


Taemin rolls around his bed and groans at the sight of his digital clock. Its red light shines in the darkness of his room; the only color contrasting the dim light of the street lamp seeping inside his room. Taemin snorts in amusement as he thinks of the number of times he has seen such a familiar sight.

He almost wants to start crying when he looks to his left; a fine reminder of what was and how long he’s been alone. The sheets of his bed slightly wrinkled and creased, the emptiness next to him, where a lover once was, and where a crease does not touch.


Taemin is used to the darkness now; the small amounts of sleep, the unfulfilled feeling his stomach, the- Taemin stops and frowns. He has one feeling that describes all of this (whatever this is).

Taemin is used to the feeling of incompletion.


Days dragged by with cold nights. Taemin doesn’t keep track of time anymore. He doesn’t even notice the first snowfall of the year, something he always rejoiced at the sight of. He does’t go out as often anymore, his friends began to worry. He has become more careless, skipping meals simply because he doesn’t feel like it. He lost interest in virtually everything, never styling his hair anymore, or even dancing. The joy has been out of his life.


4:59 A.M. Saturday

Taemin smiles weakly, but still a bit excited.

He picks up his phone and punches in numbers. He stares intently at the clock until what seemed like his life span passed by to give him the signal. A minute has finally passed, and Taemin hurriedly presses the call button.

Three rings, a bit longer this time and Taemin does admit it almost gave him a heart attack.

A clear voice pipes up, “I missed you.” 

No need for ‘Hello?’s. They already know it would only waste time to dwell on greetings.

Taemin’s feeble voice chokes out a reply back.

“I love you, too.”


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Chapter 1: Aw, that really is beautiful! It really makes me wonders what happened that he can only call then... anyway, really really amazing <3
This was so heartbreakingly beautiful hjksaghklhgfalghjlkghljghskljghlasg I can't even really I can't

I love this forever
Sandraa #3
Chapter 1: aw! this is rlly cute, seems like something i wish someone would do for me lol :)