
Underneath the Flashbulb


She came to a stop in front of her door and leaned her crutches against the wall so she could dig through her purse.


I screwed up my mouth as I watched her, my muscles tensed; wanting to spring into action. To step forward and assist her in some way but I knew from experience if I tried to do too much for her she'd just get annoyed. She was on edge as it was and I was already carrying her luggage and she was frustrated enough that she couldn't do even the simplest tasks on her own at the moment.


Hwayoung had no interest in lying back and letting me take care of her, but she didn't have much of a choice right now.


She pulled out her keys slowly so as not to make much noise and slid it into her front door, biting her lip.


With a sharp click it unlocked and she pushed it open slowly, glancing back to me before bringing a single slender finger to her lips.


My face broke into a smile. It was all I could do to keep from laughing. I wasn't sure what had gotten into me. The excitement of even being invited here was entirely too much. Even with her permission I felt like my mere presence at her apartment was breaking so many rules.


She led the way, her stealthy entrance was quickly spoiled by the sound of her crutches thudding against the wood floor in the entrance way.


She swore under her breath and started trying to walk slower, but froze when a door on the other side of the kitchen opened abruptly.


Are you home?” A voice asked.


I slid my hands into my pockets awkwardly, trying to find the most natural way to stand when someone was about to randomly find you standing aloft in their apartment.


Hwayoung sighed, her eyes trained on the ground as she waited for her sister to appear. She looked like maybe this wasn't a conversation she was looking forward to having right now.




I gasped and spun on my heels, turning my back to Hyoyoung, who appeared so swiftly around the end of the hall she didn't even realize I was there quick enough to cover her bare body with her open bath robe.


My god, do they usually walk around ? I had a sudden urge to beg them to let me be their room mate.


I'm sorry!” I expelled quickly, biting my lip.


I felt a hand on my shoulder at the same time I noticed Hwayoung eying me carefully.


Don't worry about it. It's my fault.” Hyoyoung said. She spun me around and I was pleased to see she'd tied her robe securely shut. She hugged me tightly.


I'm sure it's not anything you haven't seen before.” She said chuckling.


I bit the inside of my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.


Too right she was.


I could see Hwayoung's lip twitch over Hyoyoung's shoulder before she released me.


It's good to see you again, Areum.” Hyoyoung said.


You too.” I smiled.


Hyoyoung's attention turned to her sister. She knelt down and ran a hand along Hwayoung's cast before standing upright and staring up into her little sisters face.


They didn't exchange a single word of greeting which I found odd at first, but as time went on it dawned on me that they appeared to be carrying on an entire conversation with body language. People say that twins have a higher form of communication... but I couldn't have prepared myself for how fascinating it was to watch them speak without words.


Hwayoung wasn't meeting her sisters' eyes, but somehow I didn't think that was stopping Hyoyoung from getting her message across. The elder sibling stayed in Hwayoung's personal space, brushing her hair gently with her fingertips in a soothing manner; a somber, sympathetic, almost maternal expression on her face.


I almost got on a plane.” Hyoyoung said softly.


Unnie.” Hwayoung's eyebrows drew together sharply. For the first time so stared back into her big sisters' eyes and it instantly seemed to diffuse her frustration.


She sighed before saying, “You can't always be there...”


Hyoyoung ran her hand down her sisters face before wrapping her arms around the latter's neck. They held each other for a long time, cheek to cheek until it felt like their communication had left the simple realm of words once again. As personal as this moment felt, I couldn't look away from them.


Hwayoung's defenses were dissolving in her sisters arms. I saw her neck twitch as she swallowed hard.


Everything happens for a reason. It will be alright.” Hyoyoung said softly, pulling away only far enough to turn her face into her sisters, kissing Hwayoung's cheek firmly.


Hwayoung seemed to notice me again, she blinked as though she'd forgotten I was there in the first place before taking a step forward out of her sisters arms.


I should rest.” Hwayoung said.


Yes. Your appointment tomorrow is early.” Hyoyoung said, releasing her sister.


As Hwayoung swung past me on her crutches, her sister's eyes landed on me.


Are you staying?” Hyoyoung asked me.


Y-yes.” I mumbled, unsure how to approach this topic.


Hwayoung stopped and looked over her shoulder. “Areum helped me a great deal this weekend. She'll stay with me and we'll drop her off at CCM on the way to the doctors.”


Hyoyoung nodded, put an arm around me and followed Hwayoung to what must have been her bedroom.


I really appreciate you.” Hyoyoung said to me in an undertone. “It makes me feel terrible that she had to go through this without me. I'm glad you two have become such great friends.”


I laughed shakily at being put on the spot like that. Such great friends. If only she knew...


My stomach sank.


If she knew I was half of the reason her sister was going through so much pain right now... well, I didn't know if I could bear it.


Hyoyoung walked ahead and patted her sister on the back.


Goodnight. I love you.” She said, before walking further down the room to what must have been her own bedroom.


I closed the door behind me and found Hwayoung with a sarcastic smirk directed at me, standing on one foot in the middle of her room.


I bet you enjoyed that, huh?” She asked, leaning her crutches against her desk.


Enjoyed what?” I asked.


My sister...” Hwayoung began thoughtfully. “I've always warned her that she should wear clothing around the house.”


I smirked to myself and moved to put my arms around Hwayoung's waist when her balance swayed dangerously. Then it dawned on me what she said before I looked pointedly up at her.


... Enjoyed... that? What are you trying to say?” I sputtered.


It's okay. I'm used to it. When people date twins I think they always think like that, don't they?” Hwayoung chuckled.


Are you trying to say I'm attracted to your sister?” I asked.


Well, why wouldn't you be? We have the same face don't we?” Hwayoung said. “At least that's what I'm used to hearing.”


I can tell the difference.” I said in a small voice. I really didn't like being judged like this, but Hwayoung didn't seem to be trying to attack me. In fact, the conversation sounded so well rehearsed on her part that I thought she must had it before.


I pressed my palm firmly against her sternum, making her come to a stop to look at me inquisitively.


I love you for what's inside, Youngie.”


Hwayoung's eyebrows furrowed with guilt and she immediately pulled me into a hug tight against her chest. I didn't resist.


It must be hard to be a twin sister sometimes.” I mused.


I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.” Hwayoung said.


I believed her. Just from watching their earlier exchange there wasn't any doubt in my mind that there was nobody more important in Hwayoung's life than her sister.


Using my shoulders to support her weight, Hwayoung urged us in the direction of her bed, laying down a pillow to support her injured ankle before coming to rest. I deliberation rested my head on her shoulder as she pulled the covers over us.

She spoke again when we both stopped moving.


I thought it would be important to have you over tonight because I don't know when you'll have time to see me again.”


Please don't talk like that.” I whispered.


But it's true. You start filming the MV tomorrow and then promotions will start and I'll be here injured and you'll be so busy-”


I'll make time.” I said more forcibly.


She sighed and stared at the ceiling morosely. Every time this expression crossed her face I feel as though my insides had been removed, gutted like a fish and roughly tossed aside as garbage. The most frustrating part was that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.


Would you love me if I wasn't a pop star?” She asked out of nowhere.


I winced as it stabbed at my insides again.


Of course I would. But Hwayoungie, if it comes out then I won't be a pop star anymore either.” I said, weakly. “But that's not going to happen. Eunjung unnie said so.”


...I just have a bad feeling.” She murmured.


Well stop.” I said, sitting up.


I turned to her and ran a hand through her short hair, staring down into her empty eyes. How could she ever think I could forget her...?


I pulled my hair out of my face before leaning over her, supporting my weight with a hand on her shoulder as I kissed her softly. It was the only thing that could break her frozen gaze. She closed her eyes and kissed me back her arms coming around me slowly as if I was breathing new life into her once again.


I put my forehead against hers and exhaled deeply when she let me go.


I won't leave your side.” I whispered.


She laughed a y sound and held me tighter.


It isn't supposed to be like this, you know? I'm older. I'm bigger. I've been around longer. I'm supposed to take care of you.”


I beamed.


We will take care of each other. After this is all over you can take care of me as much as you want.”


Just you wait...” Hwayoung's beautiful smile returned. “I'm going to care the out of you.”


It was a struggle, to say the least, to keep our laughter down for the rest of the night..




I pulled carefully into the first available parking spot, watching unblinking as the car behind me pulled directly into the spot beside me. Engine still running, Eunjung leaned forward to rest against her steering wheel, staring at me playfully. The air conditioned emanating from her dashboard was giving her hair a fluid quality. It'd only been fifteen minutes since we were alone together, and yet, I already couldn't wait until the day was over.


I sunk back against my seat smiling at her. In the back of our minds, the never ending day ahead of us. The pain that we would have in our feet and legs and backs from overwork. The sweat and even perhaps the blood, but all that mattered right now was this moment.


Reluctantly, I turned off my ignition.


After exiting my car I waited for Eunjung to join me so we could walk together across the parking lot for the elevator.


Aish, this is going to be a long one.” She said.


We'll get through it. We always do.” I said.


She deliberately walked into my walking space, knocking into me and making me wobble. She grabbed my wrist in order to pull me steady again, and she didn't let go. Her hand slid down until she entangled her fingers with mine.


I looked at her a little bit alarmed while we waited for the elevator doors to open.


There are probably cameras...” I said softly.


Probably.” She agreed.


I searched her face looking for a reason she was willing to be so reckless today, but she just smiled.


Don't be silly. This is an innocent gesture in the eyes of a camera.” She said softly, shaking my hand.


I supposed she was right.


The doors slid open and we walked in together. Faint instrumental music playing was barely heard underneath the mechanical shifting before we started rising.


She still hadn't let go of my hand which I was grateful for. I took a chance and tilted my head onto her shoulder. She didn't react, but she didn't move away either. In the reflection of the elevator doors I could see her smile.


How would a camera see this?” I asked.


...You're obviously tired. It's pretty early right?” She asked.


I grinned.


Come to think of it, you probably are tired aren't you? You didn't get enough sleep last night.” She continued.


I wonder who's fault that is, I thought.


I lifted my head to look at her.


More sleep would mean less Eunjung. That simply wasn't an option anymore.


She smiled, and I smiled back.


The elevator shuddered and began to slow down. She released my hand at the jolt and we shared one more longing glance before she insisted I walk ahead of her into the hallway.


Passing through that doorway was almost starting to feel like an invisible barrier into an alternate universe. In this world, I had to forget every strong emotion I'd felt in the last twenty four hours. I would have to turn it off like a light switch and pretend like it never happened; As if this secret side of my life didn't exist.


It struck me with the same sharp pang of regret every time I did it, because it felt like a day spent without Eunjung by my side was a day wasted. It wasn't that I was starting to hate my job or anything. I had no thoughts to abandon it, but it hurt to know that my two worlds could never cross paths.


I sighed and talked myself out of this depression as I was starting to have to do every day... At least we'd be so busy today that it should go by quickly.


Upon pushing the door open to the dressing room I immediately felt like we'd gotten there early. Instead of our entire team of hair dressers and stylists it was only the other members sitting around. Because I hesitated, Eunjung bumped into me from behind.


Good morning.” I said, stepping forward.


Morning.” Eunjung echoed.


We were greeted with a chorus of sleepy replies. Jiyeon stood, as she normally would, and ran past me with her arms in the air. I didn't dare turn around to stare, but in the mirror I watched her throw her arms around Eunjung's neck and Eunjung, as she normally would, hugged the younger girl back. My eyes narrowed.


Was it just me or was Jiyeon's behavior growing more frequent and deliberate?


Unnie, can I-... Are you okay?” Hyomin asked.


What?” I said, stupidly, breaking my gaze with the mirror.


Hyomin laughed once. “I've never seen that expression on your face before.”


What are you talking about?” I asked.


You looked furious.”


I shook my head. “You're crazy.”


I turned my glare once more back to the mirror as I walked towards the empty seat. Eunjung and Jiyeon were both now looking at me with peaked interest. I wondered if I imagined the smirk on Jiyeon's face.




Soyeon called from the other side of the room. I was grateful for any distraction.


Stylist unnies must be in a meeting, so start putting on your own makeup. We don't want to get behind schedule.” She said.


My heart dropped when I saw Soyeon's face. The effects of the weekend had clearly not worn away for her. Dark circles lined her eyes indicating that she must not have gotten even a minute of sleep last night.


I thought the makeup team would have to work a miracle on her before allowing her in front of the camera today.


I sat in front of the open mirror and began unpacking my compacts. Beside me, Areum was already applying her foundation. I was surprised to see she looked to be in a lot better shape than Soyeon at least since, predictably, Hwayoung was no where to be found. She gave me a small smile when she caught me staring at her.


I looked away trying to focus on my makeup. I wasn't sure why, but all these little jabs to my gut made me feel so uneasy. Maybe things were worse than I thought they were. Everything felt so... off.


Eunjung sat in front of the mirror beside me and stared at me, as if asking wordless questions. She looked as uneasy as I felt while she tried to read my face. Her presence didn't make me feel any better though...


I could hear someone approaching our room. One by one the others stopped their progress as well until all of us were silently staring at the open door in anticipation.


Our manager appeared in the doorway.


Just our manager.


He blinked rapidly when he found us all staring at him expectantly. A moment of silence, and then-


Where are the stylist unnies?” Soyeon asked.


He swallowed before answer.


They aren't coming.”


I couldn't even hear anybody breathe. It was like everyone was afraid to ask why.


I'll just read this from the President.” He said after a while, breaking eye contact with us to stare down at a piece of paper.


Even after every scolding we'd ever received, it'd never felt like this. It'd never felt so serious before.


Your schedule has been canceled until further notice. You're not to speak to the press or be seen out in public under any circumstances.”


Hyomin, who was standing in front of me, swayed dangerously. She d around the circumference of her body in search of the nearest chair before she fell into it.


Could this really be happening? Really?


You are not to use any form of social media for any reason. All tweets and/or Cyworld updates that have been sent in the last week are to be deleted as soon as possible. Anyone in noncompliance will face termination.”


I felt Eunjung's hand close around my fist but I didn't have the ability to look at her. I was frozen. In fact, it wasn't until she touched me that I realized my hand was a fist at all. I wondered what my face must look like.


Our CEO is in Japan right now but he plans on making a special announcement when he returns about the future of T-ara. You are to simply wait until he does so.” Our manager handed the paper to Soyeon who's shaking hand was held out for it. “That's all it says. Ah. No I'm sorry, I don't know anything more.” He said, answering our questions before we could force them out.


I wouldn't panic... just follow his directions and I'm sure whatever this is will just blow over.” He gave us each one more glance before turning to leave.


...I don't understand. What needs to blow over?” Boram asked.


Eunjung's eyes were bulging. The same horror was mirrored everywhere I looked. Empty blank shock was unanimous, apart from the confusion that adorned Areum. Soyeon was hunched over the desk in front of her mirror, palms flat against the wood. She was staring into nothingness. Combined with her ragged appearance she looked a little terrifying. I walked to her and put a hand on her shoulder.


She didn't react.


Jungie, I'm scared.” Jiyeon said.


I don't know what came over me.


When I saw the girl put her arms over my girlfriend again I almost lunged at her. I whipped my head around to face her and I must have looked so fierce that she took a step back. How come she could touch Eunjung and I had to pretend Eunjung didn't exist? It made me so angry and I didn't want to feel like I was sharing her anymore.


Whatever it was they had, it wasn't okay. I wasn't going to stand for it.


Eunjung's eyebrows were high upon her forehead.


Areum, if you need a ride home I can take you now.” Our manager reappeared.


I'll take her.” I said swiftly, seeing a way out.


But what does this mean?” Boram asked louder.


Come on.” I said to Areum, scooping up my things.


I began to pull her away. I didn't care where I had to go I just needed to escape.


I didn't say goodbye to anybody. I walked Areum into the hallway holding her hand and entered the first elevator that opened. She was staring at me for some sort of explanation but I was too interested in my flight to worry about explaining things right now. When we were a good enough distance away we could talk about it.


I had a feeling she hadn't the slightest idea how serious this could be. How strange, it felt like we'd just been sentenced to house arrest without a trial.

The door began to shut but an arm stopped its course.


Eunjung pushed the doors open and mashed the button to close them again as soon as she was inside with us.


Are you okay?” Eunjung asked.


I didn't answer.


Are you okay?!” She asked again, shaking my elbow.


I nodded meekly and realized that this would be a challenge. Usually whenever I have to face difficult situations, I tend to just crawl into a shell and keep to myself. I didn't know how well this would work with Eunjung apparently wanting to play the hero.


... It must be Hwayoung.” Eunjung said. She looked at Areum. “Have you spoken to her?”


I stayed with her last night and she was fine.” Areum said. “She's at the doctors now.


Aigoo...” Eunjung sighed. She was switching her weight back between either of her feet rubbing her hands together. “Something is not right. Something is really not right...”


I thought things like this happen.” Areum said. “Have you never had an album delayed before?”


It's not even about the album.” Eunjung said, shaking her head.


Eunjung stared at me and I adamantly continued staring at my feet.


You can't lie to me, I know something's wrong.”


A lot is wrong right now, isn't it?” I asked.


... You know what I mean.” She muttered. “So you're taking Areum home?”




Then what?” She asked.


..I'm gonna go home.” I said. “What else can I do?”


She nodded. “I'll be there.”


The doors open and Areum walked out ahead. I turned to Eunjung.


Here.” I fumbled with my key chain and got my house key free before handing it to her. “You'll probably beat me there.”


She ran her thumb over my hand as I handed it to her and smiled weakly.


Charming as she was, she certainly wasn't off the hook yet.



Unnie.” Areum said.


Our car ride up to this point had been a quiet one. With all the chaos in my head I was trying to concentrate hard on not killing us.




Did Soyeon Unnie... tell?”


I don't think so.” I said.


...I'll never forgive myself if I caused this.” She said, her voice deteriorating.


No, I'm sure whatever this is will blow over.” I said softly. We stopped at a red right and I reached over to touch her leg.


We came to a stop in front of her house. She looked extremely thoughtful.


I guess I have tons of time for Hwayoung now. I just don't know if that's a good thing or not.” She smiled tightly. “Have a nice week Qri Unnie, thanks for the ride.”


If you need anything or... well, if you just want to, you can call me anytime.” I said.


Thank you..” She said.


After I saw she was able to get inside, I turned my stereo down until it was an unintelligible hum and pulled away from the curb, so grateful that I was finally alone with my thoughts.


Hwayoung's injury would have been the obvious cause of the delay, but the gag order made it seem unlikely.


No... if they were to put a gag order on us then that must mean there's something huge going down.


But what?


I intentionally passed my apartment, deciding I wanted at least one or two laps around the block to myself before I joined Eunjung, who I knew was there after seeing her car on the first pass.


Could it have been the fight? Sure it was in front of staff members but it was diffused so quickly that I didn't think they'd run to the president about it. It was still entirely possible though...


Then why were they so specific about deleting tweets? I remembered the conversation the girls had but I don't remember anything but positive encouragement. The tweets were so vague, how could anybody even figure out what they were about?


Very unlikely.


More important even than the cause was the potential effect this would have on our futures...


A week off before promotions didn't seem like such a bad thing, of course I could never say that out loud. T-ara thrived on constant schedules since the very beginning. I had a feeling that the others felt as though if we ever slowed down we'd become irrelevant but I thought right now with an injured member and unnecessary tensions, maybe some time off would do us good.


As I came to a stop I had that sinking feeling in my stomach again.


It wouldn't be that simple... Usually when there was an announcement involved it meant that something more permanent was coming.


At the same time, with a weeks worth of waiting time ahead of me, was it worth dwelling on right now?


I parked and made my way upstairs. For the first time I knocked on my own apartment door.


You're finally here.” Eunjung said weakly after she opened the door. She took my hand and pulled me inside which startled me a bit. She seemed to be operating at an accelerated level.


I saw she was already set up on my couch and had my laptop open on the TV stand.


We've figured it out.” She said, turning the laptop to me.


I wasn't quite sure what she was talking about but I squinted at it anyway.


She was logged into her twitter account receiving hundreds of mentions by the second. It didn't hit me until I actually read a few of them what was happening..


Am... I a bully?” She asked in a small voice.


Of course not.” I said. “This must be some kind of joke.”


It doesn't look like a joke.”


I silently agreed. The hate from these tweets was intense and genuine, but it didn't seem much different from the usual anti-fan banter. Bullying though? Bullying Hwayoung of all people? Absurd.


It's not just me either. They're accusing Jiyeon, Soyeon and Hyomin. And even Boram unnie.”


And me?”


...Not you.”


I thought I understood it then. They weren't attacking me because I didn't get involved in the girls' conversation.


They're just turning your words into another meaning.” I said.


Eunjung didn't answer. Her eyes were glued to the screen, her eyebrows drawn together painfully. She kept refreshing the page as the new tweets came in and every time she did, it was just more of the same.


You shouldn't read it.” I said.


I rested my head on my knee while I watched her, completely immersed and miserable in her own little world.


I took a deep breath and leaned forward, closing the screen down on my laptop.


Eunjung continued staring deadpan, straight again, as if it were still open.


Jungie, I bet our boss is putting off making a statement until this blows over. How could this possibly go anywhere when they have no proof. The proof is in here.” I slid my hand down her neck to her heart. “We all know you aren't a bully, so how could they possibly prove differently?”


She sighed.


You are so sensible, unnie.”


You say that like its a bad thing.” I half smiled.


So sensible that I can't understand why you looked like you wanted to take a swing at Jiyeon earlier.”


My smile evaporated.


I don't know” I mumbled, getting to my feet.


She grabbed me so quickly that I let out a loud noise while she pulled me down to fall into her lap.


The grin that cracked her face stretched for miles.


Why do you always do that?” She asked.




She chuckled. “When I squeeze you, you squeak like a dog's toy.”


I exhaled sharply.


Of all things she could have called me...


The irony that her head was cocked sideways to just a certain degree; Her dark eyes playful with anticipation and amusement. Her grin was crooked and frozen with open. She looked like the most devoted and loyal puppy anybody could ever hope to have for a pet. I couldn't resist running my hand through her hair so as to pet her.


My sweet white dog.


Hahm Baekgu.


Then... are you calling me your toy?” I smiled.


Eunjung's smile grew more pronounced but she didn't seem to want to take the conversation down this route. She gripped my wrist and removed my hand from her hair.


Will you give me an answer?” She asked.


I desperately resisted, but it was hard. She was tracing her fingertip down my throat while she waited. The hair on the back of my neck was standing on end.


We should be able to talk about everything, you know?” She whispered.


I felt guilty, because I knew she was right. Communication was so important. I let my eyes fall to my own legs before I spoke.


I.. I think she likes you, Jungie.”


Why wouldn't she?” She said.


I looked up at her in disbelief. She was wearing a smug smile.


...What?” She asked. “Oh! Were you being serious?”


Yes.” I said, dryly.


She choked back laughter and surveyed my face, still looking uncertain about whether or not I was joking.


I stared at her unblinking.


But... That's impossible.” She said.




Because... Jiyeon... likes boys!”


I squinted at her. “So do I... So do you!”


Oh.” She said, her face went blank.


We both started laughing.


Ha...Good point.” She said. “But I still think you're wrong. And what does it matter if she likes me anyway? You trust me right?”


I do.”


Then...?” She asked. Her hand was making its way down the back of my neck where it started massaging my shoulder. Whenever she did this it was always difficult to form words...


You have nothing to worry about. There's only you for me.” Eunjung said, softly.


Instantly, at her words, it became so easy to breathe again. After seeing my reaction she took my face in her hands and pecked me gently, but I wasn't satisfied with that.


I used a finger to lift her chin, tilting it backwards to rest on the top of my couch while I repositioned myself; my legs on either side of her lap and hovered over her head.


I had her pinned down right where I wanted her, not that she was resisting anyway, but I was finally in control. I kissed the way I wanted to be kissed; unrelenting and without boundaries. At my boldness, I heard a sound of surprise come from and then she rose to the challenge. She sat up without breaking the kiss and brought me to rest with my back against the couch, she, on top of me.


I was just really starting to get into it when she pulled away and gasped.


I looked at her, confused.


Unnie.” She said, her breath ragged. “I just realized we don't have a schedule for... days.” She said in amazement, hanging open stupidly. Her hair looked like an absurd mess from how I'd been gripping it into my fists.


Uhh, yeah.” I said, “Not til this weekend.”


Wow.” She breathed, pushing her hair out of the way so I could see her wide eyes. “But, what the hell are we going to do to keep busy for an entire week?”


I had a few ideas...


Um... Whatever we want?” I said. “What do you want to do?”


She bit on the inside of her cheek and spent a moment or two contemplating before looking away and laughing. “Aish, you'll think I'm so boring.”




I kind of want to take a nap.” She said, biting her lip.


I smiled to myself because I'd been thinking about taking one as well. Stupid, we get a small amount of time off and we're ready to sleep it away.


I freed myself from underneath her, stood and led her to the bedroom.


She pulled her shirt over her head, so she was left in a tank top and shorts, and tossed it towards my closet. I watched her incredible body as she crawled across my bed on hands and knees to the other side and got under the covers. She beckoned me with her finger. It was maybe the most welcoming sight one could ever see.


I slid out of my jacket and crawled onto my bed and into clutches, her strong arms clutched me tightly.


Maybe when we wake up this will all be over with.” She said as she kissed my forehead.


I returned her kiss onto her collar bone and squeezed her harder.


Hopefully it'll be over with after we have a nice break.” I said.


I closed my eyes and felt the sun from the outside coupled with the nice breeze through the outside window. Profound, how even though my life had come to an abrupt halt, the sounds of birds carrying on with their daily schedules, cars passing by like a never ending ocean; an ambient form of urban tide of people going to their jobs... going out for leisure... going... going...


The world outside kept turning without us.


I'd never felt so small in my life.


I awoke some hours later in what I assumed must have been late day and found myself alone in the bed.


Through my closed door I could here what sounded like someone talking through a cell phone on speaker phone. I got up from the bed and groggily made my way for the door.


Eunjung was on the couch, holding her cell phone aloft by the side of her face, my laptop was open once again on her lap. I recognized Hyomin's voice coming through the phone. That line of worry between her eyes was contorting her face once more. She looked mildly apologetic when she realized I'd caught her but put a finger up to her lips. Hyomin would have probably found it odd if she randomly started hearing me in the background. Unwanted questions would be asked, so I obliged.


...Really, the way things are going now it seems like this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. There's even a rumor going around that Jiyeon slapped Hwayoung in the face during a practice...” Hyomin was droning on.


That news was pretty shocking and absolutely ridiculous, but I wasn't going to let Eunjung spend this week torturing herself like this. I remained quiet but I took the laptop off her lap and closed it. I took it back into my room to hide it despite her protesting facial expressions.


...She's really not taking it well either. We were talking all day long but when that came out she stopped replying to my SMS. I tried calling her at her house but her mother said she'd locked herself in her room and wouldn't come out. I almost want to go over there to check on her...”


That's not really a bad idea.” Eunjung said, eyes back on me immediately when I returned.


Soyeon said we should all be together when the president makes his statement... She looked really rough today didn't she?”


Hyomin started off on another tangent that made Eunjung look even worse for wear. Frustrated, I used a hand gesture to tell her to get off the phone. Eunjung shook her head at me.


Yeah, she did. And that sounds like a good idea.” Eunjung said.


Yeah she was trying to set something up. It must be tough. She must be taking the blame because she's the leader, right? It can't really be her fault, I'm the idiot that even started tweeting. Aish. What about Qri Unnie, have you talked to her?”


Eunjung hesitated before smirking.


I think Qri's okay.” She said.


She looked like something was bothering her earlier. Oh, and Boram is looking pretty sick again, isn't she? It's like we're all falling apart at the same time. This is such bad timing. You know, I always thought-”


I made the gesture again more forcibly, and Eunjung actually mouthed 'No' this time.


I folded my arms angrily and Eunjung covered the microphone of the phone to whisper, “This is really important.”


I must have been inspired by the way Eunjung's shirt was lifted up to show the top of her stomach where she sat. A desperation move. Suddenly braver than usually was, I kept my eyes on her and pulled my shirt over my head. I was left standing there from the waist up in only a bra.


Eunjung's mouth dropped open.


It's really not good Jungie... If people start believing this our entire careers can be ruined.”


I put my thumbs into the shorts teasingly, pulling them down just far enough so that Eunjung could see I was wearing matching red underwear. I bit my lip and rolled my hips a little, actually enjoying her reaction more than I thought I would.


Her eyes bulged.


So... what are we gonna do?”


Eunjung just gaped at me. I motioned for her to hang the phone up again, grinning because I knew my plan was working.




...Uh sorry. Hyomin, I don't know what we're going to do. I think at this point it's out of our hands.


Eunjung recovered quickly and turned look away in an attempt to counter my attack.


I huffed loudly, pulled my shorts off, and threw them at her. They landed smartly on top of her head. When she realized what they were she jumped up and gasped at me. I beamed back.


What? What is it!?” Hyomin asked.


I'm going to have to call you back.” Eunjung said, her eyes glued to my body.


Hyomin sighed. “Ne.”


Eunjung dropped the phone on the couch beside her and continued to stare at me, saying nothing. I couldn't help flushing red because of the look on her face, but I fought against my nerves and spoke first.


If you're going to stay with me this week there's going to be some terms and conditions.”


She didn't even react. My voice shook a little as I continued.


Y-You can get one update a day from one of the girls but I won't let you sit around on the internet and be miserable. Deal?”


W-Where the hell did this come from?” She asked, walking closer and using her hands to motion towards my body. “This is so unlike you!”


Do we have a deal?” I asked, turning redder by the minute.


Fine. Deal. Yes.” She said weakly. “But what have you done with Qri?” She asked.


I smiled coyly and looked down, only noticing then that I was playing with my hands compulsively. It was a nervous tick that I could never really seem to beat, especially in public appearances.


Why did you do this?” Eunjung asked.


I had to get your attention.” I said in a small voice.


Grinning incredulously, Eunjung handed me my shorts back. “Oh, well. It worked.”


I stepped into them quickly and looked around on the floor for my shirt, but I was distracted when I felt Eunjung gently using her pinky to toy with the turquoise gem dangling from my navel piercing. She seemed transfixed on it.


Even after three years I guess you're still full of surprises.” She murmured.


I didn't know what to say. I bent down to pick up my shirt and in the middle of trying to unfold it, Eunjung pulled me into a tight hug. Her nails digging gently into my back. It was like her touch alone sparked an electric current to every muscle in my body. I buckled against her and took a sharp intake of breath.


Is this okay?” She asked.


Yes.” I said, quickly. She let go long enough to let me put my shirt on.


... I-if you follow my rules maybe I’ll show you what other surprises I have up my sleeve.” I said in a voice that I intended to be confident, but it cracked embarrassingly. “Now, what do you want me to make you for dinner?” I walked off as if nothing had happened.


Eunjung grinned like the fox I knew her to be. From that moment on, she didn't look at me the same way anymore. On top of the love and adoration that was standard, I saw a new dimension growing in her gaze.


Something more natural.


Something instinctual.


My actions from earlier, I thought, must have brought down the wall...


And boy, was I ready for the flood.

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Next few chapters will be told from Eunjung's perspective.


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greenjade21 #1
Chapter 9: I know this has gone hiatus for so long but, I can't help not to comment. Seriously, you really had a good story here! So much believable ... Your story has brought me into different emotions and eagerness about wanting to know the real reason for Hwayoung's departure from T-ara, fiction or real and the love story between Qri and Eunjung and the unripe emotions and jealousy over Jiyeon?! Sad, that the possibility of knowing more about it is left questionable! It was a bit awesome story if not left hanging?! Just a wishful thinking?! Good luck authorssi! :)
Chapter 9: That's it??! Noooooooooo~~~ update more author-sshi!!! I'm like really in love with this story right now T_____T
nylerivers #3
i read this about a year ago, and i'm re-reading it now :) this is just one of those stories that i won't get tired reading over again, this story also made me join the hamkyul ship, i really really hope to see the end of this. and more stories from you too. <3
Xcs1212 #4
My favorite Eunjung story! She's so cute & romantic in it. Please update soon! :)
baekgu13695 #5
Hey author-ssi it's already been a year since you updated and i really miss ur updates;(
i hope u won't abandon us
baekgu13695 #6
author-ssi please update again,i really miss this story,please don't abandon us pretty please
Chapter 9: Update pleaseeeee: )))
Chapter 1: Please update ^__^ maybe Qri will get really jealous after what happened in Guangzhou concert when jiyeon grabbed Eunjung away and y dance her xD Lol weee can't wait for the update: )))))
marianpx1 #9
Chapter 9: Hello dear author, please, please update, you do not know the desire I have to read the next chapter. Please do not stop writing, I love your fanfic.
Fanficfans #10
Author ssi,i really didn't know when will you update,but i just want you to know that i'll be here until you comeback