Chapter 8

Uee Pov "But Yunho won't even give me another chance. He's still holding that small little kiss with Jaejoong against me.…" I said looking into my half emth cup of tea. Jooyeon tried to look at the positive things. I always saw things half emty and she always saw things half full. As opposite as we are, she's my go to girl for everything. "Well, I at first you don't succeed, keep try-" I cut her off before she could finish the sentence "Jooyeon, I've tried so many times to reconcile with him, he just doesn't even think about it. It like the moment he sees me, his aura makes a 360." I put down my cup of tea "He really hates me, and for what one 5 second kiss with Jaejoong?" "He can't hate you" she put her hand on mine consolingly " Jungseo looks to mug like you. If he hated you, he couldn't possibly be able to even stand the sight of Jungseo. And you know that's totally not true, because every time hey see each other he's like a lightbulb that just lit up." Jooyeon smiled at me comfortingly. Changing the subject Jooyeon asked about the girl I say Yunho's fooling around with. "Is she pretty" "I'm prettier" I joked and we both burst out laughing, grabbing the attention of the 2 toddlers. We all heard the door open to reveal my mother and father Jooyeon and I got up to greet "Annyeonghaseyo, Aunt and Uncle" Jooyeon helps me help my parents carry the groceries into the kitchen. "Where's my favorite grandson?" Appa called to Jungseo. "Haraboji, I'm your only grandson!" Jungseo shot appa a priceless glance with his nose scrunched up……just like what Yunho does "Yah" my mothers fingers snapped me out of my thoughts. Both Jooyeon and Omma laughed at me. "Someone's daydreaming" Omma said unloading the grocery bags. "Yeah, about Yunho" Jooyeon teasingly mocked me helping Omma with the groceries. Shooting me a disapproving look "Yaah. How many times have we told you, to either get back with him or move on!" Omma slapped my shoulder with the Chinese cabbage in her hand. "You act as if I don't ever have to see him. Im constantly having to see him whenever I have to drop Jungseo off or pick him up. Jungseo's soccer games, his school plays. It's easier said than done" I said in defense. She acts as if she got over my biological father quickly. It took her the beginning and towards he end of my adolescant years to get over him and marry my stepdad. Sometimes she's such a hypocryt, especially when it comes to Yunho and my love life. "Aunty has a point though. If you really think there's no hope for the two of you, why do you constantly whine about 'he hates me' 'he won't even give me chance'?" I simply rolled my eyes, Jooyeon spending to much time with my mother, she becoming a hypocryt too. As is she never whined about Leeteuk not giving her a chance and hating her. I simply rolled my eyes. The last thing I heard of their conversations before leaving to check on Jungseo and Eunjae was " 'How can Yunho hate Uee, Jungseo looks to much like her' 'That's what I said Aunty' "
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dramagirl_3379 #1
Chapter 9: yeah me too... i really want ot see Uee and Yunho..
mischaa #2
Chapter 9: Pls update..I want to see more of UEE and Yunho story..
BABYgiraffe #3
Chapter 8: Please update soon~
Update soon
Palitas #5
thank you
devil_fairy_o3o #6
UEE & Yunho
lexigirl269 #7
The poll is no longer up. Yunho and Uee were the winning couple. But feel free to think of yourselves as Uee for now. I might put up another poll later on with the same choices. Please do not lose intrest in my sotry because of this. Kamsaminda!
lexigirl269 #8
@haha96399 it all depends on how people vote.
haha96399 #9
I want Uee and Yunho to be together. And Mikyong with Joon.