
♥ ♥ Love is in the air ♥ ♥ (One shot Apply~ ♥)


Bandages - Jaeri ♥ Taemin (Yangyoseoblabz)



My feet were pounding against the ground, creating a beat so smooth and steady that even a drummer would have trouble keeping that kind of tempo. Slowing down as I saw the finish line I tried to keep my almost-panting breath steady. ‘Just six more, three more, don’t stop it’s the last one’ I thought as I reached the finish line, I finally released the breath I was holding back at once as I heard “LEE TEAMIN!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!! WE DID IT!!~” and “KYYAAAAA! WE KNEW YOU COULD!” from the audience, their posters lifted into the sky. I looked up at the bleachers the kids from my school were sitting on and shot them a proud smile, then glanced a team mate of mine who seemed to running with wobbly legs, kind of like a chicken towards me.

            “Teaminnn!!! We need to go eat some chicken for your victory!” The Chicken like runner yelled. He went by the name Onew and I even referred to him as my best friends, he only problem with him was his slight chicken obsession which has made him fail quite a few grades actually, He’s supposed to be 2 grades ahead of me but he’s in the same grade as me. Another problem is his girl friend, I mean I don’t dislike her or anything she’s nice and all but no joke there’s something wrong with her and I just can’t put my finger on it.  Yeahh… well anyway, enough explaining, let’s get back to the day already.

            “I don’t want chicken~” I pouted, wanting him to be able to eat something else for once.

            Taking me by the arm he then proceeded to DRAG me. Like my leg was scratching against the floor, it was painful but easier than walking after such a long race. As son as I saw my leg starting to bleed though I quickly jumped out of his grasp and started walking on my own to where he led me. When we got into the chicken shop we sat down and I ordered a turkey sandwich. And yes, they had a turkey sandwich in the chicken shop. SO then his pale faced girl friend decided to walk in. She went by the name Jaeri. “JAEEEERRRRRRIIIIIIII.” She sat next t us as I prolonged her name.

            “Won another game? How the heck do you do it with those skinny legs of yours?” She smirked, was that an insult? Or had it been a compliment? I wasn’t too sure but I let it go. Then she did what she always does, she took my sandwich and took a bite.

            “If you keep eating my food then I’m gonna have to call you Riri the Piggy.” I groaned not too found of the fact that she was eating it. Onew got up to get some ketchup and then she did the weirdest thing ever. She looked straight at me and asked me if I ate Tuna this morning.

            “Yeah, how’d you know?” I responded giving her a bit of a weirded out look. “I can taste it, in the saliva, on your sandwich” she said. Okay, see that’s what I was talking about with the weird thing. Why did she just eat my Saliva? It made me laugh a little, though it was more like a giggle. Then she laughed at ME. “Did you just GIGGLE?” she asked surprised but still finding it funny.

            “Whatever.” Getting a little pissed off since I was tired and cranky a bit I just got up to go get some iced tea, but she followed. She turned me around and tried an aegyo “Opppa~ I’m Sorry, I promise that I won’t laugh at your giggles again~” what she said sounded kind of like a tease but her voice was smooth as caramel and dripping in honey plus her cute face made me push all the anger away. I lightly pinched her nose while opening the see-through store cooler door with my other hand and bending my head slightly, acting like I was looking down for my drink,  so she wouldn’t see my blush. Then, I walked over and bought The Lemon Iced Tea Snapple I loved. Bringing a cup with me though I poured her some when I got back to my seat not wanting Onew to see my buying her something since it might look awkward, it was HIS girlfriend afterall. Speaking of Onew where was he? I looked at out table and saw his things had vanished. Oh Holy ! He Idiot just left thinking that we left him, I concluded as a face palmed myself. Jaeri deiced to snatch the phone I was taking out and text Onew on my behalf. “We’re like  3 miles away from the shop already!! Oppa! Get here already~” Looking over her I laughed and clicked send. Such a nice way to trick him, he can practice his running.  She looked up at me for a second in what seemed like thought and said “Oppa wanna go for a walk?”


 Slightly confused on what to do next and not wanting to seem awkward I hopefully asked him if he wanted to go for a walk. I was just so glad he was here in the chicken shop with my boyfriend at first because honestly, I wanted to see Taemin, I don’t really understand why but I didn’t want to see my boyfriend again right now, I wanted to make it so that Onew Oppa wouldn’t be able to find us, I wanted to walk so far that we could walk all night and still not get back home. Jumping up and walking out of the chicken shop with him I smoothed out my wrinkled pants and walked along side him having a hard time keeping up with his pace “Oppa, go slower!” I said almost as a demand but he obeyed and walked slow enough for me to have no difficulty. We walked for a while in silence, it felt nice though. Then he asked a weird question, one that I was not expecting.

            “Do you… I mean how are things going with Onew?” looking at his face I could see that he wasn’t feeling the most comfortable asking either but he  did put me in a weird situation here. I wasn’t sure if I should tell the truth or lie because well, if I told the truth things may not turn out well just because Taemin is Onew’s best friend. The truth always prevails I finally decided after much contemplation and a few minutes of silence “I mean, well, I think someone else took my heart but I can’t tell Onew, I don’t want to hurt him.” I stopped there, that was all that was needed and not to my surprise he gave me a look of shock which I brushed off. His face flipped though a serious of emotions, first shock then anger and then gentleness. Like he understood exactly what I was talking about.

            “Who?” he asked gently, looking into my eyes. “Who stole your heart?” again. I looked back into his eyes, he knew who took it, I could tell by his eyes but then why was he asking? Was he just playing dumb? I stepped back and ran off but before I left I did say “You know who…” it angered me a little for some odd reason, I couldn’t explain it. 


I watched her leave and I couldn’t explain the feelings I felt with the conversation just now, when she said those last words I found out who she was talking about. At first when she first told me her heart changed I had been so angry since Onew didn’t deserve that, but I was also happy it felt like finally had a chance for this girl that was always running after him even after he was busy with his chicken. For this girl that cared, for this funny, kind, gentle, caring, and I shouldn’t forget to mention beautiful girl. But… she ran away before I cold say anything, she probably hates me now, she probably thinks I’m a jerk. My mind ran through the possibilities and I sighed. She’s such an idiot, I thought as I hit my leg in frustration. She can tell I know she likes me but she can’t see that I love her just as much, seriously such an idiot.

            A week later I had another race and she hadn’t talked to me since that last time. It was really bothering me since she didn’t even here my answer yet I hurt… I was such a bad person. Doing my pre-race stretching and glancing around the audience I saw that she was no where to be found and neither was Onew. Onew had been like that for a few days, he didn’t talk much with anyone, she probably broke up with him. It’s okay though, he’ll probably get over it knowing him. Today the track we were racing was rock and not dirt, that’s usually my specialty. We were all called up to the starting line and the whistle blew indicating for us to start, as the runners ran ahead of me I continued to look in the audience for her familiar face, I expected her to be here. Finally noticing that everyone was ahead of me I quickened my pace while still looking through the audience.

Suddenly, I felt something weird,, something I never felt before. My heart stopped and ever second seemed like an hour, everything was going in slow motion like in the movies. “What’s happening?” I thought. I tried to move my legs to run but I was paralyzed, skidding against the floor my hands weren’t helping in trying to stop myself. Then everything was quickly fading, fading its color out until I finally out, just like that while sliding across the track.

Waking up I found myself in a white looking room, on a bed with white sheets and I looked up to find a girl sitting over me worry draining out of her face as she saw me open my eyes. “Jaeri? Whats wrong?” I said before I felt the pain in my leg, it was horrible. I had never felt that kind of pain before and she saw the pained look in my face and quickly pressed the button for that pain killing liquid. Obviously I was in the hospital I thought as I looked around. I didn’t need to be here, I hated hospitals. I tried to get up but then I realized that I couldn’t move my bandaged leg. It felt like it wasn’t even there. What? WHAT? Why can’t I move it… Why does it feel like its surreal? What’s wrong with me?  AH, I must be dreaming, I lied back down and tried to sleep. I wasn’t going to open my eyes again till I felt my legs, till I finally found out this wasn’t a dream. Jaeri waited there, but it didn’t matter since it was most definitely only a dream. Laying there for a few more hours I didn’t say anything but eventually fell asleep and woke up what seemed to be just a few minutes.

“Taemin! You’ve been sleeping for days!” Jaeri said looking like she just stopped crying. Wait why is Jaeri in my house? I said as I looked around, I was still in the hospital. A doctor that had seemed to be discussing something with a nurse came up to me. “Excuse me, Mr. Taemin, can you hear me?” I nodded looking at his poker face as to find a sign of what was wrong with me, whether I could leave here or not. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes “You’re leg was badly cut when you fell since the track was bumpy and hard, there was a lot of blood loss, but that’s not the main issue. A small rock went into you cute and basically infected it badly, we couldn’t really do anything about it by the time you got here, you can’t run anymore or walk. You should already know that since you can’t fee your legs.” He said coldly “this is the part I hate most about being a doctor” he sighed while turning around and walking out.

I couldn’t believe what he said, that’s.. that’s impossible “I’m dreaming… I’m still dreaming right? This, it …. It really it really can’t be real…” when I wake up, it’s a going to be gone, everything Im going to be at home, ready to go for practice for my run. I need to wake up from this terrible nightmare that just felt so real, I was even breaking out in a cold sweat. I looked over at the person next to me. “Jaeri, slap me.” I said “Please. So I can wake up. Please!” she just looked at me.. did she not understand what I was saying? “JAERI I SAID TO SLAP ME, POUR COLD WATER ON ME, SO SOMETHING… just do something… please jaeri.. please..” I said desperately my voice breaking down as I realized that it wasn’t a dream I could wake up from. I buried my face in my hands and started sobbing, what was I going to do… life is basically over for me now. There was nothing left….. A pair of warm arms suddenly wrapped around me.

            “I’m sorry Taemin, I’m sorry…” she said. “It’ll all be alright one day. But until that day and even after… I’m always with you.” She said still hugging me.  Then I remembered there was something to live for in the world. Jaeri.



There you go ^^~ sorry it took a while but I have been quite busy with my life >.<  lol. I hope you like it! Please leave a comment ^^~ :3 :3 ♥ ♥ sorry if its not good or the way you wanted it to be, its only my second one shot ever D: lol. xD I know that’s not a good excuse but still! Also, the title is horrible but I couldnt think of anything else D: LOL. Don’t forget to tell me what you didn’t like so I can improve it for net time~ ♥ ♥ Thank you for reading ^^~ 

P.S.S - DO you guys perfer reading in the bigger font (Chapter one) or this font? 

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ohhhkeo #2
I can't wait for mine ><
UPDATE SOON<3 Hwaiting !
Cadenzasus #3
AFF username: junechanee<br />
Character Name: June Baang<br />
Personality: Age 21, Brown shoulder-length hair, and large brown eyes. Slightly shorter than Onew. Cheerful, bright, sees the good in people. However, her attitude can change from friendly to scary when someone is purposely rude to her or disrespectful. She is intelligent and quick-witted, and often says sarcastic remarks. er for lovey-dovey things and sweet-talk from Onew. She thinks the Onew Condition is adorable, and has a weak spot for cute dolls, chibis, animals, and etc.<br />
Plot: (VERY OPPTIONAL~) Mostly up to you. Something along the lines of a date in downtown Seoul. Onew and June (who are a couple) walks around the busy streets, shopping a little, eating a little, having coffee. Make it full of fluff, please? :3 But when it gets dark, and the city lights start shining along with the stars, Onew takes June up on a namsan-hill. There, on a balcony, you can see the sparkling city. Something romantic happens there- a first kiss or a proposal, maybe? :3<br />
Partner (name and group) – Onew (Lee Jinki) from SHINee :D Age 21, slightly taller than June. His hairstyle:<br />
A little bit about what your partner is like: Onew is hardworking, silly, and slightly clumsy at times. (Onew Condition). Since he knows about June’s weakness for sweet talk, he often acts cute and uses aegyo for her attention or love. Even though he’s cute and funny, he can also have a tough, y side, though he rarely shows it. He’s protective over June, and smiles often.<br />
Favorite song : (Just for fun~ it’s not necessary to put something here) Any SHINee song :D<br />
AFF username: zenlovers <br />
<br />
Character Name: Shin Raena<br />
<br />
Personality: She is a predictable girl, who has bad temper, grumpy, easy pissed, irritated but sometimes she can be sweet, caring, & kind person depends on her mood, she often noisy and like to make people laugh. can stand mad at her friend and family for long time. often seeing as a loner<br />
<br />
Plot: Raena always make distance with Sunggyu, coz she knows when she looked at first, she know he became trouble to his life, Sunggyu always like to reasing her, coz she a bad singer, and it makes her mad and pissed and so it on<br />
<br />
Partner (name and group) - Kim Sunggyu from infinite<br />
<br />
A little bit about what your partner is like: he's like singing and exercise<br />
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Favorite song : 2NE1 - Love is Ouch
AFF username: chicken_oppa<br />
<br />
Character Name: Park Rinrin<br />
<br />
Personality: A very noisy loving, caring lover of Onew. She would do anything to make Onew happy. She's blaunt and sensitive to the things related to one she loves. <br />
<br />
Plot: (VERY OPPTIONAL~) Can Rinrin make Onew realize how serious she is to him?<br />
<br />
Partner (name and group) - Lee Jinki/Onew (SHINee)<br />
<br />
A little bit about what your partner is like: A kind, friendly, smart, calm student and who's very cautious about anything related to romantic love. He have a hard time trusting people and a bit afraid to have a relationship to anyone. Never had a gf before, that's why he's afraid to be hurt.<br />
<br />
Favorite song : How deep is your love? by SHINee's Onew.<br />
<br />
<br />
good luck! I'll be waiting for my one-shot...~
Good luck! ^^
AFF username:joanne200969<br />
<br />
Character Name: Song Soolin<br />
<br />
Personality: Sweet, caring and loves to cook. Owns a baking shop.<br />
<br />
<br />
Plot: Up to you. :))<br />
<br />
Partner (name and group) - Key, Shinee<br />
<br />
A little bit about what your partner is like: A big diva, and loves to cook. He eats a lot, and loves cakes. Likes taking care of people and is quite shy.<br />
<br />
Favorite song : SHINee - Hello
AFF username: nothings-over<br />
<br />
Character Name: Jeon Ji Hye<br />
<br />
Personality: A very calm person. She isn't phased easily. Sweet and well fairly normal. She has a cool personality and gets along with everyone. She's an artist who loves sketching.<br />
<br />
Plot: Jihye sketches in the park everyday, hoping to find the right inspiration. And each day, she does, little things that she enjoys, be it the bird on the tree or a flower or the old woman with her grandson. One day, she sees a boy sitting and playing his guitar and for the first time, isn't sure why, but prefers to just watch rather than draw. He starts coming everyday, and it's almost coincidence that he's there whenever she is. She eventually decides to draw him, and each time, it's the same but different... (invent rest of plot here!) With the ending of her asking him, why do you always play that same song, and him replying "Because that song was always meant for you." (or something like that).<br />
<br />
Partner (name and group) - Kim Sunggyu from Infinite<br />
<br />
A little bit about what your partner is like: Musician. quiet but sweet and caring. Nice and caring, a gentleman. The type who watches over others and always is polite and lends a helping hand.<br />
<br />
Favorite song : Infinite's Kim Sunggyu solo - Because
AFF username: Blossy<br />
<br />
Character Name: Kim Ayumu (OC represented by Erika Toda for description reference) <br />
<br />
Personality: A total romantic. Has a bubbly personality. Very stubborn, when she wants something she has to get. She is half Korean and half Japanese. She moved to Korea at 15 and been there since. Met Hyun Joong at 24. <br />
<br />
Plot: "Honey-Moon Faze All Over" - Hyun Joong and Ayumu were married. But they married too quickly (after a month knowing each other). At first they were lovey-dovey. They couldn't stay away from each other and couldn’t keep their hands off each other. It changes when Hyun Joong starts focusing more on work. They slowly drift apart. It wasn't long after they were filing for a divorce. While the divorce is in progress, the two go off on a holiday (separately) to relax. Things don't go as planned when they end up at the same place and staying at the same hotel (next door to each other). As they keep bumping into each other at the bar, or the beach, etc... they realise that they still have feelings for each other. But cannot do anything about it when they have a couple (you can name them) who broke up at their holiday and are now after them. It seems that even with the guy and girl trying to get their attention, they still end up together and more closer and more in love than before because they are spending more time together and getting to know each other more. <br />
I want a happy ending please with Ayumu and Hyun Joong^^<br />
<br />
Partner - Kim Hyun Joong - SS501 <br />
<br />
A little bit about what your partner is like: 25 years old. Keeps to himself. He does not show much of his emotions. He met Ayumu coincidently in a party he was invited to. When she had asked him to help her get rid of his date, he had not expected he would fall for her at the end of the night. <br />
<br />
Favorite song : KISS KISS - Kim Hyun Joong<br />