you’re next to me but I’m even lonelier


Distance is not measured physically.




Title: you’re next to me but I’m even lonelier
Rating: g
Pairing: hyukjae/donghae
Warnings: n/a
Word count: 1898


angst galore \o/





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monniefish #1
Chapter 1: you should make a sequel for this
LovingKitty #2
Chapter 1: OMG thid is so sad but still luv it there had to b a sequel to this poor hae :(
Chapter 1: Ugh this is just angst and idk, full of feelings </3
Personally after becoming Hyukjae-biased, I prefer to call him Hyukjae because I think.. Hyukjae and Eunhyuk is somehow a different person? Eunhyuk has more charisma and not shy, while the real Hyukjae just seems to be sweet and charming not because of his pelvic or his glorious abs...
That's just my opinion though xD
Anyway thanks for writing this! I like story like this with the end kinda blur :3
Chapter 1: THAT is why I prefer HyukHae/HaeHyuk, rather than EunHae.

and this is a beautiful piece of writing.
Chapter 1: This was really great. It's true that it's too bad that Hyukjae got a stage name :/ I think Hyukjae and Eunhyuk are really different people, and I prefer Hyukjae over Eunhyuk...
Chapter 1: Huaaaaaaaaa!!
It was.. Angstastic (?) poor my baby hae~ I hope in reality their friendship is stronger, nobody had changes though it have been so loong since their first met and trainee and they really meant it when they said that they're best friend
Always eunhae~
anyway, nice fic!!
hudahay #7
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful....
Ur detailed descriptions of Donghae's feelings only added on to the angst.
Hyukjae's so close yet so far away.
Sometimes I wonder if this is what really happens in reality.
I mean we won't know....
I won't ask for a sequel. Cos this is just perfect the way it is. ^^
Thanks for writing such a wonderful piece!
Chapter 1: This is really good but so sad! Why did Hyukjae get so distant from Hae?
...sequel please...
Chapter 1: it was nice.. like it :)

ps: I want sequel too