Middle School Days Pt.1

We Got Married S2: Chunji & You

*Middle School*

Seohyun: Seol! Why are you always so slow!!! We’re late!

You: Seohyun! Relax…we have like an hour before school starts keke~

Seohyun: Hello…today is the first day of middle school! We have to go early!

You: Alright! I’m coming, let’s go!

Your POV
Seohyun is my childhood friend, we go all the way back to Kindergarten. She was the first friend I ever made. We both have a passion for singing and decided to tryout for SM entertainment together afterschool today.

While walking to school…

Seohyun: Are you ready for the audition afterschool?! Omo! I’m so nervous for the first day of middle school and for the audition!

You: Don’t worry! You’ll do great! And for middle school, it’s just the same people from last year, relax.

Seohyun: You brought your audition clothes right?

You: Of course! It’s right here…somewhere… *looks down* Oh no! I must have forgotten it! Keep going Seohyun, I’m going to run back and grab it, and I’ll catch up with you!

Seohyun: Alright! Aish clumsy you! Keke~

Your POV
I run back home as fast as I can to grab my audition clothing. I didn’t mind going in my uniform but we have to dance so I packed some sweats. After grabbing my clothes from home I hurry back so that I can catch up with Seohyun.

Almost there…just a little more…


Oww! I feel myself collide with a tall looking figure. He stumbles forward a bit but doesn’t fall down, while I fall with both my knees and my hands hitting the cement hard. I look up and see a boy around my age in the same uniform as me, obviously the guy version. The sun blinds my eyes as I look up and I can’t see his face properly.

Boy: Are you okay?

You: umm…yeah. Oh! I should be apologizing! Sorry for bumping into you! I was running so I could catch up to my friend!

Boy: haha no problem, let me help you up.

Your POV
I scratch my head sheepishly as he grins at me. As I get up, I can see his face clearly. His smile is so mesmerizing and friendly, his smiling eyes are so big and round, along with his natural double lids. His nose is perfectly in place with the rest of his features. His lips are flushed a natural bright red and curl up to a killer smile flashing his perfect white pearly teeth. I let my mouth hang open in awe…I’ve never seen someone so good-looking in my life.

You: Most people who are going to this middle school are from my old elementary school…are you new around here?

Boy: haha, yeah I just moved into this area last week. My dad’s business is close to here so we decided to move once it was time for me to start middle school.

You: Oh cool! Welcome! Keke~ I’m Lee Seol and I’ve lived here practically my whole life keke~ So that means we’re in the same grade! What class are you in?

Boy: I’m in class A, and my name is Lee Chanhee! (*Author’s note: Chanhee is Chunji’s real name. However I will still refer him to Chunji when I refer to whose speaking so it’s less confusing*)

You: Oh! Chanhee…what a pretty name! I’m also in class A!

Chunji: keke~ nice to meet you Seol…oh no…your knees are bleeding! Are you okay? Let’s go clean it up!

School bell rings

You: Oh I’m fine! The bell rung! Let’s run or we’ll be late!

Your POV
He spots the school gate closing and grabs my arm and we run for it. With the wind blowing my long black hair back and the feeling of his hand on my arm, I can’t help but look up to him and smile. My knees continue to hurt and bleed but with him so close it seems as if all the pain eased away. I have a lot of friends that are boys, but I have never felt this way before…is this what they call love at first sight?

When we get in the school building, Chanhee reports to the office since he’s new and I quickly go into the classroom. I take the empty seat beside Seohyun and apologize for running late.

Seohyun: at least you got your audition clothing! Keke~

Mr. Kim: Welcome everyone to middle school! I’m Mr. Kim and I’ll be your homeroom teacher this year. I’m sure you all know each other already since everyone graduated elementary together. However, we have one new student with us! Please come in and introduce yourself.

Chunji: Hi everyone! My name is Lee Chanhee. I moved here last week and will be attending this middle school with you all. I enjoy playing sports, singing and dancing.

Your POV
All around I heard whispers. The guys all thought Chanhee was cool and the girls kept whispering about how hot he was. No way was he going to hang out with them though! I feel so good about this morning…it was as if we were fated to meet before he met with everyone else.

The introduction was over and Chanhee takes a seat beside me. Chanhee gives me a nod and a wink to acknowledge me. I hear sighs all around the classroom and girls give me the “you’re so lucky” look and other girls glare at me. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

Seohyun: *whispers* You know him?

You: *whispers* keke~ it’s a long story…tell you at lunch!

Your POV
Once class started I felt like I could do nothing but look at Chanhee. Everytime he catches me looking at him he gives me a smile. Hope he doesn’t think I’m a creeper or something! I need to be more sneaky keke~

At the cafeteria during lunch time Seohyun and I sit at a table and chat about the upcoming audition afterschool. I invited Chanhee to eat with us too but he said he had something to do first. I was kind of upset…hope it wasn’t because I scared him by peeking at him too much during class time!

Suddenly, someone opens the cafeteria doors and the whole place falls into a hush. I look up and see Chanhee walking to our table! Is he going to come sit with us and eat? Chanhee sees me looking at him and gives me a warm smile. He bends down and takes out from him pocket a disposal alcohol swab and band-aids. He starts to open them and helps me clean the wounds that are on my knees from the fall earlier. I felt so touched that I even wanted to cry but I was too happy for the tears to fall out. Everyone in the cafeteria starts to chatter about it and takes pictures to post on the school gossip page. How can such a good-looking guy be sincere and caring as well?

Chunji: Pabo~ you even forgot to clean your wounds because you were so scared we were going to be late! Keke~

You: Chanhee! Is that why you didn’t come eat lunch with us? I thought it was cause you were scared of me! Haha. Thanks so much!!!

Chunji: haha no problem. why would I be scared of you though?

You: Because in the classroom I kept star- I mean…nevermind! Keke~

Chunji: keke~ alright…mind if I join you girls?

Your POV
I look at Seohyun to get her approval. Seohyun has always been shy and quiet and wasn’t so fond of guys. She smiles at me and gives me a nod to signal to me that it’ll be okay. I break out into a huge smile and nod uncontrollably at Chanhee to sit down. We finish lunch together and I tell him about the audition Seohyun and I are going to afterschool. He was very interested since he loves to sing and has always wanted to go to an audition. He told us that he’s taking lessons at a vocal academy right now and was thinking about becoming a singer. Everytime he talks and laughs I feel like my heart is going to jump out…however I also feel calm and comfortable at the same time. Am I truly falling in love with Lee Chanhee?


Author’s Note
This chapter is kind of a cute memory and give you a little bit of their past together. For those of you wondering, Seohyun is the one from Girl’s Generation and she will also be along side them in WGM S2!!!:) Hehe
Hope you readers liked this chapter!
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LeeChanHeeAngel #1
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I wanna see the ending!!!
LeeChanHeeAngel #2
Chapter 4: Awww!!! This chapter is so sweet!!! I love this story!! Keke~ I wish this was real!
i really like it >< update soon~
Chapter 17: Hi I really like this fanfic. Could you please update. (I'm not really good with patient.) =D
You wanna update any time soon?? :D
Update soon
Update soon! :D
My actual name is Lee Seol! I love this ! <3 thank you!