And That's How It Happened


“Please don’t go. It’s not your fault. I was just…..just…..just stay here please. I really need someone right now,” Lee Seunghyun was almost begging her not to leave. Seohyun was speechless. Her thoughts were jammed. She didn’t know what to do in this kind of situation.

What should I do? He looks kinda sad, and I can’t possibly leave him; after giving some hard thoughts, she finally came to a decision and meekly returned to her seat next to him. From the corner of her eyes, she could see that he was smiling when she took the seat.

What’s wrong with him? I really don’t understand it. But I’ve at least got to help him soothe his….heck I don’t know if its anger or grief or…..whatever it is he’s feeling right now;  she rolled her eyes at him. He flashed her a smile.

If being by his side would help him out, even if it meant no talking; which was kind of awkward for her, than she would be more than happy to help. It was her nature to help others. Being the innocent and kind-hearted girl she was, she felt like it was her job to help him out.

The air was still the same between them; silent and awkward. His thoughts were wandering off somewhere else again. Seohyun reached into her bunny-shaped bag in search of her mp3. While looking for her mp3, she looked at the bag with a smile.

It was beyond all reason, a very stupid looking bag. No girls would ever want to be caught dead wearing it. But to her, the bag was very special; it had a sentimental value to it. Slowly, her thoughts started to wander back to the time when she got that bag. A smile crept along her lips as her mind vividly recaptured those moments.

She finally got out her mp3 and pushed the on button. While listening to her mp3, she took a glimpse at Lee Seunghyun and noticed that he was still caught in a deep trance. He was staring at the floor absentmindedly, and she couldn't stop wondering why.

I wonder what’s he thinking about; she resumed staring at him and his scrunched up face. Although she was curious, she didn't want to push her luck and ask him for some answers. 

After what feels like an eternity of sitting there, her eyes slowly started to feel heavy. Drowsiness descended on her as she felt herself getting sleepier and sleepier. 

She didn’t get enough sleep last night, due to the ongoing chit chat that she had with her unnies, who couldn’t stop talking to her about her first date.

I knew I shouldn’t have stayed up last night; she made a memo to herself as a reminder, to never stay up till late at night again. 

Her body was growing tired as her brain started to turn the music from her mp3 into a sweet lullaby that slowly swayed her to sleep. Soon, her eyes went shut and her whole body turned into sleeping-mode.

Unconsciously, her body rested against Lee Seunghyun’s, as her head fell on his shoulder. He was still lost in his thoughts when she laid her head on his broad shoulder. It instantly brought him back to reality. 

He looked at her and soon discovered that she was really sleeping. As cautious as Scot, he held her body with his arms and laid her on his lap. Now, Seohyun was comfortably sleeping on his lap. He bent his head down and stared at the sleeping girl.


He smiled at the sight of Seohyun drooling in her sleep. He shook his head and took out the earphone that was stuck to her ears. He looked around and found her bag; though not a handbag as he expected.

Oh, hell no! I know I’m not seeing a bunny-shaped bag. Who does she think she is? Alice in Wonderland; he smirked and reached for the bag. It was odd for him to see a grown-up, going around with a bag like that. Even for a twelve year old girl, it would still seem weird for him to see her wearing that bag.

Nonchalantly, he put her mp3 into the bag. He then put the bag on the floor without checking what was inside it; which was probably filled with girly-stuffs that he didn’t care. Besides, it was wrong to invade someone else privacy. 

After some time, Seohyun was still cradled away in her deep slumber. He stared at her face closely.

Wow! I never knew she was this pretty. She’s kinda cute too; unconsciously his hands gently caressed her face before moving on to her hair. He got carried away and kept on her long silky hair without realizing that her eyes were starting to flicker upon the contact. 

Suddenly she opened her eyes. He managed to get his hands away from her hair just in time. She rubbed her eyes and yawned at first. But when she saw his face staring down at her, she quickly sprung up from his lap and sat herself straight.

Owh…please don’t tell me that I actually just slept on his lap; her stomach started to do flips while her thoughts were running helter-skelter inside her worked out brain. Her face turned red and sweats started to form on her forehead profusely.

Lee Seunghyun on the other hand, remained calm and kept his cool. He too was actually, somewhat flustering like crazy. He stared at her face with a smile when he saw her expression. She stared at him back with an overly-serious look plastered on her face.

What’s he smiling about? Did he do something while I was asleep? God, I hope not; her thoughts channel was fuming with scenarios of the worst possibility. She looked at him like he was some kind of a -molester. He returned her glare with a smile; which left her even more confused.

“Umm…I’m sorry that I slept on your lap. It’s just that….” her words were cut off when he suddenly wiped with his thumb. No guy has ever done that before and it was surely something new to her. She didn’t know why he did it or what he was thinking, but the touch froze her every muscle and sparked a jolt of shock-waves across her nerves. She went numb upon the contact and just let him continue what he was doing.

“You have some drool on your mouth. Your face looked kinda funny. Sorry I had to use my thumb, I don't have a napkin,” he pulled away his hand from her delicate face. She may not know this, but he was also shocked at what he just did. He never thought that he would do something like that, especially to a girl like Seohyun, who he barely knows.

“Um…are you okay?”

“Huh…Oh, of course! Why wouldn’t I,” she fidgeted at her seat. She looked to her right, then up,  then left…..anywhere as long as she didn’t have to see his face. She knew that her face was scarlet red with embarrassment. She just didn’t want him to see her blushing.

“Wait a minute, where’s my bag?” it finally registered to her that her bunny-shaped bag wasn’t with her. She frantically looked around for it. Lee Seunghyun just shook his head while smiling at the younger girl.

“Don’t worry. Your bag is over here,” he lifted the silly-looking bag off the floor and waved it in front of her. Her heart took a plunge into a sea of relief as her eyes met with her bunny-shaped bag. Huh….what a relief.

She reached for her bag as he stifled a giggle at her silliness. Suddenly, something unexpected happened. Just as she was about to grab her bag, a guy snatched it from his hand, right before their very eyes. It happened so fast that it was like magic; now you see it, now you don’t.

“Yahh…..stop! Stop where you are mister. Give me my bag back,” Seohyun’s feet immediately sprang into action and chased after the snatch thieve. Funny thing was that, they were running like they were in the Olympic, but everyone else around there didn’t even took notice of them.

She was literally screaming and shouting like a grumpy old man that had just lost his health insurance, and nobody even cared. No one bothered to help her or stop the thief; it’s as if they weren’t even there.

Seohyun was still chasing the thief relentlessly. She wasn’t planning to let him go. The bag meant a lot to her and there were a lot of valuables inside it; including a packet of her favourite sweet-potato.

“Wow, she can run! Yo, lady! Stop chasing me already”

“Not until you give me my bag back, you…you….good for nothing you….,” even in this sort of situation, she still can’t throw some mean words. Go figure.

Lee Seunghyun was still dumbfounded with what had just happened. He was still sitting there, hands lurched out and smiling like an idiot. Both the snatch thief and Seohyun were now some good 100 meter away from the crime scene, but he was still there trying to gather his thoughts.

Seohyun was still running when they went out of the Gangnam Station. They were running in the streets now; yet still nobody paid attention to the cat and mouse chase. She didn’t want to lose her favourite bag. Little did she know, the thief had his brain working on a more sinister plan. He knew the streets like the back of his hand; he knew where to run, where to hide and where to have some lonely time with her. 

After a long chase, they finally ended up at an alley. It was a dead end. Both of them were breathing heavily after they had finished their marathon.

“I got you now…you….you….oh, forget it. Just hand over the bag,” she patted in a wavering voice; feeling disappointed that she still can’t curse at him.

“Really….you got me. Well I’d like to beg to differ,” befogged, her face contorted in confusion; she didn’t know what he was saying. The thief suddenly dropped the bag; which was a good thing, and approached her; which was a bad thing.

She knew now what was going on. The table was turned, and Seohyun lost the upper hand as she realized that there was no civilian to rush to her help now.

Her fear-stricken eyes met his mischievous eyes, as he got closer to her. Her heart was pounding out of control. To top it all up, her energy was slowly draining. Fatigue was gaining control over her and she felt like she was going to pass out. Her legs wobbled while her head was spinning vigorously.

“What’s wrong miss? Don't worry, I’m only gonna turn you into my…..” his words got stuck in his tongue as a shadowy figure aptly gave him a flying-kick right on the face. The momentum of the kick sent him flying into the air, before falling on the ground hard.

Everything started to seem blurry to Seohyun as fatigue began to reign supreme inside her body. Hazily, her eyes still could make out the figure of the thief that was starting to stand up again.

The thief was seeing stars now. His brain was still rattling inside his head. He cleared his vision and looked around in search of his assassin.

“Looking for me,” those were the last words that got catalogued in his brain, before his attacker grabbed hold of his waist from behind. Swiftly, his feet left the ground as his attacker brilliantly gave him a sublime German Suplex. The move did the trick and he was completely knocked out.

Seohyun was still struggling with herself. Her world was spinning like a top. Fatigue finally got the best of her and her legs eventually gave in. A blanket of total darkness covered her vision as her body gave in to the gravity that was pulling her down. However, a pair of strong hands managed to rescue her from falling flat on the ground.

“Seohyun-shii, Seohyun-shii……..”

End of flashback

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ShoutEric #1
Chapter 26: Awwwwww this was so crazy but dam that happy ending though :')
leciBlackJack #2
Chapter 26: waaaa~ really sweet lovey-dovey fanfic..
hoho, my soshibang fave couple after yulyang..! he~ thank's autornim.. ^^"
otp9snsd #3
Gtaeeeee! Forever my soshibang fave couple
kpopsters #4
i just love this!!! too cute~
Chapter 26: yaaaaay finally together
u're story is daebak <3
SeohyunorSica #6
Chapter 26: I freaking love this story!!!! Please read my story called seohyun and jinwoon and please entermy contest called a writing contest by totalseobaby27 and captaincasey.