A sudden turmoil

Another love story

Recap of “A fresh new start.... NOT”

“G’morning students. It’s Monday today and let’s welcome a refreshing new start of term two!”Ms. Cherry enthusiastically clapped. All the other students merely looked up, some fell asleep at their desk, others groaned miserably at her comment. “We also have some new students to introduce themselves, come on up.”

“Hello, everyone. My name is Calvin and they are my brothers. We just transferred to Sheng Ying, and we’re looking toward knowing you all.” Calvin introduced.


 “Stop following me.” Aaron muttered. It sounded like a command, but Guigui continued walking.” I said stop following me! What do you want?”

“Look. I know you’re still mad at me for yesterday, and I’m sorry okay? I admit I was a bit rude and blamed you when it was I who fell onto you, causing…….”Guigui stopped, almost bit her tongue when it came to last day’s events. “Anyway I am sorry for yesterday. Can’t you just drop that misunderstanding and stop that cold act of yours?!”

“If you don’t like what you’re hearing, then leave. And stay the hell away from me!” He angrily yelled and marched out.

Guigui stood frozen, not knowing what to do. Being once again, despised, hurt, and hated by someone she barely knows. Tears were gathering around the brim of her eyes, threatening to fall. Her whole system felt senseless and numb, even though it was a warm sunny evening, she could not feel the warmth of the sun bearing upon her. All she could feel is the freezing cold wind shredding at her skin, and tearing her heart apart, Her vision blurred, and all she could think of before she out was, Am I really hated that much?


With that last thought, Guigui’s eyes closed as she collapsed to the ground. The back of her head hit the stone like, rough pavement, and started to bleed. Soon, her whole body was surrounded in a pool of blood. Calvin who finally came along after getting lost when he was trying to follow Guigui, scooped her in his arms and ran for medical wing.

“Nurse Adele! Help her! She needs immediate treatment!” He yelled as he found his way in.

“Quick, put her down! We have to apply pressure to the wound orelse she’ll bleed to death!” Nurse Adele grabbed the nearest stretcher and help placed Guigui down.

“Hold on to her and I’ll go get some bandages.” Nurse Adele ran for the supply room.

After about 10 minutes of bandaging, and changing bandages again, Guigui’s head is still bleeding.

“Maybe we should send her to the nearest hospital; she’s not looking too well. Said the principal.

But there’s no time for that. The principal went in action and called the medical doctors to come to their school. 5 minutes later, sirens could be heard everywhere. Some students even dropped out of class to watch. The doctors did a mini examination, and said, “She might have a minor concussion causing the endless flow of blood. We may have to find someone with the right blood type to replace her loss of blood.

 “I’ll donate!” Calvin volunteered.

“I’m sorry but we need an O typed blood, you’re a B typed person. And the O typed blood is quite rare. Is there anyone else in this school that’s an O typed person?” The doctor asked the principal.

“I’m very sorry, I honestly have no idea.” The principal replied.

“Well please do your best to find an O typed blood student or we might have to stop the heart from pumping due to its need of blood.” The doctor glumly explained. “You’ll have 24 hours until the machine stops pumping our supply of blood. Until then please hurry.”

With that, all the medical surgeons, doctors, nurses left with a grim look on their face and left, along with the medical carts and equipment. The principal told the secretory to make an announcement in the school and search for any O typed blooded person to come to the medical wing immediately. Calvin went along and started a search on his own. Guigui was left alone with nothing but the beep of the machines keeping her alive until tomorrow, unless there’s someone out there that can save her.

-------Countdown, 18 hours, 50 minutes left-------------------

“The machines showed no signs of stopping which is good, but Guigui showed no signs of breathing either. This is bad, and it’s going to get worse if we can’t find an O typed person!” The teachers and the nurses are desperate now, as the lifeless girl lying in front of them is on the verge of dying. Calvin ran through the whole school, but none can fit into the category. Tired and worn out, he slept against a wall outside Guigui’s room, silently praying to God to save her.

-----Countdown, 2 hours, 35 minutes left-------------------

The speed of the machines is already slowing down. Guigui’s body is getting warmer, but stiff and still she still is. No signs of life showed on the monitor screen, Meanwhile, Calvin wandered hopelessly in the hall, only to be surrounded by his brothers, ready to go home after school.

“Hey you Calvin where were ya at math? It’s your first day at school and you’ve already skipped? They cornered him with questions.

“Hold your horses! Guigui’s injured so I had to take her to the medical wing. Btw, Aaron what did you do to her at lunch? I saw you guys arguing and she was crying so hard. The next second she fell down and her body was surrounded by blood! And now she’s in need of blood or she might die!” Calvin finished in a hurry.

“Aaron? What did you say to her?” Chun asked.

“That shouldn’t be your business should it?” Aaron replied.

“What do you mean it’s not our business? You made her hurt! Wait weren’t you a O typed person? “Calvin angrily shouted.

“Well yes, why?” Aaron didn’t looked up from his book whatsoever.

“Just come with us NOW.”

Calvin dragged Aaron to the medical wing in such a hurry that they stumbled upon the door of Guigui’s room.

“Why am I here?” Aaron now is confused as ever.

“Just go in and help her by donating some of your blood to her please? She will die in two hours if you don’t help her. “Calvin exclaimed. “It’s also your fault that she’s hurt!”

“Alright.” He sighed as his forehead clouded with worry. Why does she have to be so troublesome and clumsy?

With Aaron’s new cooperated help, Guigui recovered within a weeks after the surgery, well a small one indeed. But what she didn’t know was that the one that saved her life was Aaron, not Calvin. Well not exactly.

--------------one week later---------------------

“Guys I am very glad to say that Guigui’s back with us again and let’s give her a warm welcome!. Now after the good news, lets just say there’s going to be a bad news for you guys.”Ms.Cherry explained.”You guys need to do a end of term project in assigneed groups, and the topic can be depended based on your group’s interest. Your group members must all work on an equal amount of work and you can present in anyway you wish. Right now I am going to tell you to get into your groups as I read the members outloud. Get ready!”


“Group One: Jiro, Selina, Brandon, and Johanna. Group Two: Wu Chun, Ella, Genie and Danson. Group Three: Calvin, Hebe, Aaron and Guigui.  Alright get into your groups and do a brief introduction in the rest of class time.” She instructed.

Guigui’s POV:


“Okay. Who wants to go first?” I asked. No one responded. HMPH! Fine, I’ll go first. “My name is Guigui, I like reading and listening to music. My best friends are Selina, Hebe, Ella and Rainie. Calvin went next, “My name is Calvin, and I like playing basketball. Jiro, Aaron, and chun are my brothers.” Then Hebe. “My name Is Hebe, I like singing and playing the piano, and my best friends are Selina, Guigui, Ella and Rainie.” She finished.  Everyone looked at Aaron. They stared at him for a full minute until he finally got the hint. “My name is Aaron.” Awkward silence followed then uncomfortableness settled successfully into our group.


“Alright you’re dismissed. See you guys next class! And remember to prepare materials for you group topic.” Mrs. Cherry replied, and then walked out of the room herself. And soon the room was empty except for Guigui,Calvin and Hebe.

“Gui! Come on let’s go!” Hebe yanked my arm.

“Okay, okay I’m coming!” Guigui protested. “ My arm feels like its going to be ripped out of my socket!”

“Guigui, can I talk to you? Alone?” Calvin asked.

“All right. Hebe, wait for me with Selina and Ella outside. I’ll be ready soon.” Guigui bid goodbye to her and turned to Calvin.

“Gui… Gui, I really like you. I fell in love with you the first time we met. I believe this is what they call love at first sight. Will you be my girlfriend?" Calvin asked hopefully.

“Calvin… I can’t say yet. We’ve just met for a few month, how can you decide your feelings so quick?” Guigui asked in return.

“If it’ll make you change your mind, I was the one that saved your life Guigui, Me. Calvin.” He said.

“Calvin…… It was you?”


Next chapter:

Aaron's POV:

As they were talking, Aaron who happened to stop by the classroom to get his textbook, overheard everything as he saw the two inside. Inside his emotions are boiling up at differents places. He's mad at Calvin for taking the credit of saving Guigui. But why would he be mad? He doesnt even like that loud, clumsy, troublesome girl. If he doesn't like her, why is he feeling so upset over Calvin confessing to her? Why is he worried? Why does he even care?


"Calvin i'm telling you! Even if you're my brother, you have no right of lying to her! She doesn't deserve your lies!" Aaron shouted.

"And who are you to say that? You're the one that yelled at her, made her hurt, and almost killed her!  If i'm correct, you dont even like her! so who are you to judge me?"


Sorry for the late update:'( I had two major tests coming up so i had to study=(

Well for an apology i'll update an extra long chapter in return:D

Thanx for the comments and subscribes:) I love u guys<3

oh and whether guigui accepted calvin's confession yet is gonna be revealed nxt chapter:P Cuz thats how evil i am^-^

Anyway, thanx for reading and comment or subscribe pls:) criticism is also welcomed

or leave an idea if you're an silent reader:)

thanx for all the support<33


copyright,2011 holagurrl storyline



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please update!!! LOVE this story! poor GUI GUI!
VictoriaCookie #2
Cant wait for your update!
Two words..<br />
KILL PATTY!!<br />
woop wooop update!
awhs I really thought you updated 3 chappies so i could read but it was only one chappie *sigh* its okay, I bet you are busy with your cousin and all that, and gosh I dont know what I should do right now, I am so freaking mad at Aaron for listening to Patty, I cant wait till he find out the truth and he would realize who was the one lying and causing someone to get hurt, but anyways you really got to update soooon! <3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan♥
woah...woop woop, update!
awhs its okay if you dont update! I hope your cousin will get better and you would be able to update real soon! <3 :]<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan♥
What? Calvin is going to be mean in this story? Noooo! And gosh patty is such and urghh she is pissing the heck out of me why she such so mean..gosh stupid patty and next chappie looks mean..Aaron will regret yelling at GuiGui like that and it seems that GuiGui didn't lose her memory so that is a good thing..and gosh it still makes me mad that Aaron is stupid to listen to that girl but anyways you got to update sooon! <3<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
Gui'un #1 die-hard fan♥
lunguiwangx3 #8
Ughhhh i just want to kill patty!! She has no right to wrongly accuse guigui like that!<br />
Aaron obviously doesn't want to be with her anymore, so desperate! <br />
Aiyaaah the preview makes me angrier -.- but at least gui is alive!
OMGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Just kill her now >:[ gosh!! I am so so ANGRY <br />
Read your preview and now I totally hate patty to the core >:( <br />
My gosh!! F*** Aaron >:[ stupid!! <br />
Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
I think I am gone crazy already XD <br />
What the heck is going on?? Hate Aaron ahaha <br />
Man!! this is so FANTASTIC <br />
Keep update^^ I am dying to read it and of cause I want you to get rid of Patty .. well!! LIKE NOW! haha
@Bubble:yep i agree. Kill patty cuz she's about to be more evill=.=and im so sry for not updating beforeand stuffs:( thanks for not giving up on this fanfic tho^______^<3<br />
@Cupcakes10000: yesh, u should be mad at me, u,bubble& the other subscribers:'( but im updating now again aren't i:) and thanks for not giving up on this fanfic<3333 well but unfortunatly to reveal Patty's evil side im gonna need Calvin's help;)