The Reason That Somehow Seems Wrong

Mobile Suit Xceed Future

“Oppa, no!”

Jiyeon calmly wakes up. She just got the same nightmare she had for years before.

She slowly pushes her body out of the bed and looks at the photo again. She does miss her brother, an ace pilot of CCA under the nickname ‘Syer’.

This man has been missing for three years, and everyone has thought that he is dead. It’s all happen thanks to a war that broke out between CCA and Avex in one of CCA’s colony. That colony is destroyed thanks to Avex’s Planet Killer.

Yes, that side has also destroyed a colony before. What happened in Astro-Seoul is just retribution of what happened to their Nora.

She cracks her neck a bit, feeling hurt from it.

The door opens up as Hyomin enters the room, “Hey, sleepyhead. Are you done ing yet?”

“Watch your mouth, Major,” Jiyeon sighs, “Remember who has the highest rank in this room right now.”

Hyomin just laughs, “Wah, the servant of Park family has such gut to speak like that.”

“Nobility has no place in military.”

“You and your robotic words. How long are you going to stop being emo?”

Jiyeon smirks, “This is one way for people to know me.”

Hyomin sits beside her as she wraps her arms around the Lieutenant, “I’ve been waiting for this time to come. You would not know how long my body trembles, in need of such actions.”

Jiyeon brushes her off, “I have no time for such issue.”

“You better have a time for that. My mom is picking a husband for you.”

Jiyeon just smirks and floats out from there, “There’s only one man that deserve to be my groom.”

“Yeah, from what I remember, the world has no longer support the uous marriage like what happened billion years ago. In case you forgot, that is one of the reasons why earth rejects us in the first place.”

Jiyeon stares at her, “But if that’s what Goddess permits, than the earth will bow to her.”

“That’s totally not making any sense…”

“You have yet seen the true power of Goddess. She has the heaven for those who follow her.”


Shraffe, Hwayoung, Sam and a doctor is still looking at the X-ray. Seungyeon is the only who didn’t have such focus.

“Why there’s a keyhole on her back?” Hwayoung asks as Sam mutters, “That’s what we are thinking about.”

“Could it be…that she is an artificial human?” Seungyeon calmly states.

“Artificial human? You mean, like a man-made human?”

“She has the body of a normal human, but the hole indicates that she was made in a tube. There’s no doubt about it.”

Shraffe gives a thought for a while, “That doesn’t make any sense. What is this, a science fiction?”

Seungyeon smiles and walks out of there, “Still, don’t forget your own job as the Vamp.”

“Hitting on girls and stealing their first time? Yeah, I would REALLY want to do that,” Shraffe laughs and turns toward Hwayoung and Sam, “I guess this is the time to get serious.”

“We have our own role to be completed,” Hwayoung’s eyes are still toward the X-ray, “Doctor, could you please hide this fact from anyone that isn’t here?”

“What if even Qri didn’t know about this?” Shraffe turns toward Sam as he mutters, “Then we should hide that from her as well. The last thing we want is the newly debuted idol to enter the asylum real fast.”

Shraffe takes out the key that Seungyeon gave him before and takes a look at it.

Sam sees the key as he mutters, “You know that key is for a different purpose, right?”

“This is what he does whenever he is thinking of something,” Hwayoung mutters.

Sam smirks, “You know your brother well.”

Shraffe walks out of there with a serious face as he floats through the corridor. He then stops at a door few minutes later and knocks on it.

“Come in.”

The door opens up as Ryusang is seen sitting there in front of a computer.

Shraffe laughs, hearing the song coming out of it, “Seriously? How much are you going to listen to that plagiarized song till you are satisfied?”

“I still don’t get it,” the captain mutters, “There’s so many mystery surrounding T-ara. Why are they plagiarized Hwayoung’s Day by Day and Like This and That? Why did Goddess Soyeon herself join the group? Where did Eunjung gone to? And why are they so eager to have Qri back to them?”

“I can answer two of them. Both Hyeyoung and Hyoyoung have tons of jealousy toward Hwayoung’s genius songwriting ability, so they stole the two songs even when we already put the two songs online. Goddess Soyeon is known as Goddess of Music and Idol for a reason. She has a lot of interest toward music. I don’t know where are the other two had gone, though.”

Ryusang sighs, “I think we have gotten ourselves into a dangerous situation.”

“We all know things are going to happen like this anyway. And now I think it is time I warned you about keeping up with your own role, Dragon.”

The captain smirks, “Is that why are you here?”

“Nope. I’m just going to ask you about our next destination. I’m pretty sure Plutone isn’t the first choice.”

“Why don’t you just turn into a strategist or something?” Ryusang speaks in annoyance, “Fine, since you are my friend, I just tell you our next move. We are going to the Baroque Shop for awhile, getting some supplies. Then we are going to Plutone.”

Baroque Shop is a huge shop floating somewhere on the space. It has tons of supplies and some other stuff. Just think of it as R&R in space.

“Baroque Shop? Do you have some money to buy their supplies?”

“How long do you think I have been working in Avex?”

“I’m just asking. I mean, us Reisos always gets free pass in Baroque.”

“Wait, what?” Ryusang asks him, “What are you talking about?”

“The owner of Baroque Shop owes us a lot. So we Reisos would get either discount or free pass. We even get some information on anything. If you want to know anything, I can just ask them.”

The captain smirks, “Interesting.”

Shraffe floats out of there, “Well, have fun fapping on T-ara.”

“It’s not like you never do that.”

“I fap on Jiyeon only. I don’t fap on everyone.”

If only this man knows who he had fought with in Astro-Seoul…


The Medial is seen moving toward the space with a rose shape on it, made by stars there.

Inside, Kim Kwang Soo sighs, “Why did I have to go to that cursed place?”

Chanmi whispers, “Because you boldly stole her Planet Killer…”

“I am the latest generation of the great Kim Soo and Kim Kwang Soo, the one that once shook the world! I am the heir of the noble Kim family!”

Chanmi sighs, “This ert’s ego will never stop.”

Now, if this scene is looked at correctly, Kwangsoo is the only male in the bridge. The rest of the crews are female.

One girl turns toward Chanmi, “Say, what is our mission actually?”

Kwangsoo turns toward her, “Private Somin, you could not figure out our mission? We have to collect thousand of space roses around this Rozen galaxy! And since we’re here, send out mobile suit squad into this galaxy!”

“This man is crazy. We could just lands onto any planet to collect the Rozen’s roses.”

Rozen galaxy is the only galaxy that still has livable planets. But the environment around the galaxy is somewhat mystery with a rumor stating that anyone who enters this galaxy will never going out of there.


Jinwoon is seen walking toward the hangar with an angry face, “Is he crazy or what? Why do we have to go into this galaxy to collect those roses? Does he think we have a small spot in that suit that we can fit those flowers into there?”

“Well, since he is our captain and he stole Goddess’ favorite Planet Killer, I say we all were to be blamed,” a man appears beside him, putting his arm onto Jinwoon’s shoulder, “I guess this is a bad first mission for a new appointed squad leader.”

“Stop teasing me like that, JB. You are talking to your leader right now,” he pushes the hand away, “You are not being a good friend right now.”

The two boarded the nearby Rekna as Jinwoon enters the golden one.

Rekna squad is then thrown into the space as they move straight toward the galaxy.


Wow, just how many surprises did everyone had for today? Qri is an artificial human all along, Astro-Seoul is already finished for sure and he is still has a mission to do.

What is his mission, you might ask? Simple. Collecting data from fight in any kind of battles, while letting XF System to eat every single of information. This system is required for the Reisos’ plan to be succeeded.

Shraffe is at the hangar, staring at the Gundam.

Gundam, the word used to refer to a certain type of mobile suits that were known as the strongest machine ever built by humanity. Back at thousand years ago when human has been living in space with some aliens, the first Gundam was built to defend the humanity from several savage aliens. But then after the creation of Planet Killer, a lot of Gundam are started to be built and people’s love toward power are getting stronger.

Shraffe sighs.

He remembers the time Reisos handed them the blueprint of Xceed Gundam. The leader himself told him to build his own Gundam if he ever wanted a peace among the humanity.

You probably wondering, is Shraffe another typical, naïve human who wants the war to be stopped when it seems there couldn’t be any hope in that dream? He is not the only person ever asking for peaceful life without any war.

His life starts years ago in a colony named Kay Ele. It’s a small colony owned by Reisos. And since it’s owned by the neutral team, there’s no war appear around it.

And in there Shraffe is living with Hwayoung and her father. His dad is part of the Reisos’ guards, working far away from there.

Wait, does that mean the two aren’t siblings?

Really? One has a Korean name and the other has a name that seems to have no belonging, with different last names…


In a huge mansion with plantation around it, Shraffe is seen doing some gardening. He really loves all of those flowers that grow around the place.

“Miao!” Neko is seen nearby, playing with some other cats nearby.

Shraffe sighs as he takes a sit on the grass, looking at the cats. It has been a long time since his father’s departure. His mission requires him to go to the earth and now there’s no news about him ever since.

His eyes suddenly glare to the left and his left hand grabs a knife that was thrown midair. Blood is flowing on his palm.

Hwayoung appears from his left, “I guess I am the one who has the long way to go. Why did you have to master the Ryu Style?”

“What? I can’t master two different martial arts?” he smirks, “I am also part of Ryu.”

“See? That’s not fair!” Hwayoung points out, “You already has your Saito’s Freestyle Martial Art already! Stop training our Harmonize Ryu Style already!”

Harmonize Ryu Style is a fighting style involved grappling and striking the opponent’s pressure points. It was created by the late Ryu Hwayoung from the year 3023 upon learning herself to be more than just a normal human.

Saito’s Freestyle Martial Art is a fighting style involves speed and weakening the opponent. It was created by the late Saito from the medieval era. It also involved learning and creating your own skill in the process.

Keep this in mind because…well…I don’t think I need to tell you a lot at this moment.

Shraffe quickly grabs her right arm and pulls her to sit at his side, “Get over here, my beloved one!”

“Oppa, stop it! It’s embarrassing already!” she struggles to escape, but got a headlock by him instead, “So you do know how to feel embarrassed? Then why did you trespassing into the private hot spring I paid for my own use?”

“That’s because we are alone at that time!”


The two suddenly laugh and lie together onto the smooth grass.

As they calm down a bit, all four of their eyes are looking straight toward the blue sky.

“Oppa, why were we taught these fighting style when most people just ended up using mobile suits to fight each other?” Hwayoung asks him.

Shraffe sighs, “I have no idea. But I do heard from somewhere before that if you and your mobile suit could sync together, you might ended up using your energy to fight rather than using your piloting skill.”

Hwayoung laughs, “What world are we in right now, Future Century? We are in Returning Era right now. All of us are waiting for the time the Earth prepared to take us back home.”

“But we are at home right now…”

The two laugh again.


The question is, can they laugh at each without any interference? The obvious answer is no. Somewhere in this life, you will find something that will disturb the peace you had sooner or later.

In Returning Era, it is a common sight that small colonies were attacked by the opposing team. The three organizations do attack each other almost every week. But what about the colony under the neutral group like Reisos?

Even how strong they are, they are only this strong for a reason; to fight another enemy.

Few days later, Kay Ele was under attacked by a strong enemy. All of the houses are burned as everyone scatters around the place to save their life.

In the scene, a normal Reiza squad (with normal head) is seen shooting and slashing the opposition, a group of mobile suits with the shape of buffalos. And in the fight, a red buffalo with a mane around the head wields a huge axe as it smashes sits way toward the Reiza.

Shraffe and Hwayoung are seen running away toward their mansion on the hill.

Hwayoung shouts at him, “Oppa, we should hurry up!”

“Why are we going toward our house? Aren’t we should evacuate to an escape pod or something?”

“Dad once told me about an escape route we can use from there. He told us to use it even if we are at the other side of Kay Ele.”

The red buffalo suddenly appears in front of them and is about to strike them with its punch.

The two quickly do the pose of shielding their faces from further destruction.

As the punch is about to reach them, suddenly the movement stops as if something is obstructing it.

Hwayoung sees this opportunity and grabs his left arm, pulling him forward through the downward of the buffalo.

Somehow they run really fast, or it’s just Hwayoung that ran too fast.

The buffalo sees this and shoots out fire from its mouth. Explosion happens and the two is thrown forward and land on the ground.

The mobile suit is then moving slowly them as they, as usual, got scared by this.

Hwayoung turns toward Shraffe, “Before we die, I want to tell you that I love you, oppa!”

“But you are my sister! My brain has been brainwashed like that since I was little!”

“But I can’t accept you as my brother! You are something else for me!”

“Than I will never forgive you for trespassing into the hot spring! I had to spend the whole time with you !”

“But why?”

“I can forgive you if we were to be siblings, even how fake our relationship is! But if you thought me as more than just family or friend, than that’s just downright wrong!”

“I think the situation should be reversed. Brother and sister together is the wronger one.”

“Don’t spoil the situation! And don’t create your own word!”

The two eventually turn toward the buffalo, which is still walking toward them.

Shraffe mutters, “Man, that thing is so slow…”

Hwayoung nods in understanding.

The animal suddenly jumps high and lands right in front of them.

The two quickly shout as Hwayoung chokes him and gives him slaps, “Why did you have to mention it out loud! We could have lure it to that landmine!” she points toward somewhere behind the buffalo.

Wait, they aren’t scared at all?

This is what you get when you combine hyperactive, crazy and thrill for something dangerous and then multiple it into two.

A white Gundam with some blue color on it appears far behind the two and kicks the buffalo straight, pushing it backward.

“Okay, children! Play time’s over!” a man’s voice is heard from inside as the two recognizes him, “Domon-san!”

“Let me handle this!” Domon shouts as his Gundam somehow moves in a kung-fu pose.

Something behind him suddenly opens up as his right fist turns orange, “Hear me roar, as I would crush you into a victory of my own, Burning-“

“Shining Finger Sword!”

A huge pink beam saber appears out of nowhere and knocks the buffalo further away.

Another same color but with red mouth Gundam appears nearby the first one, “Domon-san, this is a battlefield. No need for such weird words.”

Hwayoung seems happy, “Dad!”

The second Gundam, with the pilot of Hwayoung’s dad, points toward his mansion, “Quickly, run toward the escape route!”

“And you!” he points toward Shraffe, “You better take responsibility of guarding my daughter!”

This irks the young man, “This tough girl? Why did I have to do that? What am I, her husband?”

“I will make you into one if you didn’t take care of her properly!”

Shraffe quickly grabs her hand and walks away from there, “Okay then.”

“Oppa, how dare you do this to me!” she realizes his intention quick.


The two reach the mansion and go to the back of it. An entrance is seen there as Sam is there.

“Where have you been?” Sam asks him as he casually mutters, “Dating.”

Somehow, Hwayoung got pissed off and pulls his arm into the entrance, “Let’s not waste our time.”

The three is now walking in a cave-like entrance as Shraffe mutters, “I wonder what this place really is. I mean, did Reisos build these in case their strong defense got penetrated?”

Sam chuckles, “Behind Hwayoung’s mansion? That’s funny.”

Hwayoung pissed off again as she starts to hit the two from the back with her fists, “Don’t you two ever try to read the history of this colony?”

Yet Shraffe can still joking, “There are just so many colonies to actually care about, like Avex’s idol factory, Astro-Seoul, or CCA’s idol factory, Z-Seoul, or SM’s idol factory, Kyoso.”

“SM, really?” Sam stares at him as he mutters, “Just kidding. Scratch SM out of my previous statement.”

“Yah,” Hwayoung shouts, “Can we please talk about this tunnel?”

“Go on.”

She starts to explain, “It is said that this colony is the first colony created in the year of 3023 Anno Domini by Reisos Corporation for their first secret space exploration. But it is also said that their director, Shraffe Naqiuddin of that year had already made a prophecy of what will happen today. This tunnel is said to be part of the prophecy’s use.”

The two men stare at her as they started to move slower so they could whisper behind her back.

“Did you understand what is she trying to say?”


Hwayoung quickly turns toward them, “What I’m saying is that whatever Reisos had planned in this space war era, it’s all part of the plan made by Shraffe billion years ago! We are talking about this tunnel, right?”

Shraffe laughs as he walks into the tunnel first, “I still have no idea what you are talking about, aside from the known fact that the first person that proposed the creation of some of the first space colonies is that man that has my name.”

The three finally reach an altar as they look around the place. The altar is floating with nothing down there. The way to that place is a stone bridge, which seems to be also floating as well.

Shraffe starts to whine even more, “Okay, someone please tell me what is this place? I thought we are supposed to run toward some kind of shelter from those enemies? This isn’t a shelter!”

“That’s what I told him before,” Ferhad and Ryusang are sitting nearby, playing ddakji.

Sam mutters, “Ddakji while sitting? Is this a new type of game?”

Ryusang mutters, “Haven’t you seen down there? This two are the only ddakji we brought from our homes.”

Hwayoung’s eyes are fixated around the wall as Shraffe realizes something on there as well, “Did you guys see those squiggly lines around the wall?”

“Now that you mention about it…”

The place shakes a lot due to the battle happens out there. All five nearly lose balance of themselves.

“This isn’t a shelter!” Shraffe shouts out loud, “A shelter isn’t supposed to be shaking like crazy!”

“Oppa, could you please be quiet?”

The line shines brightly suddenly all around the wall.

“Such light!”

“”Hwayoung, what is going on right now?” Shraffe asks her as she mutters, “How should I know? I never have been into this place before!”

“But this is your family’s home!”

“And yours too!”

The light shines brighter and brighter…

And now they are in a huge wall. It’s not just them, but it seems there are a lot of people around the place.

“Hey, are we dead?” Ferhad looks around and wonders.

Ryusang moves toward Sam, “Slap me.”


“Slap me. If it’s hurt then we are still alive.”

Sam responds, “How do you know that you can still feel the pain when you are already dead?”

A sound is suddenly heard and their right palms lit up, showing signs. On Shraffe’s hand, he can see an emblem with the appearance of a bat-like. He then takes a look at Hwayoung’s and sees a bird-like emblem. It seems everyone should have different kind of emblems.

A voice is suddenly heard, “You are now assigned with different roles. Following these roles and the Earth shall tell you everything you need to know about the planet itself.”


They are back in that cave, silenced.

“What the f just happened?” Ferhad looks around the place.

The wall is now returned to normal. There are no light appearing out of there anymore.

Shraffe looks around the place as well, “I’m not sure what just happened, but I can say this thing will be hard to be grasped by our mind.”


That day is known as The Start of Roleplay. Those people that appeared at the same time as the four in the light are known as Roleplayer.

Each of their emblems has their own meanings, but none of them actually understand what roles are those. The four just named those emblems according to what they look like. And so their nickname is The Vamp, The Garuda, The Ninja and The Dragon. Even so they have no idea what are they supposed to do.

The mysterious enemies was successfully chased away from there for now, but the four’s work just begun. The leader of Reisos, Nazm sent them to Astro-Seoul so they could meet the fellow engineers in there. He also gave him the blueprint of Xceed Gundam for him to use.


“Hi, I am Shraffe Naqiuddin from Kay Ele! From now on, let us work together!”

Seungyeon appears from the crowd, “So, you four must be the Roleplayers from Kay Ele. I am Han Seungyeon and I am also one of the Roleplayers. Welcome to Astro-Seoul.”

“Nice to meet you, then!” Shraffe cheerfully responds.

The engineers suddenly chatter as he heard one of them mutters, “He is rude to Agassi. Doesn’t he know that she is the heiress of Han House in Z-Seoul?”

Ferhad whispers toward Ryusang and Hwayoung at the back, “Uh oh, someone just flipped a wrong switch.”

Shraffe turns nervous, “Err…you are an important figure?”

“It’s okay,” she smiles at him, “In Reisos, our House has no meaning. It’s merely a name.”

“It’s good that you feel okay with that.”

“So, I heard that Nazm-sajangnim gave you a blueprint of a Gundam, am I correct?”

Chatters again those workers did, “Gundam? So Reisos made another Gundam after years? Why?”

He nods as Hwayoung gives her the blueprint, “He sent us here so that we could create that Gundam secretly here. Army in Kay Ele has to fight those mysterious enemies.”

Seungyeon sighs, “And none of us actually understand who are they. But the investigation team is searching for their information and eventually we will found out their true intention. But for now we shall make this Gundam of yours.”


And that’s how the story starts. Just to live like normal people, three of the four attend a college as Ryusang joins Astro-Seoul’s Avex’s military. He somehow gains the captain rank. Seungyeon is with KARA, just so you know that.

The House that was mentioned before by one of the workers…well, there are some notable noble families across the universe. Han House and Ryu Family are part of them. Those families were treated as a big deal.



“Neko!” Shraffe grabs his cat and hugs her in the position of making her facing forward.

He gently rubs her head as he mutters, “Up until now I still have no idea about this Gundam’s main purpose of its creation. We just made this because we were told to.”

“I thought you said that you wanted to stop the war?’ Hwayoung appears at his back, “Why did I feel such question from you?”

“Maybe because I don’t see the purpose of my involvement in this war. We did this because our leader told us to. It feels like what Celestial Being from years ago did. We have no involvement in this war and just join this war instead.”

“No, we not. We did not join any war but instead we fight to defend ourselves. You need to remember that our enemy isn’t from any of the three powerful military-turned agencies.”

Shraffe sighs, “Which leads us to another question; who are they? From the data we have received from the XF system, those mysterious bull-like mobile suits didn’t match with any mobile suits owned by the three organizations. Even Reisos didn’t know what they are.”

The two silenced. They feel like child soldiers all of the sudden. None of them actually say yes in doing all of this stuff. Right after their hometown got attacked, in just a blink of one eye they were signed into the group.

Hwayoung suddenly grabs his right hand, trying to cheer him up, “Oppa, have you seen your room?”

“No, why?”

“Because I just found out that we actually share a room together!”

“Wait, what?”

“I know, right? That room is just the same room as others in the quarters. It has medium space and one bed. That means we will fight over each other blanket!”

Shraffe grits his teeth, “Damn it, Ryusang. You really are going too far in match-making us.”

“Isn’t it great?”

“Great? We are siblings!”

“We are NOT!”

“Then that’s more of the reason why we shouldn’t be sharing a bed together.”

This however snaps Hwayoung to the point of madness, “FINE! WE ARE BROTHER AND SISTER! I HAVE SAITO’S BLOOD AND YOU HAVE RYU’S BLOOD IN IT! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? You just want to tap that Jiyeon’s !”

“No, I’m not! And her name is not Jiyeon!”

“Owh, same difference!”

As the two keeps on having a sibling argument while you readers have no idea what they are actually talking about, an alarm suddenly heard.


He turns toward her, “I guess we can just settle our rivalry tonight.”


At the bridge inside Evening, the screen shows Pledis’ rear as the ship is chasing after it.

Taecyeon mutters, “This should be the ship Qri is escaping with.”

“Captain, how did you know that?” Jiyeon asks him as he mutters, “Because this ship is obviously too obvious based on its appearance. This kind of warship is only for crews that have high trust from their leader, just like our Evening.”

Taecyeon takes a deep breath as he speaks up, “Send out all mobile suit squads and destroy each and every single gun on that ship. Nickhun, you will take over this ship.”

“Yes, sir!”

The three Gundam and Rekna squad are then fly toward Pledis.


Sam, wearing white space suit, is inside his suit as he mutters, “Couldn’t believe the enemy has spotted us. And it was the same three Gundam as before. Things won’t be good.”

Asemu (blue space suit) responds, “What about us? We also have three Gundam on our side.”

“Asemu, don’t get full of yourself. Concentrate on defending Pledis,” Sarah (cream space suit) speaks up.

“Yes, sir.”

One by one, all mobile suits are ported at the exit.

“Sarah Syarifah, Shot Gundam, locked and loaded!”

Shot Gundam flies out of there.

“Asemu Asuno, Gundam AGE-2, launch!”

AGE-2 flies out in G-Strider mode.

Two Yaiba fly out.

“Sam Ashiraf, Reiza, out!”

Sam’s customized Reiza flies out.

Shraffe is getting ready inside of his Gundam, complete with his black space suit as he turns toward Hwayoung, “What’s up with XF System? Did that thing cook up something great?”

“It’s running, but I don’t think it will come up with something good,” she then raises her head toward him, “Oppa, should I send out the dummy again?”

“No, that dummy is obviously for the last minute usage. For now we should just keep on fighting until we reached the Baroque Shop’s district.”

“Did we have reinforcement there?”

“No, but the shop owner would not allow such fight happens around his shop. And his guards are pretty impressive in term of defensive mechanism.”

The two have their eyes paying attention toward the exit as Shraffe shouts, “Shraffe Naqiuddin, Ryu Hwayoung, Xceed Gundam, start!”

The Gundam flies out into the battlefield and is shock to see what’s outside.

“Oppa, I don’t think this newly-built Gundam can fight with every single one of those.”

That fight is certainly an unfair match. With only six mobile suits coming out of Pledis, they have to face tens from the bigger Evening.

Asemu has his jaw drop, “You don’t say that all of those suits came out from that one warship.”

The battlefield soon starts.

Without wasting anymore time, Sarah and her squad fly toward the Rekna as they shoot them all one by one, except AGE-2 with its powerful DODS Rifle that is capable to shoot one suit while damaging others that is near the beam.

Asemu flies head first into the enemy’s packs and transforms into the robot mode, taking out his beam saber to engage in a close combat mode.

Hyomin’s golden Rekna clashes her sword with the beam saber as she tries to kick him away with a side kick. The Gundam is thrown into the middle of Rekna squads as the tiger-headed mechas aim their rifles toward him.

Asemu smirks, “Into the land of tigers? Tough luck boys! As long as the Super Pilot is here, you will never get to scratch me!”

AGE-2 turns into the G-Strider mode and zooms out from there.

Sarah, having the long-ranged type mobile suit, is having her distance away from the pack.  It’s better not to do anything stupid like getting yourself endangered while entering the enemy’s group when you don’t have the proper arsenal to run away really fast.

Her eyes wander around the battlefield while her fingers click on the triggers every time the enemy arrives into her crosshair. But then she realizes something, “Hey, where’s the three Gundam?”

All this time, the three just hover above the Evening. They suddenly move toward an empty space, where Xceed and Reiza are killing some Rekna.

Taecyeon speaks up from inside, “Lieutenants Park, you will handle the warship. Both of us will handle the Gundam. Remember, our mission is to analyze that Gundam’s mechanism and capture Lee Qri. Any uncontrollable emotion is not allowed in this mission.”

“Yes, sir!”

A3 spreads a pair of wings and flies past the two Reisos’ members as Shraffe sees the wings and stops so suddenly.

“Oppa, what’s up?” Hwayoung asks him as he mutters, “Don’t you think that Gundam is a bit familiar? I’m pretty sure I have seen those wings before.”

Sam moves his attention toward A3 first, “Shraffe, I’ll handle that one Gundam. I’m sure you can handle the other two.”

“I hate it when he thinks we are better than him,” Hwayoung pouts as Shraffe laughs, “Well, we are the one that has XF System.”

What is wrong with these two? Why did they treat this battlefield so casually?

Xceed points his rifle toward the other two and shoots them, splitting them apart. He then takes out a beam saber and flies toward the two.

“First, that one Gundam has a huge defense and it seems good in super short range attack!”

Xceed keeps on shooting toward A2 as that Gundam uses its strong shield to overcome the petty attack. But Xceed moves around it and shoots at his back. Still, the attack is useless when A1 appears to block the attack.

“Judging by the size of the blade, I would say that this Gundam relies heavily in mid-ranged attack.”

He clashes his blade with A1 once and flies away from them, “The question is; what is that third Gundam capable of?”

“Speed? I mean, that’s what the two mechas lack of,” Hwayoung mutters, “By the way, I think XF System is cooking up something good.”

“Owh, I hope it’s not form change. Form change is so out dated.”

“It is.”

“God damn it.”

Taecyeon keeps slashing his sword toward Xceed, but that thing couldn’t scratch anything at all. Lee Joon shoots it from behind while it is busy with his captain but the Gundam quickly flies away from there.

“Argh, is this Gundam plays around with us? It didn’t even sweat any effort in each of its movement!”

Shraffe suddenly mutters, “Hwayoung, I’m bored with this two. Wanna collect the third Gundam’s data?”

“Hell yeah!”

Xceed turns his back toward A1 and A2 and flies away from there, moving toward the fight between Reiza and A3.

It seems Sam is having a bit difficulty with Jiyeon. She is raging in each of her smashes as she keeps on smashing her Anti-Ship Sword onto the Reisos’ mecha’s katana.

With just a side kick, Shraffe kicks her away as he smacks his right palm onto Reiza’s, “Sam, change!”

“Change what?”

“Change target! You can beat those two, right?”

Sam turns toward the two advancing Gundam as he readies his katana, “Ready to be defeated?”

Xceed points his beam saber toward Gundam A3 as he mutters, “Hwayoung, get ready with the calculation.”

“But, the new form…”

“Forget the new form. I have a good feeling about this one.”

Somehow, Jiyeon seems exhausted by the appearance of the Gundam, “What is this feeling? Why did I feel so much hatred from you?”

The two charges forward, clashing their sword so many times. Both of their blades keeps on rubbing on each other in such speed.

Taecyeon and Lee Joon are shooting down Sam but all the shots were deflected by his shiny katana.

Lee Joon suddenly speaks up, “Captain, Jiyeon’s Gundam seems weird.”

“Crap!” the captain shouts, “Lieutenant Park, halt your movement!”

But with the speed, it is impossible for her to listen to his order.

Hwayoung suddenly speaks up when the two Gundam clash their blades once again, “Oppa, this one is weird. I can feel a lot of reaction from the calculation.”

Their palms suddenly light up brightly as he mutters, “Okay, what just happened?”

“GRAAH!” Jiyeon is shouting out loud all of the sudden, “STOP IT!”

Gundam A3 halts its movement as it goes into a pose of someone shouting out loud. The butterfly wings behind her back suddenly got bigger.


Inside a dark room, Soyeon is looking above her. Some symbols can be seen on top of her with one of them has lighten up, “The first one has arrived. I wonder who owns this one.”


In one office, an old man seems to be shock as he is looking on the same symbols on his tablet, “I guess it’s no longer a play time then.”


A/N: End of chapter 3. Chapter 4 will be mainly focus on those palm symbols and Jiyeon’s back story. A lot of history will appear on that one. Wish me luck on doing that one!

More characters to be introduced as it plays a lot in the storyline.

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cooldude99 #1
Chapter 5: Update pls, this story is getting very interesting and I love it.