

Seyu wasn’t one for clubs. Woohyun dragged her to one for her birthday, and she fully expected to hate it. But then she saw a bottle spin and a smile flash, and from that moment, she was enchanted.


This is my entry for The Sky Is the Limit Writing Contest. (Not expecting to win, but might as well give it a shot. Just look at the prizes.)

The prompt I used is #13: "She much preferred to be safely on the outside of life, watching, than deeply involved." -From Love Letters by Katie Fforde

Not going to lie: This is partially based on my personal experiences at a club in Barcelona during my study abroad trip in Spain. However, this story is far more interesting than any I'd have to tell about my own experience, haha.


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Chapter 6: this is honestly one of the most beautiful stories I have read and I'm so glad you were able to share this with your readers, to open up and let us have a glimpse into your life as well
I honestly love your stories and this one is extra special because Dongwoo is my bias amd also because this really struck a chord with obligations
It's interesting that you're Taiwanese because I am too ^^ Just a little sidenote
I really admire your writing and I wish you the best of luck!
I wish you the best with your mother and all my prayers to you.