I jinjja HATE you!


Hello, everyone! 

I am Yang Sanghee, a normal 17-year old High School student.

I am an orphan, my father died because of an illness when I was five.

My mother overworked herself afterwards and had caused a car accident one night a year later.

Since that day I am living alone. The only persons I have are my cousin Yunho and my friends.

And of course my boyfriend.

Or at least I had thought so all the time.

But what if I had been wrong all the time?

I am Sanghee.

And this is my story!



Yang Sanghee

  • Age/D.o.B.: 17/9th April
  • Profession: High School Student (class 3-1)
  • Height/Weight: 166cm/51kg
  • Character: Cheerful, freaky, boyish, sensitive, knows what she wants
  • Loves: Chocolate and her friends
  • Hates: Cheater


Li Jiaheng (called Kris)

  • Age/D.o.B.: 18/6th November
  • Profession: High School student (class 3-3)
  • Character: Usually cheerful, innocent, nice, polite, sometimes does things VERY wrong
  • Loves: Sports, books and drawings
  • Hates: Gikwang and Yunho

The source of the name 'Li Jiaheng' is the english Exo Wikipedia page. There it says he was 'born as Li Jiaheng' what in my opinion means it is his real name. But I am actually not sure, I just like the name and use it though he will be called Kris most of the time anyways. *bows*


Jung Yunho

  • Age/D.o.B.: 19/6th February
  • Profession: College student
  • Character: Protective, cheerful, polite, sometimes strict
  • Loves: His cousin Sanghee, music and silent places
  • Hates: People who make Sanghee cry


Kim Jaejoong (called Hero)

  • Age/D.o.B.: 19/26th January
  • Profession: College student
  • Character: Mysterious, silent, polite
  • Loves: ???
  • Hates: ???


Lee Gikwang (called AJ)

  • Age/D.o.B.: 17/30th March
  • Profession: High School student (class 3-1)
  • Character: Self-confident, a bit cheeky, direct
  • Loves: music, dancing and holidays
  • Hates: Long school days


Jung Daehyun

  • Age/D.o.B.: 18/28th June
  • Profession: High School student (class 3-2) and singer of the school band
  • Character: shy, silent, but still very tough
  • Loves: Music, silent places and his friends
  • Hates: Haters


Choi Taejun

  • Age/D.o.B.: 17/17th may
  • Height/Weight: 172cm/53kg
  • Profession: High School student (class 3-2)
  • Character: Cheerful, crazy, cute, innocent
  • Loves: Chocolate and her best friend Sanghee
  • Hates: Kris


Kim Jonghyun

  • Age/D.o.B.: 19/8th April
  • Profession: College student
  • Character: Cheeky, lazy, cute, friendly
  • Loves: Singing and Taejun and Sanghee (in a friendly way)
  • Hates: Kris, Yunho and Gikwang


It all started with that day. With that one particular day.

"YOU are telling ME to CALM DOWN?!"

It was the first time I yelled at him.


It was the first time I called him by his normal name.


It was the first time I cried in front of so many people.


It was the first time I broke up with someone.

"Just get away..."

It was the first time I ran away...



Ayo~ rebel_leader is starting her third story. This one is a special one. It's a 'spontaneous story'. Whenever I think about posting something here I just directly write it down here. That way the chapters sometimes will be very short, another time might be quite long. *winks* I hope you guys will understand this. *smiles*


rebel_leader Saki Chiyuki


EDIT.: Wohooo~ Graphic credits like all the time! *o*

A Panda's Graphic Shop~ *bows* Gomawo to you guys for your hard work all the time! =3 This time the amazing designer was AzianSushi451! I am really greatful! *o* Thank you a lot!!! =3


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new chapter, please? *^* I miss that story OuO
MsTrollolol #2
Sorry, but your title is veryyyyy.. Can you like change it or something?!
Chapter 1: I can say I really like this story. I am not pro in english because english isn't my national language.
You wrote "teached" in past, right? So teach in the past simple is 'taught'. Or maybe you needed write something other but I misunderstood.
Okay, that is all. I wish then you can continue this story.
It seems interesting ^-^ I'll back with the right comment when I finish read the chapter 1. Ayye~~