? I didn’t catch that.”

“I said, why are you smiling like an idiot bro? And what happened to Aaron? He look so pissed.” Jiro asked curiously, he has never seen his brothers acting so strangely before.

“I don’t know.” Calvin shrugged, but secretly smiling as he went upstairs, still humming the song.

“YO! You didn’t answer my questions yet! Why does everyone ignore me these days? What’s wrong with you? YO!” Jiro exploded, pissed at the fact that he got ignored twice by his own family members.

“I think the answer to your question would be LOVE.  And chill bro, your screaming sounds are quite irritating these days. Dinner’s ready!” Chun called and went to the kitchen. Jiro simply stood dumbfounded and confused.

Updated:) Guys I am sooo sry for the late update:'( Its spring break so I will update daily this week, except on Sunday, when its my birthday:D So I’ll be kinda busy and stuffs. Thanks for all the subscribers and nice comments. I love u guys<3 Silent readers please comment or leave an idea below. Much appreciated:P Criticism are also welcomed=P Thanx=)

copyright 2011 holagurrl storyline


Next Chapter:

-Upstairs, Aaron’s room—

Aaron’s POV:

“Dinner’s ready!” Chun called from downstairs, but I’m not in the mood for food. Actually, ever since afterschool today, I wasn’t in the mood for anything. Time passed, and still I sat until an IM conversation window popped up. It said, “Hey Aaron, remember me? I’m coming back to Taiwan tomorrow morning. Meet me at the airport at 8:00 if you can. Thanks so much. Love <333, Patty.


 “Aaron! I missed you so much!” Patty hugged me as soon as she saw me.

“Why are you back now, Patty? When you left me without telling me two years ago, do you have any idea how hurt I was? I waited for a phone call, a text, an email, anything from you. And I got nothing in return. Now that I finally got over you, you just come and tell me that you’re back? I am not a toy that you can play with whenever you want and just dump me when you’ve had enough?!” Aaron shouted angrily at her.

“I’m so sorry Aaron. I could have told you. I had no idea that you didn’t know. That’s why I was avoiding you the whole time. I am so sorry Aaron, but i came back. I love you Aaron. If you don’t want me here then I’ll just leave. Sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you.” As Patty was about to leave, Aaron pulled her into his embrace. Someone pushed him from behind, and their lips touched. Both of them froze, clearly shocked.


“Is it any of your business when you’re dating a girl who doesn’t even like you? She only dates you because of pity. Can’t you tell?” Aaron shot back at Calvin. His fingers intertwined with Patty’s’.

“Is it true, Guigui? You’re only dating me because you pity me? You don’t love me?” Calvin asked.“Alright, if you have no feelings for me, lets break up.”

“And her first kiss was given to me. Sorry bro, but clearly no one loves you.” Aaron added,

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please update!!! LOVE this story! poor GUI GUI!
VictoriaCookie #2
Cant wait for your update!
Two words..<br />
KILL PATTY!!<br />
woop wooop update!
awhs I really thought you updated 3 chappies so i could read but it was only one chappie *sigh* its okay, I bet you are busy with your cousin and all that, and gosh I dont know what I should do right now, I am so freaking mad at Aaron for listening to Patty, I cant wait till he find out the truth and he would realize who was the one lying and causing someone to get hurt, but anyways you really got to update soooon! <3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan♥
woah...woop woop, update!
awhs its okay if you dont update! I hope your cousin will get better and you would be able to update real soon! <3 :]<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan♥
What? Calvin is going to be mean in this story? Noooo! And gosh patty is such and urghh she is pissing the heck out of me why she such so mean..gosh stupid patty and next chappie looks mean..Aaron will regret yelling at GuiGui like that and it seems that GuiGui didn't lose her memory so that is a good thing..and gosh it still makes me mad that Aaron is stupid to listen to that girl but anyways you got to update sooon! <3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
Gui'un #1 die-hard fan♥
lunguiwangx3 #8
Ughhhh i just want to kill patty!! She has no right to wrongly accuse guigui like that!<br />
Aaron obviously doesn't want to be with her anymore, so desperate! <br />
Aiyaaah the preview makes me angrier -.- but at least gui is alive!
OMGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Just kill her now >:[ gosh!! I am so so ANGRY <br />
Read your preview and now I totally hate patty to the core >:( <br />
My gosh!! F*** Aaron >:[ stupid!! <br />
Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
I think I am gone crazy already XD <br />
What the heck is going on?? Hate Aaron ahaha <br />
Man!! this is so FANTASTIC <br />
Keep update^^ I am dying to read it and of cause I want you to get rid of Patty .. well!! LIKE NOW! haha
@Bubble:yep i agree. Kill patty cuz she's about to be more evill=.=and im so sry for not updating beforeand stuffs:( thanks for not giving up on this fanfic tho^______^<3<br />
@Cupcakes10000: yesh, u should be mad at me, u,bubble& the other subscribers:'( but im updating now again aren't i:) and thanks for not giving up on this fanfic<3333 well but unfortunatly to reveal Patty's evil side im gonna need Calvin's help;)