When Running Becomes Too Tiring


Chanyeol hasn't had many boyfriends in total, a lot of them can hardly be considered boyfriends. A long list of Chanyeol's relaionships that explores his need to run away from commitment. But at one point he stops running away. He no longer wants to. It just took him way too long to figure it out.


I have been chipping away a his for ages whenever inspiration sruck.


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Chapter 1: This was some awesome fanfic~
Loved the mini stories for each member...
Kris' and Zitao's were the best though...those were deep u.u
and of course BaekYeol belongs together, and stupid Chanyeol for realizing it after 20 years e.e

I really liked the ending :3
ExoticBabyForever #2
Chapter 1: Lol that was kinda funny but it's probably one of the best I've read! But Chanyeol can't just go around ____ing people he see, it was kinda sad how Chanyeol was acting like such a _____ and that he sadly never noticed how much Bacon loved him :( But out of all, I still love it so very much!!! :D
Chapter 1: This was a really good story!! I loved how you made an individual story for all the members ^^ it was so realistic and dramatic. And the ending.... ;_; so sweet awesome job
jmrexo #4
Chapter 1: i really love this <3 it's so amazing and it really left me speechless! ^-^
Chapter 1: Holy shiz. My favourite one was probably Tao's and sehuns. I dont know exactly why, but they had the biggest impact.
Chapter 1: Omg... This story left me speechless. It's really amazing...

The way you incorporated all of exo into the story is just in no other words beautiful (even tho lots of the exo members' ways weren't).

This story definitely impressed me and you are an amazing writer. :)
Chapter 1: ...... what in the. Chanyeol is such a . xD
AlicePark #8
Chapter 1: omg...
this was so wierd...
actually some of the couples were like o.O
but then... he really had a hard life...
but... how he treated some of his ex... specially tao...
and the relationship with kris...
but i like this...
and a lot...
I mean... his life was really something...
In the end they he actually realized that he liked baekhyun...
It´s... not magical or sweet at all...
it felt real..
Good job ",
Chapter 1: Woah Chanyeollie.... Such a ____ ^^
Beautiful ending though
God wu fan was brutal!
13aholic #10
Chapter 1: Chanyeol was so ____ed up and wasted in this damn story, it's not just any other fluffy stories, it's not about a 'happily ever after'. it's about Chanyeol sleeping around, ____ing people's lives, being beaten and beating another, running away when it comes to commitment; and then reality suddenly struck him hard, he realised he had been blindly in love with his bestfriend for 20 freaking years.

it's amazing, because gdi it feels so real; the truth goes best with those words, not some artificial stuff.

"The world didn't matter to him though; in fact the world could go ____ itself raw for all he cared."

thank you ;)