The Lighthouse: Mystery Girl

The Lighthouse



It was our last day of vacation here in Jeju. It's been a month when we (EXO) received the good news from our CEO that we could go for a one week vacation. We were so excited when we heard that news because it's been a while since the last time we all went out together.

I could still remember that first day before we finally made a decision where we were going to spend our one-week vacation. And because Kris always has this motto of "majority wins", our Korean members got to choose the place where we're going to stay in. I thought it was going to be an unfair decision but the time we arrived here in Jeju Island, everything was truly fascinating that we immediately fell in love with the place.

We stayed here in a very huge vacation house that is owned by one of our seniors (I'm not going to say who... so just take a guess. ^^) From the veranda, you could see the entire breathtaking view of Jeju -- the blue sea, cool breeze and clear sky. Staying in South Korea has never been easy but seeing beautiful scenery like this makes me feel at home.

For our one-week stay here, I could tell that my fellow members really enjoyed everything. Kris bought a lot of souvenirs and new clothes -- this guys is really a shopaholic. Baozi (Xiumin) would also go with him but since he couldn't keep up with Kris' vanity, he would just go and eat with the other members. Lay enjoyed the serenity of the place so he spent most of his time alone with his guitar (I bet his writing new songs). Chen missed our Korean members too much so I often saw him playing with them. And our Tao did his favorite hobby -- strolling down the beach...alone and romantically. (doesn't sound right?)

Suho, like Lay, enjoyed spending his time alone. I saw him reading a book on the balcony and one time, he was taking photos of everything around him. Baekhyun and Chanyeol spent their time playing and laughing together. These two are really playful but their cheerful energy is so contagious that it made me smile just by looking at them. D.O is really like a mom that he often spent his time in the kitchen. He told me once that he was actually learning a new recipe and now he got the chance to do it, so we let him. But Kai was always bugging him and asking him to taste every food that he would prepare. And speaking of "bugging", there's our maknae, Sehun, who also bugged me and ranted about having no Bubble tea store around. I felt that he's really disappointed about it.

And there's me...who just watched all of them.

Since I'm close with everyone, I made sure to spend a little time with each one of them. Even though I'm closer to Sehun, I decided to have more time with other members too. But this place is so peaceful that I would also like to have some time alone. And just didn't find peace in this beautiful island -- I also found her.


"Hyung, eodiga?" Sehun caught me preparing to go out again.

"Sehun-ah, I think Lu Han gege is going to the lighthouse again." Chen already knew it.

The lighthouse.


That was the place I often visit. When I heard about the lighthouse, even though no one was allowed to go there, I didn't want miss the chance to visit it. I wanted to see the view of the entire island and feel the breeze of the wind from there. Just like what I saw in the movies or read from the books -- I wanted to have the same experience. But, I found something that kept me from going back to the lighthouse. It was her -- the mysterious girl I met in that place.

"Are you going to meet up with your mysterious girl again?" Kris asked.

"It seems like Lu Han hyung has fallen in love with her, eh?" Baekhyun added.

"That's not possible. He just met her, he didn't even know her name." I knew that Sehun would disagree with that thought.

"But, Lu Han ge ge, we also want to come with you. We want to see her too."  Tao said.

"Guys, you know that we can't go there since it's a forbidden place to go to." Suho reminded us.

"But Lu Han is just being role model..." Xiumin sarcastically said. I bet he also doesn't agree with this idea.

"Well, just let Lu Han guys. Anyway, it's our last day." After all, it's Lay who could totally understand me.

"I'll make sure to come back as soon as possible. Sehun-ah, just wait for me here, araji? And Lay, xie xie." I said before completely leaving.

"Hyung wait! Make sure to take a photo of her so we could see her too, araseo?" D.O and Chanyeol requested as I turned my back to them.

I just nodded and went off to the lighthouse.


For a week of coming here, this is the first time I came first. She's usually the one who does, but not today. Something happened, perhaps.

I sat down and decided to wait for her. The sunset is right before my eyes and it's so beautiful. I reminisced the first day I came here -- the first day I met her.


When I heard about the lighthouse, I immediately asked the caretaker to tell me where that is. I was already warned that everyone is prohibited to go there, but I didn’t care since I really wanted to see it.

I went there around the evening time when everyone was pretty busy unpacking their things. I was completely in awe when I saw the lighthouse -- it was more beautiful in real life. I slowly took a step to the top and an astonishing view greeted me. The entire Jeju island could be seen from here. I walked up a little more until I found a good spot to take some photos. But a presence surprised me -- a presence of a lady. She was standing on the side of the veranda. She was wearing a white dress and she has a very long black hair. The wind was gently touching her face and I could see how fair her skin was. She slowly turned to me and her stare made me froze.

"I'm sorry, I thought no one's here." I stuttered.

She just smiled and looked back to the scenery again. I could feel a friendly presence when she smiled so I didn\'t hesitate to take few steps towards her.

"Isn't this place beautiful?" she suddenly uttered. She inhaled some fresh air with her eyes closed and I did the same. The fresh air is so hypnotizing -- so was her beauty.

I tried my best not to stare at her for too long because she might notice me but her beautiful face had immensely captivated me.

"I thought no one's allowed to be here." I spoke to break her silence for a while.

"As long as you won't get caught, why worry?" she simply said. We both chuckled with her statement.

"You must be a foreigner; I can sense it with your accent."

"Yes, I'm a Chinese but I've been studying here in South Korea for 4 years now."

And that's how our conversation, or should I say, our little friendship started.



Author's note:

Thank you for reading... final chapter is next. Tell me what you think. ^^~

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ukisshinee_15 #1
Chapter 2: Remarkable... Please make a sequel for this~ ^_^
Chapter 2: can you make a sequel please?
Chapter 2: Beautiful :)) sequel
Chapter 2: whoa..!!! can you make a sequel of this..??its so nice.. :)) im looking forward for the sequel.. :))
Chapter 2: I want a sequel. Please please pretty please! This ending was so unexpected and sad... Even after reading the foreword. T^T But I really loved it. And the gif at the end made me smile. Luhan's growing on me now. But I still won't make him a bias because he belongs to Sehun. I'm a dedicated shipper. Even if it breaks my heart.
Chapter 1: It's cute. Luhan reminds me of me here. If I was on an island, a lighthouse is most probably where I would sneak off to. :-) The whole story seems calming to me, I don't know why. Maybe because it reminds me of my coll beach and the lighthouse I'm not supposed to go to (but I do anyways :D). Can't wait to read the final chapter.