Lee Joon is a BIG freak!

You're my one and only

Dara's POV : 

i woke up 5 o'clock just as usual to study. This has become daily routine because I feel studying in the morning is the best! I got ready for school and went downstairs after studying to make breakfast for Thunder.

My brother- Thunder

He's the best brother ever.

Whenever I need him, he's always there for me.

But one thing that I hate- is the fact that he hangs out with that boy.




Lee Joon.

They've been friends since they were 8, and thats what worries me the most- because when they were 8, Thunder was young and so he didn't know how to choose friends, urgg...I really hate that Joon guy...And I have a bad feeling, that one day Thunder might just become like Joon- erted and spoilt.

Everytime that I try to explain Thunder about this, he always says that "he's not so bad"

"He's not like you think"

But he is- And plus Thunder's the older twin- so he almost never listens to me....


cheundong's POV : 


Went my alarm.

I put it on snooze. 

I heard footsteps from the staircase.

I closed my eyes shut , Why does morning have to come so fast?

"Cheundong ya!" she said.


My twin sister



She's one of the closest girls to me- I can tell her everything, she's so sensible and intelligent, sometimes I become so jealous that even thought she's younger, she's definately better- but I love her, because without her, I don't know how I would have survived.

"5 mins more" I said.

"Yaa" she said and shook me.

"Dara~" I begged.

"Cheundong, you'll get late" she said.

"So? that's my normal routine" I said and closed my eyes.

"Cheundong, I really think you're becoming really lazy, come on wake up!" she said and opened the curtains, and the sunlight fell directly on my face.

I had no other option but to wake up.


Downstairs, I could smell the breakfast.

Dara and I always have our breakfast together,

along with our dog- Bobo.

I thanked her for the food and kissed her on the cheek.

She smiled.

Ahh...She's the prettiest girl in the world, I wonder if I would ever be able to find some guy good enough for her.

Because if I wasn't her brother, I could have totally fallen for her.


I saw her rush out of the front door

"I'm leaving! Please don't be late!" she said

":P I'll try" I said and .

"Uhh" she said and walked out.


i laughed at how different we were when it comes to school- she always gets full marks while me on the other hand ..... 

well i am really bad at school actually ...

but who cares . 

dara's POV : 

i walked calmly to school.

it was a beautiful morning.

the weather is great and people are chatting and laughing.

I couldn't help smiling, I loved days like this when everyone are just so....happy.

I already knew it, I was going to have a great day today....

But then I saw that freak standing on the school gate.

That freak.



Somebody kill me!

He was drinking Coke and was leaning over the gate.

i really didn't want to fight with him the first thing in the morning so i decided to just ignore him and hopefully he will do the same thing.

But he didn't have the type of thing in mind.

"Hey there freak!" he said and smirked.

His evil smirk.

I hate it when he smirks.


i sighed and rolled my eyes then i turned to face him

"What do you want" i asked 

"Cheundong. Where is Cheundong?" he asked 

"He is probably on his way here" i said 

"oh ok" he said.

But then he smirked again.

"Hey would you mind throwing this in the dustbin?" he said and pointed at his can of coke.

i glared at the coke and then on his face

"yes i do mind"  i said and rolled my eyes.

Gosh, even he has 2 legs and hands.

I turned around to go inside but suddenly i felt something wet all over my hair and shirt 







I turned around to face that freak, but he smiled.

"Oops sorry i guess it's my bad"  he said as he went past me and hit me lightly on the shoulder and winked.

i was about to yell at him when i realised that i was really late for class.

i decided to go home change and i will deal with him later.

i ran to home.

As fast as I could.

But thanks to that freak

My whole day is ruined.

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Chapter 6: Hope to read new chapters from you guys soon! (^ω^)

Spring8655-ssi and blackqueen98-ssi, hwaiting~! p(^_^)q
Update soon! :D
Chapter 5: Its their parents! Well...I bet xD
Chapter 5: update soon pls..
Chapter 5: update pls..
Chapter 5: I actually think nessadin0 could be right...cuz all Thunder talked to Dara about is just their parents died..never how...never if it was one or both

Or he's......GAMBLING! ;A;
Chapter 5: Oh snap. I think Thunder is hiding the fact that their parents or one of the parents is still alive.
Chapter 4: lolollolololo~
krystalie is fangirl craykray over thunder XP
Update please joondara!!!!
Chapter 2: Lol...I love them!
Joon and Dara XD
Then Thunder..oh god..lol
Can't wait for Krystal to come in!
CheonStal shipper!