Chapter 15

Always be my Junior~

Hyona skipped around in her black cocktail dress which she ‘robbed’ from Hyomin with her in tow. Hyomin on the other hand is dressed in an elegant ivory cocktail dress from one of Hyona’s impulsive purchase.

‘I never know black suit me too…’ Hyona said as she glanced at the mirror, liking what she had just seen.

‘Your skin is naturally fair, u look good in any colour…’ Hyomin compliment, she had to agree the dress look better on Hyona rather than on her.

‘Thanks for letting me have it….’ Hyona chuckled, sitting down in front of the dressing table, waiting for Hyomin to do the last touch up, make up and hairdo.

‘No problem… I am fine with anything… I am not the main anyway…’ Hyomin shrugged, while rubbing the make up base to Hyona flawless skin.

‘That’s because u looks good in everything too…’ Hyona chuckled, with her eyes closed. ‘I suppose we have good genes..’

‘Right, I better stop applying these to u… Your skin is thick as it is…’ Hyomin chuckled, pinching on her sister face.

‘Hahahaha! Don’t u agree with me? I believe some of abeoji’s business partner must had been very keen to matchmake u with their son…’ Hyona opened her eyes when Hyomin suddenly went quiet, seemingly concentrating on getting her make up done. ‘Don’t tell me… he had already started doing that?’ Hyona asked, grabbing at Hyomin’s hand.

Hyomin nodded at Hyona and shrugged her shoulder. ‘I don’t care… I am not the Lee anyway…’


‘Ssshhh… U know I hated this topic, let me do my work in peace ok?’ Hyomin pleaded. Hyona nodded at her and closed her eyes. There is really nothing for her to say anymore when she is more or less under the same circurstance as Hyomin.


Kyuhyun dashed toward Hyomin, grabbing at her hand when he saw Hyomin popping her head into the backstage. ‘What are u doing here? Wow….’ Kyuhyun gave out a low exclamination as he casted an admiring look at her.

Don’t give me that~’ Hyomin laughed and slapped on his arm with the back of her hand.

‘I was just wondering why didn’t u report to work today… never did expected u are one of the guest…’ Yesung who joined them chuckled, Hyomin is certainly a mystery. Why would she be invited to the wedding of President Lee Soo Man’s nephew?

‘Uh huh…. What so surpising about that?’ Hyomin shrugged her shoulder.

‘Well… its just… I believe President Lee doesn’t invite all his staff?’ Ryeowook piped in, stating the matter of factly thing.

‘Arent u guy here too?’ Hyomin chuckled.

‘We are here to work!’ Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at Hyomin’s obvious question, poking on her waist.

‘Hehehehe~ Well… just… just like that…’ Hyomin pushed Kyuhyun’s hand away and looked at Leeteuk who is approaching.  ‘Hi…’ Hyomin greeted, still trying to overcome the awkwardness between her and Leeteuk.

‘Oh… Hyomin….’ Leeteuk didn’t expect himself seeing Hyomin appearing here, at the wedding function of Lee Seunghwan. He had been feeling quite confuses, isn’t the bride supposed to be Hyomin? But here Hyomin is, appearing as a guest and doesn’t seem to show any trace of unhappiness on her face at all, in fact she looked quite happy to him.

‘U are here to perform too? But I thought only K.R.Y are doing that?’ Hyomin casted a questioning looks over to Leeteuk, waiting for his reply.

‘Oh… I was representing the group….’ Leeteuk explained, looking toward Hyona who is approaching them right now.

‘Jiejie…Jiejie...Abeoji get me to remind u that we are going on stage after the last performance…’ Hyona gripped at Hyomin’s hand, trying to pull Hyomin out to the banquet hall.

‘No, I told abeoji I am not going to stage…’ Hyomin shook her head, prying away Hyona’s arm.

‘But…. But….’ Hyona stuttered, she is caught in between.. She know how unwilling Hyomin is to make her identidy known to the public but this is what their father always wanted to and today is just the best opportunity to do so…

‘I will talk to abeoji…’ Hyomin sighed, casting an apologetic look over to the boys. ‘I am going to settle something… Well… shall see u guy again, later?’ The boys nodded at her and looked at each other as she walks away from them…

‘Eeeee…. Its gonna be world war 3…. I am not going anywhere near them…’ Hyona muttered, clasping her hand nervously.

The boys stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do at the moment. They turned and looked at each other, shrugging their shoulder.

‘Erm… Hyona ssi, really nice meeting u again…’ Leeteuk greeted when Hyona finally realize the existence of the boys.

‘Oh… Leeteuk oppa….and oppa deul… I am sorry… I didn’t notive u guy are here…’ Hyomin bowed at the boys, smiling apologetically at them.

‘Its ok… we understand…’ Leeteuk nodded, smiling at Hyona kindly. Hyona couldnt help to notice how charming Leeteuk is… and Hyomin is right, he gave people that kind of warm and comfortable feeling, just the sort of guy Hyomin will go for.

‘Why are u guy here? U should go to the front…’ Hyona asked, pointing to the banquet hall.

‘We are here to perform…’ Yesung informed, pointing toward Kyuhyun and Ryeowook.

‘Ah… yeah… K.R.Y… I am looking forward to that….’ Hyona turned over and looked at Kyuhyun who is a little quiet today, smiling at him. ‘I see u didn’t bring your game today. Kyu…’ Hyona teased, liking the shy blush on his face.

‘Oh… yeah… not a good place to game…’ Kyuhyun muttered, with an embarrassed chuckle.

‘Okay… K.R.Y…u guy are next…’ the usherer announced, looking over to the guy.

‘Yeah… thanks for informing…’ the boys answered in unison.

‘Right… I am going to see your performance in front~ hwaiting!!!’ Hyona cheered, pumping her fist in the air.

‘Thanks…’ the K.R.Y boys laughed at Hyona’s cuteness and nodded at her, started to get ready to go on stage.

‘Oppa… shall we go to the front?’ Hyona asked, gesturing at Leeteuk to move out of the backstage.

‘Yeah… fine…’ Leeteuk nodded, walking beside Hyona. Hyona clutched at Leeteuk’s hand naturally and casted Leeteuk a charming smile when he turned and looked at her.

‘Oppa… Do u know that, Eonni told me lots about u…’ Hyona chuckled, she wonder, can she become a good cupid? She really doesn’t welcome the idea of Hyomin dating Heechul…

‘Oh… Hyomin did?’ Leeteuk gave out an embarrass chuckle, not knowing what he can say.

‘Yeah….’ Hyona nodded, she had thrown out the bait, now it’s the time to wait for the prey to catch it…

‘Ermn… Hyona…. How are u actually related to Hyomin?’ Leeteuk asked, they seems to be really close, as close as sibling.

‘Didn’t u hear me calling her eonni?’ Hyona asked, feigning innocent.

‘Eonni… well… Kyuhyun call me hyung too….something like that?’ Leeteuk pursued.

‘Oh…. U are not aware?’ Hyona lets go of Leeteuk’s hand and turned to look at him. She shrugged her shoulder when Leeteuk nodded to her, answering her query. ‘Well…. Hyomin is my half sister… She is carrying her mother surname, not our abeoji surname…’ Hyona paused, waiting for her word to sink in. She smirks a little when she saw the shocked expression on Leeteuk face. Liking what she had just saw, she decided to continued ‘ To cut the story short, the bridegroom, Lee Seunghwan is our oppa and your president Lee Soo Man is our uncle…I guess u know who is our abeoji right now….’

‘Gosh…..’ Leeteuk gasped at the shocking new he just heard from Hyona and totally went dumbfounded. So Hyomin is the daughter of Lee Enterprise? The largest food industry group in Korea?

‘Hyomin, Hyona… and I called her eonni…. doesn’t that rings a bell?’ Hyona asked, with an innocent look on her face.

‘No… I never thought of that….’ Leeteuk shook his head, he only paid attention to the surname… it totally never crossed his mind that they are half sister with different surname… And he never ever did expect president Lee Soo Man’s niece to be their makeup artist!! She doesn’t seems to be enjoying any privilege at all even though the president is her uncle.

‘Oh well… Surname different…that’s normal enough I suppose… I am sorry but I had to get myself ready for the family portrait… I shall excuse myself, oppa….’ Hyona bowed at leeteuk before she scooted away, after she happlily dropping the bomb to Leeteuk.

‘Serve u right for breaking my sister heart… Now it’s the time for u to regret… and its still not too late to regret since Heechul haven’t laid his hand on my jiejie yet… u better be smart…’ Hyona muttered under her own breath, skipping away happily after that…

Hyomin looked up to the K.R.Y boys who are now performing on the stage right now, singing some romantic ballads. She smiled a little at the Kyuhyun who had spotted her among the crowd and put her thumbs up.


Hyona turned her head over to the source of sound and smile at Leeteuk who is approaching her. ‘Yeah… Leeteuk….I hope u are not feeling bored…’

‘Oh… I am fine… I well… all functions are like that…’ Leetuek continued, with much difficulty.

‘Yeah… I suppose…’ Hyomin chuckled, nodded her head in agreement. Leeteuk too smiled a little at the sound of her chuckling and stratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

‘Erm… Hyomin…. I think…well….I need to apologize…’

‘For?’ Hyomin casted a questiongly look over to him, waiting for him to speak up.

‘For…. The misunderstanding… between u and Seunghwan ssi….’ Leeteuk paused, observing Hyomin’s reaction. He continued when Hyomin turned and looked at him. ‘I just know that…. He is your oppa…’

‘Oh… that…. Its okay…’ Hyomin chuckled at his remark and shrugged her shoulder, must be big mouthed Lee Hyona who had told him that. ‘Never mind about that, what ever over is over… Its just a misunderstanding…’

‘So…. I am forgiven?’ Leeteuk asked, grabbing at Hyomin’s hand.

‘Ummmm… yeah…’ Hyomin nodded her head, squeezing Leeteuk’s hand. ‘Well, I played a part too, if I am not that secretive about my background maybe all these misunderstanding wont be occurring in the 1st place..So…. its fair….’

‘Well…. simply because…u…. doesn’t like people to know about your identidy don’t u?’ Leeteuk asked carefully, observing Hyomin’s expression in silent. Hyomin went silent for a moment at Leeteuk question and bowed her head in silence.

‘Leeteuk, do u know that u are still the most understanding guy I ever met?’ Hyomin casted a smile at Leeteuk when she finally look up to him, nodding her head in agreement at his question.

Leeteuk in a deep breath at her statement as he felt the sudden increase in the pace of his heartbeat. ‘So…. Will u still be able to trust this understanding guy here again and forget about his mistake previously?’ Leeteuk ask with a little chuckle.

‘I never stop trusting u…U are the one who do not have any trust on me….’ Hyomin chuckled, sticking her tongue a little at Leeteuk.

‘Hehehehehe~’ both of then chuckled at Hyomin’s rare display of cuteness. Hyona chuckled in delight from afar as she observes the interaction between the 2 in silent.

Hyona walked toward Hyomin and the boys when the family portrait had been taken, wrapping her hand around Hyomin.

‘Oppa deul… Hope u had a good time here…Jiejie…. I think we shall be able to go soon…’ Hyona said as she winked at Hyomin.

‘Right…. Took it long enough…’ Hyomin heaved out a sigh of relieve, nodding at her sister.

‘Hyomin… u… not going with us?’ Leeteuk asked, winking his eyes at Hyomin. Hyomin looked at Leeteuk for a moment before she nodded toward Hyona and shrugged her shoulder.

‘Bring her along…’ Leeteuk chuckled.

‘Can I?’ Hyomin asked hopefully, chuckling a little when Leeteuk nodded at her.

‘Well… can the both of u please enlighten us what is going on here?’ Yesung asked, looking toward Leeteuk and Hyomin. Couldn’t help but wonder how can these 2 behaved like nothing unpleasant had ever happened between the 2 of them….     

‘Nothing…’ Hyomin said in a sing sing mode. ‘Just Leeteuk promised to send me back….’ Hyomin explained.

‘Huh??!!!’ the boys and Hyona stunned at her answer and Hyona casted Hyomin a weird look, why does they ever need a ride from the boys? They had just agreed that she will drive Hyomin back to Ivory and spend the night there today. But a small smile soon comes to her lip when she realizes that its not such a bad thing after all… She didnt expect Leeteuk to be that aggressive.. but that a good thing after all so she is not going to reject…

‘Yeah… its not safe for 2 pretty ladies to drive at night isn’t it?’ Leeteuk chuckled, looking toward Yesung and Ryeowook with a knowing look.

 Both Ryeowook and Yesung gave out a quiet ‘Ahh…..’ a sign where they had caught the leader’s hint. Kyuhyun, on the other hand are too busy shiffling awkwardly at the presence of Hyona to process all those informations

‘Let’s go…. Before abeoji catch u… I heard he wanted to introduce u to someone…’ Hyona whispered to Hyomin.

‘Gosh… Let us go…’ Hyomin pushed Hyona out and gestured to the boys to get moving too, walking toward the car park in top speed.

‘K.R.Y Oppa deul…. Can u guy please travel with me? 1 car is not enough for us all…. And I doesn’t want to leave my car here…’ Hyona pleaded, looking toward Leeteuk who smiled at her in appreciation. Hyona is glad that Leeteuk is smart enough to catch the chance that is being thrown to him and quickly guided Hyomin toward his car.

‘Oh… Sure… not problem…’ Innocent Ryeowook agreed almost immediately and walked toward Hyona.

Yesung and Kyuhyun too doesn’t seem to minded at the suggestion and walked toward Hyona too. ‘Right… see u later then…’ The K.R.Y waved their hand at their leader and Hyomin before they make their way toward Hyona’s car.

‘Wow… isn’t this the latest model?’ Yesung exclaimed, touching on Hyona’s new Hyundai Coupe.

‘Yesung oppa liked this car too?’ Hyona asked, chuckling at Yesung’s envious look.

‘Yeah… don’t u think it’s a beauty?’ Yesung asked, touching on the car body.

‘Oppa… here….’ Hyona tossed the car key over to Yesung who successfully catches it. ‘Do I have the honour being chauffeured by SUJU’s main vocalist?’ Hyona asked, pointing toward the driver seat.

‘U… sure I can do that?’ Yesung asked, trying to retrain himself for jumping up in joy.

‘U bet… I am more than happy to…’ Hyona nodded her head.

‘I am taking the front!’ Ryeowook squeled excitedly, opening the front passanger’s seat door.

‘I guess we have no choice but to take the back seat don’t we?’ Hyona chuckled, clutching at Kyuhyun’s arm. ‘Are u always that quiet, Kyu?’

‘Uh? Huh? Well… not really…’ Kyuhyun chuckled in embarrassment, haven’t really warmed up with Hyona yet.

‘Jiejie said u are the evil maknae… doesn’t seems that way to me…’ Hyona shrugged her shoulder, he is far from from evil from what she sees up to now.

‘Its simply because he yet to warm up, that’s all… u will regret for your words today after knowing him better…’ Ryeowook informed kindly.

‘Really?’ Hyona chuckled, looking toward Kyuhyun again.

‘U bet… and Hyona ssi…So, what I need to do is just follow hyung right?’ Yesung asked, knowing very well that they had planned ahead, the only changes is the additional of 2 pretty guests.

‘Yeah… just follow them…. Do not follow too close though…’ Hyona chuckled playfully.

‘Just whats happening in front? What changes between the 2 of them? They are still quite awkward not too long ago…’ Yesung asked curiously.

‘Oh…. Maybe because Leeteuk oppa had gotten the answer he wanted…’

‘Answer?’ the boys chorused.

‘Hmnn….. I think so…’ Hyona nodded, looking toward Kyuhyun who turned his head and looked at her in silent. She smiled a little at him before she shifted her position, poking her head between Yesung and Ryeowook.

‘And… what is that….’ Kyuhyun asked, giving Hyona a smile when she turned back and looked at him.

‘Well… u guy better stop feigning ignorance… Hehehe! Her family background of course… don’t tell me u guy doesn’t know what is happening between Leeteuk oppa n my jiejie…’ Hyona rolled her eyes at the sound of the boys’ obvious question.

‘Hyona…. Just spare us the agony and tell us what we wanted to know…’ Yesung chuckled, not intending to play guessing game with Hyona anymore.

‘Well… she is my eonni...’

‘We know that…’ Ryeowook snapped, she been calling her jiejie jiejie all the while and its quite obvious that Hyomin is older than Hyona.

‘Hehehe~ I don’t think u know that… she is my half sister, taking after her mother surname…’ Hyona paused, looking toward the K.R.Y who is shocked at her words. She chuckled at their expression, its fun seeing them shocked like this… She decided to drop more bombs to them and continued. ‘So, u all never figured out that Hyomin eonni and I are both the younger sister of Lee Seunghwan?’

The boys looked at each other, the shocked expression had changed to bewildered now… Liking what she had just seen, Hyona continued to rant on…’Oh… u all are not aware… I though u guy figured that out…’ Hyona chuckled.

‘And… and… so…President Lee Soo Man…’ Ryeowook stuttered.

‘He is our uncle…’ Hyona concluded, laughing inside her heart at the guy’s dumbfounded face.

Please tell me u are joking, Hyona….’ Kyuhyun muttered.

‘Oh… I didn’t  even try to joke….But well…I can see I dropped a lots of bomsbs to u guy today… No worry, eonni will never tell uncle what u guys had said behind his back….’ Hyona continued evilly.

‘GOSH!!!!’ the K.R.Y gave out a loud groans, thinking about all the complaint and comments they shared among themselves with regards to the president and company during Hyomin’s presence.

‘Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!’ Hyona hugged her tummy, unable to control her laughter anymore.

‘And she told u that?’ Ryeowook asked. ‘Told u what we said?’

‘No, she didn’t even breathe a word to me… I just guessed it, from how bewildered u guys are upon knowing she is President Lee Soo Man’s niece.’

‘Gosh… I never ever expected that…’ Yesung shook his head, he is right. Hyomin is definetly a mystery.

‘I guess… she just doesn’t want u guys to feel burdened upon knowing her identidy... She is just what u guys sees and feels, I believe after working with her for so long, u guys should know her…Please do not treat her differently after this all right?’ Hyona said sincerely, she know her sister. She is the easiest person to get along with.

‘Yeah…. No wonder she can just pull out from the debution that easily… that’s makes sense to me now…’ Kyuhyun muttered.

‘What did u say, Kyu?’ Ryeowook asked and turn down the volume of the music, couldn’t get what Kyuhyun was mumbling at.

‘Ah… nothing…’ Kyuhyun shook his head, he shouldn’t be the one who is telling them that.

‘I see that u know a little bit more than the rest…’ Hyona turned around and looked at Kyuhyun when she heard his mumbling. She guessed the rest are not aware that Hyomin was a trainee before this. However, she is not anxious to feed them with this information yet.

‘Yeah… Hyomin and I are pretty close actually… but I think Heechul hyung know more than me… I guess he knew about her background already…. I ever remembered he tease Hyomin about being a spy when we are talking about the president…’ Kyuhyun said mindlessly.

‘Yeah…. Judging from how close they are, its highly possible…’ Yesung nodded.

‘And Heechul hyung always had that kind of ability to make u tell him what he wanted to know…’ Ryeowook add on.

‘Oh…..’ Hyona muttered, this is not a good sign…. Hyomin is never someone who opens herself to anyone easily. Despite Hyomin saying she is equally close with Heechul, Kyuhyun and Hankyung, but Heechul seems to be a bit more special to Hyomin… Her telling Heechul all about her family background meaning she is willing to let him steps into her comfort zone and that certainly doesn’t sound very good to her. She read about Heechul’s news, she knew about what people says about his character and she knew he is seriously the last candidates that suits Hyomin in Hyona’s perspective….

‘Oh well… Hyomin is just Hyomin to me and I am not going to care who is her father and who is her uncle…’ Kyuhyun announced after a brief moment of silence. He trusted Hyomin and he liked being with her, that’s not going to change even after him knowing about Hyomin’s background.

‘Oh~ No wonder eonni love u… I love u too…’ Hyona grabbed at Kyuhyun’s hand gratefully and gave it a tight squeeze. She is sincerely glad that Kyuhyun feels this way for her sister.

‘Oh… hehehehe…’ Kyuhyun chuckled in embarrassment and scratched the back of his neck. Well… her loving him? That sound good to him…

‘Oh~ its simply because ur sister spoilt him rotten, Hyona…’ Ryeowook snorted, when he thought of all the special privilege Kyuhyun enjoyed.

‘Stop pinning on the maknae’s privilege…’ Yesung laughed, teasing the eternal maknae who laughed at his hyung’ word too.


Leetuek and Hyomin on the other hand are chatting almost everything under the sun, from Leeteuk Japan’s trip to Hyona’s mischevious act, sharing some laughter between themselves.

‘I think Kyuhyun never had expected this surprise from u guys…’ Hyomin chuckled, excited at the idea of the surprise birthday party for Kyuhyun later.

‘Oh…to make the thing better, u are part of it as well… he is pretty close to u and I think he would had appreciate your presence…’ Leeteuk stated the matter of factly thing.

‘Hehehehe! That’s a compliment, Leeteuk…’ Hyomin chuckled, glad that the awkwardness she freaked most is not coming in between them.

‘U know I am speaking the truth… we really liked being with u, Hyomin… we do…’ Leeteuk said sincerely, taking his eyes away from the road for a moment and glimpse at her.

‘Well… u are making me feeling awkward all over again by behaving like this…’ Hyomin chuckled, slapping on his arm gently.

‘Did I? That’s never my intention and u know it..’ Leeteuk chuckled, she is still the Hyomin he knew… He hoped nothing changed between him and her… The car falls into a comfort silence with only the sound of the song coming from the radio. Leeteuk hummed softly to it and Hyomin listened to it in silence, casting an occasion glance toward Leeteuk.

‘Ah… we are reaching… shall we get the boys to get prepared?’ Hyomin asked, picking out her handphone.

‘No… I will call them… Let u and Hyona be a pleasant surprise for them…’ Leeteuk pushed her hand down and turned his car into the parking lot. Pulling out his phone after that and dialed at Kangin’s number. ‘We are approaching… I will get Kyu to open the door so get prepared…’

‘Right…’ Kangin answered briefly, shouting to the rest of the boys after that.

‘Just wait for them to arrive…’ Leeteuk smiled at Hyomin after giving her a ‘ok’ sign.

‘Wah… I don’t know why I am feeling excited too?’ Hyomin chuckled, rubbing her hand.

Leeteuk took her hands softly in his and rubbed at it gently, hoping to warm them up. ‘U are cold aren’t u?’ Leeteuk asked.

‘Oh… I am pretty much alright… U should be the one who is feeling cold? u had given me your coat isn’t it?’ Hyomin shook her head, Leeteuk had placed his coat on her bare shoulder the moment they stepped out from the function room for fearing that she might be cold in that skimpy cocktail dress of her. He insisted that she should have it even thought she brought out her own coat, telling her that she can do with an extra pieces of clothing under the cold weather.

‘I am alright…See how warm am I?’ Leeteuk touched her cheek softly with his hands, cupping her face after that.

‘Leeteuk…’ Hyomin pulled his hand down and looked at him for a moment. Is she being sensitive? Leeteuk attitude toward her seems to have changed after knowing her family background? She doesn’t really feel comfortable at that idea, to be frank…

‘Hmnn?’ Leeteuk looked at Hyomin, liking the way she clutched his hands.

‘Well…. I do appreciate that we had broke the ice between us…I don’t really liked the awkwardness before this and I do hope… We don’t ever have to face with that awkwardness again… do u, understand me?’ Hyomin asked carefully, trying to sound as diplomatical as she can.

‘Of course I do…I definetly won’t be jumping into conclusion again… so don’t worry…’ Leeteuk nodded, so he is not the only one who hated the awkwardness between them? That’s really quite a piece of good news isn’t it?

Hyomin looked at Leeteuk who is beaming happily at her right now. She herself is confused too, should she feel happy? Or should she start worrying about the changes of their relationship again? Thing happened too suddenly and Hyomin seriously doesn’t really know how to handle. But she deep in her heart, she is feeling more anxiety than happy right now…

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Chapter 21: omo im so excited if Chullie will do it.. woahh kiss infron of ELF.. haha daebak.. and Hyomin goodluck.!! haha XD thanks for the update.. please update soon :)
Chapter 21: Well yes he is cute, but recently he just doesnt show it xD
So much drama! But i prefer TeukMin over HeeMin!!
teukchulshipper #3
Chapter 21: ughh.... dramaa....
but im prefer with teukmin... :(
Coralie_x_SHINee - hehehe! Kyuhyun had frigthen him away so no worry~ Hmnn~ sure they are... Kyu is originally cute.

anj_yesung = I hoped i cleared your doubt on this new chapter.. LOL~ Yeah, u are right, that part is coming soon enough... sso be prepared, although i wont be elborating much on that part... I hate that part too...
Chapter 20: omo im confuesed with Kyuhyun's feeling right now.. I know she is attracted and has a feelings for Hyona but he always admit the she like Hyomin more than a friend.. haha i like Chullie more here XD why Hyona is always pushing Hyomin to Teukie.. haha :D omo Sorry Sorry era now.. Kangin's scandal and military Hangeng leaving, Kibum hiatus.. omo :'( their biggest hit that leads to stardom but also their heartbreaking era :'( ok so much for that i feel so dramatic.. haha
Chapter 20: Aigoo, seems like there was another jerk this chapter!
Awwiee Kyu and Hyona, they're so adorableeee ^_^
Anj_yesung - for sure u can expect more Chullie n Hyomin's scene ~ LOL! Kyuhyun is known to be shy with girls isnt it?
Chapter 19: WOOHHH... im looking forward fo more Chullie and Hyomin scene then.. haha why is that Hyona dont like Chullie..??? and Kyu really so innocent.. haha :D looking forward to your updates then eonnie.!! :)
tesshira = Yeah~ Its seoul mv. I am being bowled over by Kyu in the MV too… he is melthing me with that kiddy smile of his~

Coralie_x_SHINee - Hehehehe~ at times, we do need to have some jerk to spice thing up~ LOL

anj_yesung - Yes~ U are right~ Hahaha~ he did not leave Hyomin, he brought her along, making her feeling even more out of place.Yes, I am pretty sure u will hate Heechul later on~ Oooppsss….
tesshira #10
Chapter 18: Da~it's seoul mv,right??? I always though kyu is super cute in that mv:-)