Chapter 1

Reply 1997.



They had always been friends. And it had always been the 5 of them. At first it was Nam Woohyun, Lee Howon, Jang Dongwoo and Lee Sungyeol. Neighbors, friends, classmates, they were all of that. A few years later, when they were about 9, Lee Sungjong joined them. And they were 5. Inseparable. Well, for the time being. Then life came by and some things changed …


April 1985, Busan, Chengxi Primary School.

Nam Woohyun was the new kid, yet he had made friends quite easily. He luckily met the friendliest and funniest kid of his school. An always laughing boy named Jang Dongwoo. And the boy was closely followed by the sweetest guy little Woohyun had ever met: Lee Howon.
They then met another little boy named Lee Sungyeol whose personality looked very much like Dongwoo's. Sungyeol was unusually tall and unusually loud. You couldn't stay quiet and discreet if he was here. And like this, the 4 boys were friends since Primary School, this time when they were fighting over candies and playing hide and seek in their house.


Dongwoo and Howon new each other for the longest. They didn't even remember life without being without the other. 
They were neighbors and even though Dongwoo was a bit older than his friend, it was as if they were twins. Always being together since they were babies, they almost lived together, eating, sleeping and playing together since forever. At first, Woohyun wasn't even sure he could break in their friendship and actually integrate, be part of their little group. Off course, Dongwoo was so welcoming he felt bad to even think that what he said about being his friend and loving the 3 of them together may not be so real but he also felt that maybe Dongwoo was the only one sincerely thinking this way. Howon being a little less sharing, he always felt a bit left out.

It became easier when Sungyeol joined them, he liked him but he actually got closer to Howon. Weird things happened. Sungyeol being his stupid self, he and Dongwoo spent a lot of time together, playing and laughing so loud the whole school could hear them. He supposes Howon felt a little jealous, a little abandoned by Dongwoo as the oldest boy had found another interest. It wasn't only Howon anymore and it probably didn't please the boy that much. But Howon and Woohyun got closer, eventually. And they stayed close, really.


Then, a few years later, Sungyeol brought his little cousin Lee Sungjong, who had changed schools.
Sungjong was nice and sweet and cute and friendly. And everybody loved him. He was easy to tease but not naïve or a coward. Howon really liked him. And they became good friends.
He knew Sungjong was more serious than Dongwoo and even though he was a year younger than the rest of them were, in hard times like puberty, Howon was actually speaking of his problems with the younger boy. Dongwoo wouldn't have understood, or so Howon thought. He didn't take life seriously enough and would have found a way to make things funny, even when they weren't.

Dongwoo wasn't really good with serious business and this was proven when he was 13 and a girl named Yoon Bomi asked him on a date.
The boy was so shocked he didn't know what to answer. So he said nothing and left. No need to say that the girl was left crying.


But life passed by, and each of them discovered things about themselves, experienced problems as well as great times. But they always stayed together. The best of friends. Always together, in school and out of school.


Only they didn't know that you grow up so fast in high school. It’s not something you wait for, it just kind of happens.
One day you’ll look back and be proud of who you’ve become, while at the same time, miss who you were.



The name of the Primary School was randomly found on google, it actually exists XD

And the last sentence is a quote I found on tumblr, I don't know who said that but unfortunately not me :x

Also about quotes, I'll probably use some quotes of the drama in this fic cause it's just so accurate!

Hope you liked this first chapter!

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Chapter 3: where's chapter 3 ??
Chapter 3: The story sounds really interesting, hope you update soon! :D
seems interesting... i can't wait for the next story... infinite version reply 1997 kkk... hope this version will be the same cool as the original... ^^

I love reply 1997 so much. hehe...

this version is really got my interest. update soon author nim~
Chapter 2: introductions done, myungyeol on the way.
woosoogyu #5
Chapter 1: It's ok, author... Coz I really appreciate your effort to update... ^_^
I shall continue to wait patiently for your next update... ^_~
Chapter 1: It's okay author-nim, I have the same problem! (it using mobile hehe) but you can use a type of format code to space it out a bit ^_^ well it's not really a code, but it does take a while to type it all out hehe..
HWAITING, it seems really good so far for a first chapter :) famous host Yeollie ^~^