Ask Joon?

You're my one and only


''Good morning sunshine!'' Cheundong said when he came downstairs.
''good morning cheundongie'' I said.
''Yummy, this looks delicious'' he said when he saw the food on the table.
''Enjoy'' i said and we both sat on the table and start eating.
It was quiet. No one talked and the only voice that could be heard was us chewing upon our breakfast. 
Cheundung smiled at me before leaving while I was cleaning the table after finishing.
As soon as i got to schoolI saw krystal waiting for me and as soon as she saw me, she came running.
''Dara!! ok ok so tell me what he said! omg did he said that he likes me?,"
''Sorry krystal, i didn't ask him,'' i said.
''What?!,'' she screamed ''You promised me that you will ask him,'' 
I sighed ''listen Krystal, i don't care, if you want you go and ask him, i don't care anymore'' I said and walked to class.
''Hey! Dara '' she pulled me back ''wait did something happened?''
'it's complicated'' was all I could say. 
''well i don't mind, you know that i am your friend and that I am here for you'' 
I smiled.
I was happy to have a friend like her.
''ok so on saturday-"  But I was interrupted by the class bell.
''I'll tell you later ok? we have to go to class now'' i told her to which she nodded.
In class i didn't listen to a word the teacher said and i couldn't care more. All i wanted to know was why cheundong is lying. I was worried and hurt. He is my brother and since we lost our parents we're really close and we tell each other everything.
At least that's what I do...
When class was over, I took my stuff and then went to my locker where krystal followed me. 
''Dara i am really worried, please tell me what's going on'' she said.
''ok come with me'' i pulled her to a corner and told her every thing about Cheundong. 
''why would he lie??'' she was as worried as i was because she knew how close we actually were and how much we loved each other.
i sighed ''I don't know''.
''well why don't you talk to him?'' she asked me.
''well it's not that easy''
''do you want me to talk to him with you?'' she asked me.
''thanks but not now, I don't think I am ready just yet'' I told her.
''well i hope it works for you'' she smiled.
''ok we better go or we'll be late for class'' i told her.
''yeah let's go'' she said.
we walked together to class. I sat on my seat and tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying but I just couldn't.
Maybe i should ask joon? he is cheundong's bestfriend and i am sure that cheundong told him about this whole money thing. It's not going to be easy since we don't get along with each other but it will be easier than asking cheundong.....
When the class ended, I went outside and told krystal that I am going to ask joon instead of cheundong and she said that she will talk to him with me.
Hey! Maybe Joon knows something, after all they're best friends.
''Thanks krystal''  smiled.
''yep yep! i know that i am great you don't need to tell me that'' she said.
Which just made bother of us laugh.
I went to search for joon and it took us forever to find joon.
When we finally found him in a corner making out with some girl -_- 
I looked at krystal and she was really disgusted.
I turned back to joon and hoped that he would notice me.
But he didn't.
''ahem!'' i said trying to get his attention but it's like i wasn't there.
''ahhem!!!'' i said louder and he finally noticed me.
''oh hey there freak.... something wrong with your throat?'' he smirked but i ignored him. 
''I am sorry to interrupt whatever you two were doing but i need to talk to you joon" i said and when i turned to the girl she was gone.
''what's this about?" he asked.
''it's about cheundong'' I said 
''what about him?'' He wasn't actually paying attention since he was playing with his phone.
''Please Joon this is serious'' I said and hoped that he would actually take me seriously.
''Hurry up and tell me what you want'' he said and put his phone in his pocket.
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Chapter 6: Hope to read new chapters from you guys soon! (^ω^)

Spring8655-ssi and blackqueen98-ssi, hwaiting~! p(^_^)q
Update soon! :D
Chapter 5: Its their parents! Well...I bet xD
Chapter 5: update soon pls..
Chapter 5: update pls..
Chapter 5: I actually think nessadin0 could be right...cuz all Thunder talked to Dara about is just their parents died..never how...never if it was one or both

Or he's......GAMBLING! ;A;
Chapter 5: Oh snap. I think Thunder is hiding the fact that their parents or one of the parents is still alive.
Chapter 4: lolollolololo~
krystalie is fangirl craykray over thunder XP
Update please joondara!!!!
Chapter 2: Lol...I love them!
Joon and Dara XD
Then Thunder..oh
Can't wait for Krystal to come in!
CheonStal shipper!